Sunday, January 27, 2013

Reading The Daily Bread

Been reading "The Daily Bread" for years, they have a radio show which I catch now and then in the morning, either on 100.7 FM "The Word" or 90.9, golly I will have to look up the call letters for 90.9 in Dallas.  (KCBI0).  Had to look it up on the computer, how very odd of me, not to know to whom I was listening and what they were called.  Another early morning lesson.  Not to John Checki be more observant and keep those synaps firing day in and out rather than sleep walk through life.  You can find "The Daily Bread" web site at  

Proverbs 27:12  A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself;
The simple pass on and are punished.

How often could we keep this in mind and have improved our lives?  Not to worry today has enough troubles of its own not to worry or concern ourselves about yesterday or tomorrow.  Not to worry, or I choose to be happy can work us through from the silliness of worry to rational, productive, helpful, thoughts, or not.

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