Saturday, January 26, 2013

Getting It Done

Whether it is Dee Elliot and his crew of sheepdogs making keeping us safe, or Pastor Vincent Gaddis preaching The Word, we all have art to make and steps to take.  Oddly I was running an errand at Kroger's, paper towel, non chocolate energy bars for Suzi, bottled water, pineapple (just for fun, nothing like cutting up a fresh pineapple, thank God for the instructions), and of course banana's.  On my way in say an unmistakably homeless guy leaving the store.  He wore a warm looking black leather trench coat (heck, I have one just like that, too) over jeans and another jacket. Yet, he looked disoriented, hungry, thirsty and disoriented.  I finished the shopping, tried cheering up the depressed cash register woman and left the store.  As I was putting the groceries in the trunk I was reminded of the "somebody should do something" commercial or post.  You know you see someone in need, and we just go on down the road, saying someone should do something.

Yes, I walked over to the guy, handed him a bottle of water and an energy bar. He looked up and said, "Thank You."  I replied "God Bless."

Yes, he had a little refreshment, I hit the highlight of the day, doing something for some one who could not do anything for me, but give me the sense of serving others with no thought of anything but doing good and sharing the harvest of life.

Just a rambling thought, that I am sorry to say brings a tear to my eyes, cause I just don't do good nearly often enough.

Have Fun and Be Well.

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