Sunday, January 13, 2013

Moving Right Along

1.  Eliminate Fear, "My ship will come in over a calm sea."

2. Concentrate on what you want and feel you already have whatever it is you want.

3. "Fear knocked at the door, Faith openned the door, and no one was there."

4.  Eliminate:  3 Words:  (Repeat words you like and want and vision success and Faithful Life)
     Change words to reflect words that are used by successful people in life. 

"If you don't want it don't say it." 

"I can't afford"    eliminate, it is not I can't afford,

5.  Power in silence, sometimes, focus quietly and with God not our family and friends.  Dark silence of soil is where a seed begins to grow.  Keep silence until the results are completed, focus on what you would have done, and act like it is already done.  No need to be influenced by others.

6.  Write the check to pay the bill, let it sit on your desk, your mind will come up with the money in tune with the laws of God, who made and maintains the universe.  Stamp the Invoice "PAID"  Set up electronic payment on the due date, knowing the funds will show up on time. 

7.   Be Grateful

8.  Know yourself and what your purpose is in life.

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