Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Now That is a Coping Opportunity.

Really?  Yes, it is. Up and out early, walking about, enjoying the cool of the early morning before sunrise.  Not so fast.  Shower, gurgling, tube backing up, commode harmonizing. Home Warranty, send us a plumbing crew.  Wonder how that air conditioning work orders are coming along and the back ordered fan for the standing outside unit? Case to design and place, reservations (air and hotel to confirm and a parking slot to secure.)  Whoops, one is a day early two a day late.  This will be interesting.  Okay, it does workout, just will be there working rather than here working. Plumbing?  Oh, did they check your sewer line as part of the inspection?  I don't recall them doing that and we both know if they had, this problem of broken pipes would have blossomed in Spring rather than now in the Summer.  Just another learning experience.  Get all critical systems in your potential home checked in advance:  wiring, foundation, water, sewer, roof, pool (if you have one) air conditioning and heating.  What ever you do don't run out of ice for your drinks or wine for those who don't need the ice. Be a bold blessing in all circumstances.  This too will bless.

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