Saturday, February 2, 2013

Thank God, Ben Franklin and Thomas Edison For Electicity

Thank God, Ben Franklin and Thomas Edison For Electricity

Sitting at my desk, the desk that Jack Checki, my dad bought in 1958 at a local furniture store in NJ.  I was ten, a little boy in a furniture store. Golly, there was a raffle for a pair of tickets to Miami, Florida, and my dad won, no kidding.  No, the family did not buy 2 more tickets and go.  There was a ma, and brother as well as not so little Johnny in the family.  No, pop sold the tickets, bought a desk and chair.  Fifty-five years later I am still using that desk and chair today, right now in Dallas, Texas as a 65 year old CPA, CFP, CRC, writer, poet, thinker, tinker, and pecker at a keyboard. 

Back to God Ben and Thomas, electricity, not sure why it took me 65 years to figure this out at home and do it in my little farmhouse, but I took a little electric heater and putting it in under my desk.  Right where the feet and legs go.  The heat is refreshingly warm and delicious, practically warms the entire room starting with my legs and feet.  Thanks you Lord, and Ben and Thomas, one for making it, two for discovery it, and three for figuring out how to use and and making it happen.

John's Blogger

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