Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Putting In The Time and Effort

Putting In The Time and Effort, May or may not pay off and that is okay, the Joy is in the Journey, the experience, lessons learned and taught, meals consumed and prepared, love and love lost.  Seems a bit willowy to you?  Not to worry, I choose happiness, circumstances come and go.  My son the Youth Minister, finishes up his Youth Ministry profession, gets licensed and pursues a new career in financial services and insurance.  My sweet daughter eventually graduates college, works in Houston in Human Resources for a major oil servicing company.  Both are married and have children, five in all. Me? I am that loud laugh in the back of the audience or giving a mini lecture on how to have fun and still have money while I wait for "Ready Aim, Influence" to be published.  I study, work, workout, cook, clean, raise a glass, and am enjoying the journey, day in and day out, every ding dong day.

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