Givers and Takers
Per Dr. Wendy James, her dad said, "Takers eat better but Givers sleep better." Happy to report some of us sleep better than others. Yet, we can enjoy a good steak as well. So, what is the point, we all have our nature, but isn't it grand to walk into a room and people are happy to see us? Rather than go hide in a corner? Yep, I do think it is so.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Putting In The Time and Effort
Putting In The Time and Effort, May or may not pay off and that is okay, the Joy is in the Journey, the experience, lessons learned and taught, meals consumed and prepared, love and love lost. Seems a bit willowy to you? Not to worry, I choose happiness, circumstances come and go. My son the Youth Minister, finishes up his Youth Ministry profession, gets licensed and pursues a new career in financial services and insurance. My sweet daughter eventually graduates college, works in Houston in Human Resources for a major oil servicing company. Both are married and have children, five in all. Me? I am that loud laugh in the back of the audience or giving a mini lecture on how to have fun and still have money while I wait for "Ready Aim, Influence" to be published. I study, work, workout, cook, clean, raise a glass, and am enjoying the journey, day in and day out, every ding dong day.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Thought I Had Already Done This
Thought I had already done this, that's what I get for rising before 5AM, scurrying about collecting some new information, signing up for a course in e-book writing, buying some new vitamins, and going to the Y, then the office, then Park Place Lexus, then finishing up a case preparation, then presenting the case and a couple of asset reallocations, and case design phone calls. Golly forgot bid on a dining room table, and started my ebay advertisement for my soon to be for sale John Deere L110 lawn tractor. Just seems like I don't get much done, until I list it out.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Getting Later
All the time. So, what are we doing with our most precious resource? Time? Are we listening and learning or showing off and telling? Boasting about or serving The Lord? Just curious.
What If
What if writing just like any pleasure became addictive? Just think, we get in the morning, do a little stretching, meditate, read The Bible, pray, smile, breathe deeply, and write, whether it is with a tablet, or laptop, or smarter than me phone? Wouldn't that be a good use of time, especially if we had something to say? Something to Say? We each have expertise, could be on having a vision, setting it to writing with a dead line thus calling it a plan, with steps, little ones building momentum, then bigger steps and perhaps even a track record to go along with the plan, the actions, the path followed? Then wisdom, and the chance to mentor? Sure, that sounds like fun. And for you?
Oh Well
Yes, That was me mugging for the camera just off the coast of Cozumel. Good times were had by all once we settled in and understood how the resort worked. Much like today, we can settle down, get up off the chair and do our work figuratively and literally or not.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Daytona 500
Have no idea why this is such a big race, but it just must be. Could be the location, the angle of the track or the fact it opens up the season for NASCAR. Just is.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Muddlin or is it muddling? Yes, in Dallas, Texas we do have 'g' we don't use is as much as we should when our tongues or fingers get lazy. Yet, after a Sodom and Gomorrah Wine dinner at the club who can tell which way is up or down or if it should be an 'e' or an 'a' in correspondence? Why read this? Occasionally on a Saturday, a moment of whimsy is more than okay. Wouldn't you agree?
Friday, February 22, 2013
Feelings? Don't we all have them? Goes back to winning losing, and learning from each and every experience. Being Grateful and full of Hope, mixing in vision, determination and passionate purpose, along with good counsel, and spell checker. Let's smile, take a deep breath and enjoy the Mix.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Enjoying The Journey
Why? Choose to by happy, or choose happiness, beats the sadness life can deliver if we choose to quiver rather than listen, learn, modify, consult, pull back, look ahead, get wise counsel, and have a good laugh between breaths.
Rhythm and Rime
Rhythm and Rime, somehow help us through time. Thrown off a little just even half a bubble as they say in construction, and whoops it is all off and out of alignment. So we adjust, put in a shim, re plumb, repair, realign, and hang the string to make sure it all works. Naturally we do the very same thing in our days even as early as making coffee, shining our boots, and reading the Bible. So, have fun with it and be well. Circumstances come and go. The sun continues to rise in the East and set in the West. It all works out.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Not Sure
If it is early or late. Really does not matter, it is simply now, which last time I looked is all anyone really has.
In time we gain traction or we simply give up. The funny part? If we are determined we may or may not stick it out. If we are full of vision, purpose, and passion, with a definite end in mind, and quitting is not an option, we continue to enjoy the journey, the experience and we may or may not get to what you would call a success yet, we are having the time of our lives daily. Much better way to live than merely getting by from morning until the next day, unless that is okay with you. No worries, no judgement, just a difference of opinion.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Here Is The Other News
Ain't quitting, no, not for lack of spelling skills, or even content, will continue to scratch away in search of progress, regress, and in time, a message worth writing, reading, remembering and applying ,not to mention spreading about.
Still Scratching Away
Why is that exactly, Pop? Well, son there are lessons to learn, and one is how to consistently have a habit worth having, which in time will continue to put Joy in the Journey, along with a valuable experience or two, and keep the mind, body and spirit working together for a purpose.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Know Thy Self
Know Thy Self: Yep, I thought that was a pretty simple question. Until I started asking other people to give me their answers. Holy Cow, apparently much to my surprise, lots of people run through life, not knowing much of anything about them selves, not sure why or how that happens, so dear friend. Take the time and put in the effort to know yourself. Okay?
Sunday, February 17, 2013
The Joy Of Sunday
The Joy Of Sunday
It can be quiet and peaceful or full of the intense activity service can bring. Either way let's do it well and with both passion and compassion. Okay?
It can be quiet and peaceful or full of the intense activity service can bring. Either way let's do it well and with both passion and compassion. Okay?
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Still Scratching The Surface
Still scratching the surface to one write something worth reading and remembering, that which has snap crackle, and pop, on from here to there and back again, along with locating the portal to the outside so someone other than myself can see it and use it and improve the thought. Okay?
Friday, February 15, 2013
Think I Found The Door
To get out of the invisible space out into the open space of the Internet. Not sure why it took 52 hits to do it, but oh well, it happened today if memory serves me. Yet, what else has changed? We have additional information about our home another home, the mortgage possibilities, the Easter egg hunt for lost keys, and documents, documenting, signing, faxing and scanning, along with raise a glass to triumphs realized and disasters avoided all during the carrying on of business and providing service. Taking a deep relaxing breath now and again, wondering why it takes so long to do so little sometimes no matter how quickly we talk, move, write or fax.
Enjoy The Writing
Learn how to share it with more than just us. Yes, It is great to write, whether in a notebook or an iPad, yet, the purpose is to share it, looking forward to learning how sooner or later.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Too Silly For Words
Too Silly For Words
Happens we have ages and stages each with its wisdom, and silliness. Luckily there are mentors, coaches and guides along the way capable of providing bits of wisdom, along with Scripture, to remind us of the yes and no goes of this world.
Happens we have ages and stages each with its wisdom, and silliness. Luckily there are mentors, coaches and guides along the way capable of providing bits of wisdom, along with Scripture, to remind us of the yes and no goes of this world.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Trying that again
When we do not know what we are doing, trying a bit of this and that. Con look just as silly as not trying.
Moving Right Along
Moving right along. Just love when someone with an authoritative voice and no license to practice gives me their opinion as if it were a fact, and those around me accept it as if it were the law. Silly, stuff, yet, it is not unlike someone being told what they want to hear whether it is true or not, but it fits the desired outcome. Just silly or is it delusional?
How Can I Help?
How Can I Help?
Question we ask ourselves everyday, I hope. Then take a listening break, to truly understand the answer, repeat back the answer in the other person's language, for clarification, make a plan, tag a set of measurements so we know we have been successful, and do the right thing in the right way for the right reason.
Question we ask ourselves everyday, I hope. Then take a listening break, to truly understand the answer, repeat back the answer in the other person's language, for clarification, make a plan, tag a set of measurements so we know we have been successful, and do the right thing in the right way for the right reason.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
There's More To It Than That
There's More To It Than That
Really? Last time I looked there was the obvious, nothing like learning how to spell a word at a time, never mind the correct pronunciation, along the way, and the underlying reasons, often called reading between the lines. Why Bother? Difference between being aware and no where, I think.
Really? Last time I looked there was the obvious, nothing like learning how to spell a word at a time, never mind the correct pronunciation, along the way, and the underlying reasons, often called reading between the lines. Why Bother? Difference between being aware and no where, I think.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Oh My Aching Back?
Oh my aching
Back? Not sure how that happened, yet, a little ache now and then I a wonderful reminder of the gift of health, energy, grace, Hope, Love, and Joy.
Back? Not sure how that happened, yet, a little ache now and then I a wonderful reminder of the gift of health, energy, grace, Hope, Love, and Joy.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Post Time
(1) John J Checki Jr.: Post Time
Put a smile on our faces, take a big life enriching breath, fill our minds with Joy and Hope. Choose happy over sad. Sure there are snowdrifts back East war and famine right here in sections of town yet let's start the trend of revelation. Hope never fails the Bible tells us. Love conquers all save bad spelling. Have fun with the time and make great use of it. That's my two cents and You can Keep the change. John Checki 's Blog
Put a smile on our faces, take a big life enriching breath, fill our minds with Joy and Hope. Choose happy over sad. Sure there are snowdrifts back East war and famine right here in sections of town yet let's start the trend of revelation. Hope never fails the Bible tells us. Love conquers all save bad spelling. Have fun with the time and make great use of it. That's my two cents and You can Keep the change. John Checki 's Blog
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Life Is A Beach
We love it or hate it. Waves come in and out, sand is everywhere, it can be peaceful and deserted like up in Maine, or as crowded as NJ. Yet, there is water, sky, sun, adventure down below and above, just like where we are right at this moment. We can see it, and live the dream or be engulfed. Have Fun with it, and I look forward to seeing your stories. John
We love it or hate it. Waves come in and out, sand is everywhere, it can be peaceful and deserted like up in Maine, or as crowded as NJ. Yet, there is water, sky, sun, adventure down below and above, just like where we are right at this moment. We can see it, and live the dream or be engulfed. Have Fun with it, and I look forward to seeing your stories. John
Friday, February 8, 2013
Every Day
No exceptions, we get up, move about, read scripture, pray, meditate, write, put a smile on our face, spring in our step, and not just endure, but live with Joy Peace and Hope. It is a good and life filling series, wouldn't you agree?
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Okay, What's Your Story?
No, kidding, What is your story, how do you justify your.............................
Working Away
Working Away
Every day, yes, many people have day in and day out, punch in or show up jobs. Writers, poets, photographers, artists, actors, not so much of a schedule. Yet if we are to do the work, put in the time, whether it is the ten years of intense effort to hit mastery, or meander away our lives to simply drift is entirely up to us, yet it is a daily decision. Put in the time, make the effort, study, learn, do, and in time, who knows.
That's my two cents and you can keep the change, John Checki
Every day, yes, many people have day in and day out, punch in or show up jobs. Writers, poets, photographers, artists, actors, not so much of a schedule. Yet if we are to do the work, put in the time, whether it is the ten years of intense effort to hit mastery, or meander away our lives to simply drift is entirely up to us, yet it is a daily decision. Put in the time, make the effort, study, learn, do, and in time, who knows.
That's my two cents and you can keep the change, John Checki
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Post Time
Meaning, time to get up and after it. Luckily I have listened to some amazing people and some simply doing my job and then some folks over the years. Wonderful treat to be learning something new every ding dong day, and on a good one, offering a helpful hint or two that improves lives. Read a helful hint from Kristen Howe last night, 80 20 rule, we have all heard of it, yet do we spend our time on the 80 or the 20? So, the moral, spend 80% of our time on the 20% that generates the most return for our efforts, time and energy.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Taking The Next Step
Taking The Next Step
Does not matter in which direction, yes, I know activity should not be confused with action, and that experience is the worst teacher since as someone once said, experience: we get the examination first then the instruction. Yet, moving right along, regardless of the results? Yes, we do need to get up off the couch and do something, consistently, that is how, it seems to work, early or late in the day.
Does not matter in which direction, yes, I know activity should not be confused with action, and that experience is the worst teacher since as someone once said, experience: we get the examination first then the instruction. Yet, moving right along, regardless of the results? Yes, we do need to get up off the couch and do something, consistently, that is how, it seems to work, early or late in the day.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Reversing the Process
Yes, composing the blogg right here on F.B. First time taking it in that order. Monday the day after the Super Bowl. More appointments scheduled this week than I can remember, two new computer systems to get working and fit for presenting, paperwork to complete, yet, why not enjoy the journey and laugh along the way. Super Bowl party full of the sweetest kindest people I know, and yet, so very lost in the most important sense of lost. Not sure how to begin to respond to that and yet, I am instructed on eactly what to do and how to do it. Stay tuned.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Let's Take A Break
Let's Take a Break
So, we will have the energy to move right along as we get moving. Okay, let's get started, NOW.
So, we will have the energy to move right along as we get moving. Okay, let's get started, NOW.
Nothing Like
A new adventure to help us develop our coping skills. Gathering this and that, compiling, reviewing, and passing it on and on. In time, the hassle and gathering will change the game and we will enjoy the ride, it is the getting starte part that makes it a bit..............................
Saturday, February 2, 2013
We are a unique bunch growing smaller in numbers but greater in influence daily. Let's make this day count for something worth living and remembering. Okay?
John Checki Blogger 2 February 2103
We are a unique bunch growing smaller in numbers but greater in influence daily. Let's make this day count for something worth living and remembering. Okay?
John Checki Blogger 2 February 2103
Thank God, Ben Franklin and Thomas Edison For Electicity
Thank God, Ben Franklin and Thomas Edison For Electricity
Sitting at my desk, the desk that Jack Checki, my dad bought in 1958 at a local furniture store in NJ. I was ten, a little boy in a furniture store. Golly, there was a raffle for a pair of tickets to Miami, Florida, and my dad won, no kidding. No, the family did not buy 2 more tickets and go. There was a ma, and brother as well as not so little Johnny in the family. No, pop sold the tickets, bought a desk and chair. Fifty-five years later I am still using that desk and chair today, right now in Dallas, Texas as a 65 year old CPA, CFP, CRC, writer, poet, thinker, tinker, and pecker at a keyboard.
Back to God Ben and Thomas, electricity, not sure why it took me 65 years to figure this out at home and do it in my little farmhouse, but I took a little electric heater and putting it in under my desk. Right where the feet and legs go. The heat is refreshingly warm and delicious, practically warms the entire room starting with my legs and feet. Thanks you Lord, and Ben and Thomas, one for making it, two for discovery it, and three for figuring out how to use and and making it happen.
John's Blogger
Sitting at my desk, the desk that Jack Checki, my dad bought in 1958 at a local furniture store in NJ. I was ten, a little boy in a furniture store. Golly, there was a raffle for a pair of tickets to Miami, Florida, and my dad won, no kidding. No, the family did not buy 2 more tickets and go. There was a ma, and brother as well as not so little Johnny in the family. No, pop sold the tickets, bought a desk and chair. Fifty-five years later I am still using that desk and chair today, right now in Dallas, Texas as a 65 year old CPA, CFP, CRC, writer, poet, thinker, tinker, and pecker at a keyboard.
Back to God Ben and Thomas, electricity, not sure why it took me 65 years to figure this out at home and do it in my little farmhouse, but I took a little electric heater and putting it in under my desk. Right where the feet and legs go. The heat is refreshingly warm and delicious, practically warms the entire room starting with my legs and feet. Thanks you Lord, and Ben and Thomas, one for making it, two for discovery it, and three for figuring out how to use and and making it happen.
John's Blogger
Friday, February 1, 2013
OMG, Oh My God
OMG, Oh My God
You fill out paperwork, only to discover, that we are not done we have merely just begun. Oddly, not much of a surprise but in time, it at first does not make us laugh out loud, no if makes us angry, when we should instead, laugh right out loud and say, "that's all right, just keep it to yourself." No worries, nor any hurries.
John Checki
You fill out paperwork, only to discover, that we are not done we have merely just begun. Oddly, not much of a surprise but in time, it at first does not make us laugh out loud, no if makes us angry, when we should instead, laugh right out loud and say, "that's all right, just keep it to yourself." No worries, nor any hurries.
John Checki
Building Momentum
John's Blogger:
Building Momentum
Really does not matter what we are doing as long as we are doing something. No kidding. Heck, it could be just doing our best to take in a great big refreshing breath of energy giving air, or getting well. Yes, I have family and friends who need to do no more than breathe, smile and get well and be at peace with the process. The rest of us have work to do, so lets not get busy, lets get productive, while doing the right thing in the right way for the right reason.
That's my two cents and you can keep the change. John Checki
Building Momentum
Really does not matter what we are doing as long as we are doing something. No kidding. Heck, it could be just doing our best to take in a great big refreshing breath of energy giving air, or getting well. Yes, I have family and friends who need to do no more than breathe, smile and get well and be at peace with the process. The rest of us have work to do, so lets not get busy, lets get productive, while doing the right thing in the right way for the right reason.
That's my two cents and you can keep the change. John Checki
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