A little crumpled waiting for a breeze and the game.
In a few hours, flew proudly.
The Game?
Magnificent, touchdowns, great defense and positions maintained.
The secret? Wonderful hardworking dedicated, coaches, players, support staff and administration.
The Alumni and Fans, it was Home Coming, just another three years and it will be my 50th.
Last year was different, struggling quarterback, kicker, running backs, coaches
Injuries, one after another. Who felt like quitting, some did, others pressed on,
Still others joined the team and inspired their team mates and coaches to not just press on
But to improve, listen, learn, change, improve, and go from no where to number four in the country.
Really? We too can listen, learn, press on, be coached and prosper in every sense of the word.
Successful people are a little bit different? Yes, there is no quit.