Monday, December 18, 2017

Wasn't That Fun, Do The Right Thing

Do The Right Thing

The good mood will follow

Friday, December 8, 2017

The Loony Tunes of Today

Wow, Texting hate messages from an FBI agent,
Congressman and Senators surprised by the evidence of sexual.......
Judges ignoring the law.
Golly, welcome to the ciaos of the day.
How I wonder has the stock market done well, employment up, the enthusiasm of life?
Nice to see the truth rising.
Have fun with it. 

Friday, November 24, 2017

Be Thankful and Forgiving

Was not all that long ago, our home was new to us
We wanted  Nana, Stephanie, Corey, Kory, Cameron, J.J., Christa, Sarah, Elizabeth, and Zechariah 
To see it and enjoy our new home, 
The Adventure began and continue.
Be Thankful and Forgiving
Treasure our Blessings, and memories along with the future to come our way.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Now That Wasn't Funny

Vintage pictures of the Gentile family.
Top picture: Peter, Willie, Francis, Papa Peter, and Jimmy.
Uncles and grandfather to me.
Next picture? Peter Gentile marries Ms. Moretti, whose first name escapes me, 
The Gentiles lived two blocks from where I grew up,
We did not see them all that often, despite playing stick ball right in front of their home.
Oh well, happy to have found these pictures while sorting through my mom's photo album.
Have fun be well, and Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Wow, That Was Funny

A little mist over the park, lovely.
This has been an interesting couple of weeks with various pieces of technology breaking down.
The repairs have been completed, old friendships renewed, files updated,
Wish I could say and a good time was had by all.
As a wise woman once said, if this will be funny later, let it be funny now.
Be well, and Full of Joy

Monday, November 13, 2017

Have Fun With It

It is Monday, Oh Boy, new computer hard drive, encrypted, and ready to go,
More programs to load, calls to return, directions to give, 
Adventures in all directions

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Be Happy & Have Fun This Day!

Opportunity and Beauty in all directions.
Be Happy, simply smiling choice, regardless of........................
Have Fun? Watch little kids enjoy being alive, we can 2.
Not a slip, but an fizzlin character.
Smile as often as we can,
We are getting better and better every day, say it believe it, attitude and feelings, strength improve.
Give it a try.
Have a great day, week, month, year, life.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Push For Greatness

Little Bitty Christian school knocking on the door of athletic greatness?
Sure is, not just in football, but in baseball and basketball, volley ball, soccer, shooting etc.
That extends their front porch, and yes, inspires the little guy overcomes big guns attitude.
Win out boys, and make us proud, let the pollsters do what they do
Realize the big boys with massive alumni who fill stadiums will always get the breaks,
We make our own, thanks to the skills the Good Lord gave us along with implementation.
Have fun, be well, and stay healthy, with Joy and Passionate Purpose.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

It Looks Like An Almost Full Moon

Full Moon?
Not one of my favorites.
"Cause, stuff goes a little nuts, tides, traffic, human behavior, I just take a double take and
A long deep pause for reflection.
Suggest it as an alternative,
Bouncing along in the popcorn popper of chaos.
Lovely, and enjoy.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Don't Feel Like It? Really?

A little crumpled  waiting for a breeze and the game.
In a few hours, flew proudly.
The Game?
Magnificent, touchdowns, great defense and positions maintained.
The secret? Wonderful hardworking dedicated, coaches, players, support staff and administration. 
The Alumni and Fans, it was Home Coming, just another three years and it will be my 50th.
Last year was different, struggling quarterback, kicker, running backs, coaches
Injuries, one after another.  Who felt like quitting, some did, others pressed on,
Still others joined the team and inspired their team mates and coaches to not just press on
But to improve, listen, learn, change, improve, and go from no where to number four in the country.
Really? We too can listen, learn, press on, be coached and prosper in every sense of the word.
Successful people are a little bit different? Yes, there is no quit.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Enjoy The Day?

Whether it is pitching a dome tent in the den and watching an entertaining movie with grandchildren
Simply taking in a deep refreshing breath of air and enjoying the energy it brings,
Being there on the couch cheek to cheek with my wife Suzi,
Thanking God for the Love, and Joy life brings on a moment to moment basis
No matter what just did or did not happen.
Have fun with it
Go out and love your life.

Monday, October 9, 2017

The Long Good Bye, To Nana

That was 2013, my mother came over with Stephanie to see the new home.
A happy day which does not seem all that long ago,
It is a life time ago.
Just think, one of us is moving right along and one is in heaven.
Live long enough and that is how it goes

Saturday, October 7, 2017

A Not Young? Man's Day?

Up and wrapped up?
Just a couple of Blessed days ago.
Now, 24 hours a day Hospice waiting for the end of this life on earth to be replaced by
We believe in the life after death in Heaven.
Yes we do.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Hate and Violence, Make No Sense

Prayers to those families affected by the recent violence in Las Vegas, and France, and so many
Other places not yet reported.
What to do next? Encourage eachother, be kind, pray, have faith
Do our work, yes, do our work with passion and purpose.
Each of us has work to do, Let's do it well with Joy.

Sunday, October 1, 2017


How grand it is to be aware and awake.
Maintaining? Exercise, be active, eat healthy, keep our brains nimble, socialize with loved ones,
Visit with people in person, laugh, smile, be curious, learn, listen, be engaged, be enthusiastic,
As so many have said before me,
Why not eat food that has only one ingredient?
Oh, certain fats are good, what wonderful news.
Have fun and be well.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

The Most Amazing Aid Tricycle

We were at a Botanic Garden in Maine, and saw this gentlemen on his unique Tricycle.
It is a little company and it is so very liberating for those in need of one.
Rolls well and folds easily.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Smile and Be Of Good Cheer

Choose to Smile, and Spread The Good News.
Consider it all Joy.

Monday, September 11, 2017


There is a hatred in this world 
We need to be aware of God's Plan
Evil's opposition to God's Plan.
Let's go with God.
Peace be with you.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Happy Labor Day

Do we kick back rest, relax, recover, and celebrate?
Do we have  couple of we get to do chores, first?
Let's have Joy with it.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Back Home, In Texas, and Loving It

Our pool side garden, with flourishing Lantana,

Sunday, August 27, 2017

New adventures and foliage, lovely.
Yet, there is more to it than that.
Design, planning, cultivating, planting, weeding, feeding, watering, trimming, and taking it in.
How nice.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Widows and Widowers? Another Step

Some Backward others Forward, another Sideways.

What a pretty  powerful waterfall right here in Richardson at a park right along my route to the office,
Make it a point to pass it and enjoy it daily and sometimes twice a day.
Suggestion? As you and I commute or walk about, take in what is pleasing, savor, and share it.
It can give solace, while our scrambled egg brains reorient and get back to now and less about then.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Widow? Widower? Steps

Another Step in the recovery back to fully engaged life?
Take a deep breath, if we are lucky enough to be about to go out for a walk or work out, Do It.
Simplify life, keys on key hook, glasses in case in the same spot, simple meals, plenty of rest.
Treat yourself well, and listen twice as hard as usual
Realize, life is going on, and we can rejoin it at our own pace.
Remember do not let people should on you.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Widow and Widower? Point of View

A wise lady once or twice said and wrote:
Do not let people should on you.
Why? Golly Miss Molly, everyone and their cat have an opinion we are dying and crying to share.
On a good day, that might be wonderful, on another, not exactly what we wanted or needed at all.
Look for a little kindness, a smile, a soft touch on the shoulder, a treat, or simply a sigh.
Breathe deeply and slowly. A new stage of life has been introduced. We can adopt or not.
Yet, in the beginning, middle and end game of life, 
Being of good cheer beats the heck........
Out of being a bitter older than our years but no wiser for it demeanor. 
Point of View? Not happy to be suddenly single, and coping with the new rebirth of life.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Widow? Widower? First Step

If we are blessed with family, loving?  Great, if not, Family.
Call visit, sit together, no words necessary in either direction.
A cup of tea, a cookie or scone, a smile.
Nothing more needed just yet.
It is just the first step.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Be A Bright Light and Blessing

Inspired, uplifting and full of God's Grace.
Have Fun and Be Well.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


As time marches on one of us won't be here to pose for the next family filled picture.
It has happened, not to Nana or me just yet,
It did happen to one of my little daughters and Janice, my wife of 19 years,
One sad day in March 1999.
Gee that was a long time ago, and I run into other guys who woke up one day
Whoops, they were suddenly Single.
Stay tuned for updates.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Pressing On and On

Sunny and Hot, sun glasses, plenty of water and a long billed ball/golf cap.
Moving right along regardless, on a mission with passionate purpose.
Say Sayin

Friday, July 14, 2017

Are We Ready?

Are We Ready for What?
Today, tomorrow and our future, Lord willing?
Having a Vision of what we would like to see in our lives, is so very helpful.
Wouldn't you agree?

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Honey, Can You Please Help Me, I'm A Widower?

     I heard a police radio pulling up into our driveway. The car door opened, the tall young policeman's shoes crunched on our pebbled driveway. Loud knocking on our front door followed.  "Are You John Checki?" Yes. "Yo"Wu need to call the Medical Examiners Office in Austin.  Do you want the number?" Officer, is my wife deceased? "Would you like their number?"  He would not answer except for the phone number. I called Austin, and got voice mail.  Waited two minutes which seemed like a life time, and finally reached someone.  "The medical examiner handling this case is not in."  Okay, can you tell me if my wife is dead?  "I can't really comment."  Sir, I left a message, and I am begging you to get permission to talk to me please.  "Mr. Checki your wife Helen Janice Checki was killed on I-35 just outside of Buda. Sorry."

Monday, July 10, 2017

It Is On Us.

How lovely, we have had rain the last four or five days in Dallas, Texas.
Happens at night for a couple of minutes to a couple of hours.
The lawns are loving it, the cars parked outside are wearing it,
We have adventure in the sky.
Hope you have not been flying through it.
Yet, in the end we own how we respond to what is and what is not.
Have fun with it.

Saturday, July 8, 2017


We office on the 15th floor of this building, we are grateful for the space and view
Wonderful place to hang our art and lovingly help our clients
Discover and pursue their dreams in life.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Pay Your Own Way

Within a stone's throw of the USS Midway, a tribute to two who were living when freedom
was at risk and well defended by people who postponed their own lives for the good
Freedom, of Liberty, Speech, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Could the same be said of us?

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Happy, Healthy, Blessed, and Grateful Fourth of July,

Let Freedom, Responsibility, and Passionate Purpose Ring.
We can celebrate and communion with family and friends and perhaps see fireworks.
Remember those who served and did not make it back as well as those who served 
Are still working through the scares, scars and haunting memories of the horror of  harm's way.
Thank you Veterans, Police, Firemen, and citizens who serve eachother in so many ways.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

In The End

In The End,
We make our choices, preparation, and participation.
Let's enjoy the Journey and do it with Passionate Purpose.

Friday, June 23, 2017

The Joy Of Significance is Paradise?

I'll admit it, I like flowers, and taking pictures of flowers along with coral when I'm scuba diving
It is the texture, color, contrast and sheer beauty of flowers and coral that capture my eye.
Paradise? I am told is found in the Joy of Significance.
Let's do our leading and following well today and bring and feel the Joy of Significance all day long.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Procrastination Is Our Friend?

I am learning about this.
What should we procrastinate about today?
Will wait to see how that turns out.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Live Honestly

With Joy and Passionate Purpose, if we are lucky enough to recognize it.
Smile and spread the Joy of the Good News and the wonders of life.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Be Encouraged

Take a deep refreshing breath of air, savor the joy associated with it.
Smile, consider it all Joy.
Then let's get busily productive.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Happy Saturday, To All Y'all.

Nothing quite as delightful as spring with its flowers.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Great to have goals, whether it is to be the most positive person anyone will see today,
To fail the grumpy old man test today
Help guide folks to make decisions that should help them not just have goals
To have attained the goals while living the life of their dreams.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Excuse Me?

What's happening? In the office, at home, with our view, and family and cars, and health?
Just curious.

One Step At A Time

Born in 1948? Notice how many of our friends and neighbors talk about:
Sickness, decease, scams, problems?
Golly, what negative self talk and conversation.
Who wants to be part of that discussion?
Not me, sorry, now I am happy to help identify and address a situation and plan a defense.
Hard to just sit and listen again and again with no end in sight.
Forgive and move on to a more pleasant life and thought process.
Enjoy and treasure each breath, call or visit your mom or dad if still alive,
Clean up our rooms, one step at a time.
Be gentle, kind, and loving.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Believe Well

I take pictures of flowers, coral, turtles, stingrays, the clouds in the sky, and of course grandchildren.
We plant, water ,weed, and hope for the best in our gardens and in life as well.

Friday, June 9, 2017


Sure there are little frustrations in life, listen, learn, make the appropriate learned response
Go on down the road a little wiser.
Consider it all Joy while we are doing it together.

Monday, June 5, 2017

A New Day, The Adventure Continues

Thank You for sticking with it and making it happen.
It is our pleasure to be there for you and with you make no mistake about it.
Back from a one week cruise and related getting there and back adventure.
News from our home office unfolds their plans and how we can best serve our clients.
Looking forward to visiting with clients and reviewing what is and what is not prudent.
Have Fun and Be Well.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Plugging Along? 2017

There used to be two people in that shot, my mother and me.
Well, Nana is at Avalon Quarterway Memory Care, and I'm the one taking the picture.
What happened? Her memory went and it was time to get her some help.
Me? I am so very Favored, still plugging along, researching, writing, consulting, helping
Enjoying the heck along the way
Nice to be loved, respected, and learning just like a little child full of wonder and joy.
Thanks for sharing the journey.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Watch and Use Our Tone of Voice Properly

Who would have thought, Tone of Voice along with Enunciation, Inflection, Volume, Clarity
Has even more influence than the choice of words?
Not that I enjoy this observation, yet, it has been said and experienced.
Enjoy and Deploy.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Here's What We Do Know?

We are a nation of laws.
Without laws, we have chaos, disorder, and disintegration of civilization.
Land of the Free, Home of the Brave?
That's us, and I can't remember when there was not some struggle or other bursting about.