Sunday, August 27, 2017

New adventures and foliage, lovely.
Yet, there is more to it than that.
Design, planning, cultivating, planting, weeding, feeding, watering, trimming, and taking it in.
How nice.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Widows and Widowers? Another Step

Some Backward others Forward, another Sideways.

What a pretty  powerful waterfall right here in Richardson at a park right along my route to the office,
Make it a point to pass it and enjoy it daily and sometimes twice a day.
Suggestion? As you and I commute or walk about, take in what is pleasing, savor, and share it.
It can give solace, while our scrambled egg brains reorient and get back to now and less about then.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Widow? Widower? Steps

Another Step in the recovery back to fully engaged life?
Take a deep breath, if we are lucky enough to be about to go out for a walk or work out, Do It.
Simplify life, keys on key hook, glasses in case in the same spot, simple meals, plenty of rest.
Treat yourself well, and listen twice as hard as usual
Realize, life is going on, and we can rejoin it at our own pace.
Remember do not let people should on you.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Widow and Widower? Point of View

A wise lady once or twice said and wrote:
Do not let people should on you.
Why? Golly Miss Molly, everyone and their cat have an opinion we are dying and crying to share.
On a good day, that might be wonderful, on another, not exactly what we wanted or needed at all.
Look for a little kindness, a smile, a soft touch on the shoulder, a treat, or simply a sigh.
Breathe deeply and slowly. A new stage of life has been introduced. We can adopt or not.
Yet, in the beginning, middle and end game of life, 
Being of good cheer beats the heck........
Out of being a bitter older than our years but no wiser for it demeanor. 
Point of View? Not happy to be suddenly single, and coping with the new rebirth of life.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Widow? Widower? First Step

If we are blessed with family, loving?  Great, if not, Family.
Call visit, sit together, no words necessary in either direction.
A cup of tea, a cookie or scone, a smile.
Nothing more needed just yet.
It is just the first step.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Be A Bright Light and Blessing

Inspired, uplifting and full of God's Grace.
Have Fun and Be Well.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


As time marches on one of us won't be here to pose for the next family filled picture.
It has happened, not to Nana or me just yet,
It did happen to one of my little daughters and Janice, my wife of 19 years,
One sad day in March 1999.
Gee that was a long time ago, and I run into other guys who woke up one day
Whoops, they were suddenly Single.
Stay tuned for updates.