Saturday, October 29, 2016

Jon Pappas, Murder

If you know anything about this please help the Dallas Police Department solve this crime. Jon Pappas was a friend, biblical scholar world traveler, and friend of mine.


  1. My wife was a dear friend of John's. We recently moved to Dallas and were very shocked to hear on the news of john's death.

  2. Jon was a fraternity brother of mine at Arizona State in the early 70's. I kept in touch and last saw him 2 years ago in California. Has there been any new news on his death?

  3. Has there been any determination if Jon was murdered? Police report calls his death 'unexplained.'

    1. No, Dave, I have not heard any further word on this. Jon, along with a few other guys were in a Bible Study at Henk's early in the morning. He is and continues to be missed.

  4. I am feeling shock to discover that. I met Jon on the plane from London to Dallas 2 years ago. Later on my journey we were meeting in different places in the World. He was a great friend of mine. We had a great 4th of July celebration in Dallas 2 years ago... He will be kept in my heart and my memories.

  5. I also was shocked to her of Jon's death. We played golf every Saturday for years in Mansfield. I now own a condo very close to where he was found,very unsettling. Jon was one of the kindest guys I have ever known. I hope the Dallas police actually make time for this crime as my experience in the city has been poor regarding police follow-up.
