Monday, October 31, 2016

Who Have You Interviewed Lately?

Sweet Pea Soccer Team
Enjoying the moment, despite the score.
A team having fun, holding trophies, and sharing and caring with and for each-other.
Lovely, it is okay to pull off the exit and skip stones along the river if you like.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Who Will Solve The Mystery?

Is it how our sneaker supply has expanded?
Who murdered Jon Pappas on 18 October 2016?

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Jon Pappas, Murder

If you know anything about this please help the Dallas Police Department solve this crime. Jon Pappas was a friend, biblical scholar world traveler, and friend of mine.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Clear Out The Old, and Leave Room For Growth

A little travel and visiting adds perspective and broadens our experience.
Wouldn't you agree?
Of course we do, so it is tough to get all our stuff packed to go,
We take what we need and leave what we don't.
Travel is a nice microcosm of Life.
Let's clear out the old, we just don't use any more and perhaps someone else would treasure and use.
Leaving room for new and improving Growth with the ones we love.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

One Step

GP (Garden Plaza) Mall, Paramus, NJ, Sneaker display.
Isn't that fun and in line with the title, "One Step"
Almost impossible to take just one step isn't it?
Go ahead enjoy that journey, let's be on a roll and spread the joy of the journey.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Plugging Along?

This funny cowacterature of Harry Carry, sums up what some daze can be like.
Not to worry or get in a hurry,
The most famous turnaround both in college and professional football happened because:
Some one (it was the same someone in both cases) simply said.
Forget the past, concentrate on this next play, then the next play.
Amazingly it is just that simple.
Concentrate on the performance right now, and the results will ten to themselves.
Have fun and be well.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

The Beginning, Middle, and the Blend

Just three years ago, a happier time, smiles, family new home, still walking and talking.
Not so much, except for the sleeping, the quiet and the chance to support, love and serve.
As we grow older, we have the chance to dance and serve.
Enjoy, it is all part of the journey.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Plugging Along and You?

Great time of year to take stock and put into action steps that will improve our harvest.
Wouldn't you agree?

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Yard of the Month.
Suzi's prayers, hope and dream came true.
So very proud of her work and design.
Great Job, Doll.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

One Step

One Step can move us forward and teach us a lesson simultaneously
It can even be fun and painful at the same time.

Monday, October 3, 2016

This Is Now, Have Fun With It

This was a fun restaurant to visit, especially on a slow evening.
Service and food were great and the dinning room was peaceful.
The previous evening? Wow, hit the ground running, lively, and loud, but gratifying.