Tuesday, March 29, 2016

How Does That Work?

My granddaughter Elizabeth had her sixth birthday.
We missed the original party, pesky colds that would not subside.
Finally around Easter Week, we had the family over to celebrate being well and Elizabeth's birthday.
A great time was had by all, 
Elizabeth who despite being the middle child had no trouble expressing herself, asked if we could use my phone to shop for her present. Love it, the ingenuity of a six year old, no need to go to shop.
Spoke into my phone, "Birthday Present for a six year old girl."
Amazon popped up with six suggestions, the gigantic pink video watch catch her eye,
The paint set her heart.  It was delivered on Easter Sunday morning, not sure who works the 
Amazon delivers on Easter, and thank you.
The kids have had a ball drawing with the pencils and some day may begin using the paints.

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