Thursday, March 31, 2016


I am a big fan of Dr. Kevin Elko.
He and his organization have been sending us
"Monday Morning Cup of Inspiration" for many years.
Whenever he mentions a new book or program, I buy it, listen and read it.
As I was reading his Thursday newsletter about the panic and creative parts of the brain
Loved it began to forward it and the email was automatically and permanently deleted.
Most days that is okay, this day it wasn't, so I encourage all of us to be creative and encourage
Those around us to be creative, happy, playful, and to put Joy in the Journey.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

As We Get Older

We can listen, learn, plan, work, and enjoy.
Sit and spit.
Personally, I choose line one.
Have fun and be well.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

What Would Catch Your Attention?

What I do for a living?
Talk the Talk, no way, not going to let up and give up, no hand shake coming.
No, I will hang in there, and kids, you do it too, regardless,
Check your sources, and our background, do not hire a DJ to be your advisor,  
Unless you are spinning planters.
Listen up, there is a difference between what is TRUE and is False.
That is just the way it WORKs.
We KNOW What Rich People do

How Does That Work?

My granddaughter Elizabeth had her sixth birthday.
We missed the original party, pesky colds that would not subside.
Finally around Easter Week, we had the family over to celebrate being well and Elizabeth's birthday.
A great time was had by all, 
Elizabeth who despite being the middle child had no trouble expressing herself, asked if we could use my phone to shop for her present. Love it, the ingenuity of a six year old, no need to go to shop.
Spoke into my phone, "Birthday Present for a six year old girl."
Amazon popped up with six suggestions, the gigantic pink video watch catch her eye,
The paint set her heart.  It was delivered on Easter Sunday morning, not sure who works the 
Amazon delivers on Easter, and thank you.
The kids have had a ball drawing with the pencils and some day may begin using the paints.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Focus, Vision on What it is you want, does that make sense?

My mom, wanted to move up, nicer neighborhood and home.
Now she lives in a beautiful neighborhood, surrounded by loving residents and helpers.
She got what she wanted, kind of..... lose your memory your hearing and ability to.....
At least she got her vision.
Okay, Why, and How are related.
Most of us have less time left today than we did yesterday,
So, lets make great use of our time, moment by moment.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Blessed He Has Risen Easter Sunday

Bible Study, stretching, piano practice, made the green shake, dressed, drove to see
My 93 year old mom at God's little waiting room (memory care unit)
Back home off to church, lovely, took pictures of a family visiting their family,
Looks like teal is the color of the season, atleast for the Lutherans this Sunday morning at church.
Hurrah, Amazon delivered Elizabeth's paint set while we were at church,
Looking forward to seeing them (Zachariah, Elizabeth, Sarah, and their friends hunt for Easter Eggs
By the Texas Pool.
Joy to the World
He Is Risen.

Saturday, March 26, 2016


Sounds like a lot to some and a drop in the Trillion bucket to others.
Enjoy this very moment in this day.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Good Friday

Happy to see Elizabeth, sing Happy Birthday, light candles, come up with a present online.
Enjoy The Joy of family.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Wow, That Was Amazing

We don't often see hale piling up a couple of inches deep in Dallas, TX.
Yet, last night it happened, oh buddy, did it happen.
So far just looks like lots of leaves fell out of the trees looking forward to an adjuster coming out
To see what he or she or they might find.
Hope you are safe, Happy Easter Week.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

When All Else...................

When all else fails, often people turn to prayer.
I think we have the order wrong.
Meditate, Pray, ask for guidance, seek the best advice, plan ahead, 
Commit, Have Courage, build Capability, have Confidence (Thanks Strategic Coach)
Pray and pray hard, walk the talk, be kind, gentle and loving,
Not foolish, when attacked, be prepared to defend and eliminate the attacker(s)
Make no mistake about it, bud.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Holy Week

Interrupted by bombings at Brussels Airport
There are people out to destroy Western Civilization.
It is a coordinated hatred with elimination in mind.
The sooner we recognize this, witness to these people and shine The Light of Hope on them,
The better off we will be day to day.
In between time, be aware civilization had an enemy.  
This is a sad day for us.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Write It Down By Hand

You and I will prosper as a result and our yards, field of endeavor and lives will improve.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Happy Spring and Ravioli Day

Ravioli Day?
Too funny to be taken seriously unless we have some skin in the game,
None on this end, y'all have fun with it.
Spring on the other hand is great fun, trees, and flowers blooming and spreading seeds,
Such a refreshing time of year, Lovely, just Lovely.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Smile When You Say That

Okay, what can be better than saying, "Hi Kids." Yes, you can have some candy and lunch.

Friday, March 18, 2016

There Is Hardly A Moment

Worth Remembering with some people.
Why is that?
It is all about them, no one else in the world matters.
The point of view, lack of perspective, every sentence and act.
Hard to miss worse to be around.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Deepen Relationships

What a lovely red leafed surprise. Love it, and it is in our front yard, nice to see plants spring to life
Now, for relationships, we need what we need and yes, we have wants as well.
Great when we are in balance not so wonderful when it seems to run in only one direction.
Corrective action implemented? Great idea.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

It Is Almost

St. Patrick's Day, not sure why green beer and carrying on is so popular,
That is just part of being well seasoned, blessed with a loving comfortable home and family.
For those on the prowl, best of blessed luck to you and yours.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Wouldn't You Love To Have?

Another bike? No, but thanks for asking.
Have enough drama and adventure with the Joy of counseling, coaching, and guiding
Clients, and family to not need two wheels to go with our amazing cars, home, 
More importantly Family, Friends, Church, and Work.
Have Fun and Be Well and Safe.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Surround Yourself

With People you like,
So said a great coach down in San Antonio, and Dr. Kevin Elko.
What a great idea and fine way to live.
Let's continue to give that a try. Smile when you say and do that.
Love. Lovely

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Doing it daily? Notice the momentum?

Monday, March 7, 2016

Slicing The Ball

Be Square?
That is a golf term about where the club head should be at the impact to the golf ball.
Sounds simple enough and when you watch professional golfers that is what the club head and ball do
Watch the rest of us? That is a comedy of errors and that's okay.
Just relax, get square and enjoy the process.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Following Through and Thoroughly, If You Please, Sir

God Bless America.
When exactly, did just getttin by not just leave off the "g" but leave everything and everyone hanging?
For goodness sake, check your work, take a walk down the hallways look at it with fresh eyes,
Grow rather than make lame excuses for lazy, sloppy, especially those who do the above and expect
Excellence from everyone else.
Just flat silly, luckily taking responsibility and getting it gets it and pays well.

Saturday, March 5, 2016


Thanks to a home with an atrium in the middle, we can do indoor laps around our home 
Did that this morning and enjoyed each of the rooms plus a little Ode to Joy
Fur Elise on the keyboard, nice to be practicing again.
Hope your Saturday starts and ends well.
Oh, Happy 5th Birthday Elizabeth Checki.

Friday, March 4, 2016


One brick at a time no matter what the foundation does, in time......
It will be repaired, or replaced or forgotten.
Yet, someone might take another look and derive a solution.
Think how many buildings in Pisa which stand straight and go unnoticed.
Oh Well. Let's continue to listen, learn, plan and work out plan toward our vision.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Take a Step

or stroke into the sea to see what comes up next.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Hits Just Keep On Coming

Thanks for the most interesting places in the world web site and a high school alum posting them.
We have the gorgeous photo to admire and appreciate.
Much like the rest of life which provides us with new adventures daily, wouldn't you agree?

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Super Tuesday

Means the world to the candidates, and is of consequence to the rest of us as well.
The oddity?
Golly, one party unites behind its nominee, regardless, the other party stays home on principle..
Is it Principal, the le is the noun, the al an adjective, except for the school principal.
Golly, just love English as a never ending study.
 Vote, and enjoy the experience and freedom it defends.
With luck, someone who cares about this country and our way of life will be elected.
If not, we got what we asked for it seems.