Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Merry Christmas Season

Downtown Dallas out 807 of the Ritz Carlton Hotel.
Lovely please with beyond helpful and gracious staff.
Thoroughly our stay, and it launched out Christmas Season in great style.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

What A Great Idea

I am told we are lazy by nature.
Okay, was told today to make lazy work for us.
Want to hear more? Darren Hardy has an idea.
Make what we normally do (self destructive or simply bad habits, hard to do)
Make what we would like to do and know we should be doing automatic or easy.
Love it. Saving for example? 
Draft from checking account to investments makes sense and has worked since that was available.
 Give it a try if being old sick and broke doesn't appeal to you.
Want to weigh less? No worries, Keep a large bottle of spring water or glass of filtered water handy
Drink, Drink, Drink plenty of water.
Eating? Vegetables when seasoned to taste along with lean meat (chicken is can be cheap & healthy)
Weigh every morning? Yes, what in inspect improves, what we record daily improves rapidly.
Give it a try and by all mean keep the Joy in the Journey.
Lovely, and see you on the other side sooner rather than later.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

You Are What You Write?

This This a pretty view? Yes, I agree.
Why not just dictate it? Then have someone else do the editing, formatting , 
Designing the cover, Formatting, and putting on Amazon, Kindle, and Nook.
Have fun with it, by now there is a one stop shop somewhere.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Simple and Elegant Wealth Management.

Simple and Elegant Wealth Management.

Doesn't that sound like what we have all wanted? It is. Working hard to make work optional for our clients. WM=IC+WE+AP+RM.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Not Sure Yet?

Omni, Houston, TX, not far from Strategic Coach at the Hotel Derek, or is it the Derek Hotel?
Nice people wonderful food and a concert grand piano, which was unlocked and available,
How very lovely, for those of us who enjoy good service, food, gym and grand Piano.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Nothing Like

Sitting in a room listening to a man who has been touched (mother and father) by Alzheimer's 
Jack Broyles, son of legendary football coach (Arkansas) Frank Broyles is on a mission.
Educate us and called us to take action on the 3rd biggest killer in the U.S.A.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Referrals From Other Professionals?

The Key to All Growth for your and our practices.
Exciting stuff and broadens our understanding of what our clients want and need.

Sunday, November 27, 2016


Yes, cannolis are fun.
We are grateful for the Love and Grace of God, Family, Clients, Energy, Good Health,
The Joy of Service, learning how to play the piano, cars that sparkle with fun,
Grandchildren who help us rediscover tree climbing, tag, and Pop Chases The Kids,
Laughter, work, duty, communication systems beyond convenient,
For the next adventures coming today and in the near future.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Wow, and Not a Happy Wow

Seeing lots of emotion, not much fact checking, and/or logic.
Not surprise, or even disappointed.
Sure we have all had our daze and days.
Yet, for just a brief moment,
Take in a hit of fresh healthy deep breath and experience the Joy of Simply being Alive.
We in America, have been blessed, and like so many before us forgotten the Source of our Blessings.
Go read the Bible, and reflect, meditate, pray, and take heart, in the End, Good Wins.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Our Story

Lost in a mess to vision, purpose, plan, study, mentors, experience
Mechanical, Magic, and Mastery?
Mastery? you mean continuous study and application.
Yes, that is a never ending, and occasionally inspiring results and legacy.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Name Of The Guy

Fazioli, must look  him up and his company.
Great sound and feel, not to mention the appearance.

Vision, Plan, Take Action, Enjoy the Journey

Okay, it is Wednesday, another mid week opportunity to get on it and enjoy the journey.
We are making calls, work papers, planning a holiday magazine, working on an article,
Taking piano lessons, encouraging those around me, and celebrating life, a moment at a time.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Make The Decision, Reduce The Agony of Indecision

A wise man once said, it is not the decision it is the indecision that causes angst.
So, why suffer with drifting, wishing and hoping,
When we can make the decision based on?
Okay, If I don't make the decision will I regret that I didn't
If I make the decision will I be glad I did?
You chose. I'll go practice on the piano.

Monday, November 7, 2016

We Are Not Where We Want To Be? But Thank God We Are Not Where We Used To Be.

Been frustrated? Yes, me too, trying to learn a new piano piece and it has my attention.
That is okay, because he reminded me of what I used to know and go relearn it.
Yes, we are not where we want to be, but thank God we are not where we used to be,
So said Dr. Kevin Elko this morning, Thanks, Head Coach, I appreciate your work.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

That Was Yesterday!

How much fun was this?
Can't begin to describe it, a $165K Fazioli Piano, I am happy to wood came from....
Yet, we are in the are we kidding stage of life, sorry about that .
I enjoy playing on our keyboard, and haltingly reading the notes and cords, yet, lovely.
The experience is just flat lovely, if we enjoy adventure and being made uncomfortable.
Put me in coach, let's jump in and Go.
Wouldn't you agree? 

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Listening To Gifted and Talented Pianists, Wow

Lovely to sit next to a Fazioli Piano, list price? Not much less than my home.
It was played by some gifted and talented pianists, what a treat.
Thanks for the opportunity and treat.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Be Kind and Respectful

Emotions can run high, no need to tweet, or Instagram them, just chill and be still.
Take a nice deep refreshing breath, smile, chuckle, and look up.
Don't we all feel better already?
Hope and Pray we do.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Average Age Of Top Financial Advisors?

Much to my surprise right at 60.
We need to be recruiting and properly training a new class at a new age asap.
We are doing it in our office and have benefited from it.
Lovely to train and relearn.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Dark Chocolate

Tastey Treat, which I am told is supposed to be good for us.
I'll have to do a little research and get back with you, yet it does taste sooooo good,

Monday, October 31, 2016

Who Have You Interviewed Lately?

Sweet Pea Soccer Team
Enjoying the moment, despite the score.
A team having fun, holding trophies, and sharing and caring with and for each-other.
Lovely, it is okay to pull off the exit and skip stones along the river if you like.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Who Will Solve The Mystery?

Is it how our sneaker supply has expanded?
Who murdered Jon Pappas on 18 October 2016?

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Jon Pappas, Murder


If you know anything about this please help the Dallas Police Department solve this crime. Jon Pappas was a friend, biblical scholar world traveler, and friend of mine.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Clear Out The Old, and Leave Room For Growth

A little travel and visiting adds perspective and broadens our experience.
Wouldn't you agree?
Of course we do, so it is tough to get all our stuff packed to go,
We take what we need and leave what we don't.
Travel is a nice microcosm of Life.
Let's clear out the old, we just don't use any more and perhaps someone else would treasure and use.
Leaving room for new and improving Growth with the ones we love.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

One Step

GP (Garden Plaza) Mall, Paramus, NJ, Sneaker display.
Isn't that fun and in line with the title, "One Step"
Almost impossible to take just one step isn't it?
Go ahead enjoy that journey, let's be on a roll and spread the joy of the journey.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Plugging Along?

This funny cowacterature of Harry Carry, sums up what some daze can be like.
Not to worry or get in a hurry,
The most famous turnaround both in college and professional football happened because:
Some one (it was the same someone in both cases) simply said.
Forget the past, concentrate on this next play, then the next play.
Amazingly it is just that simple.
Concentrate on the performance right now, and the results will ten to themselves.
Have fun and be well.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

The Beginning, Middle, and the Blend

Just three years ago, a happier time, smiles, family new home, still walking and talking.
Not so much, except for the sleeping, the quiet and the chance to support, love and serve.
As we grow older, we have the chance to dance and serve.
Enjoy, it is all part of the journey.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Plugging Along and You?

Great time of year to take stock and put into action steps that will improve our harvest.
Wouldn't you agree?

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Yard of the Month.
Suzi's prayers, hope and dream came true.
So very proud of her work and design.
Great Job, Doll.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

One Step

One Step can move us forward and teach us a lesson simultaneously
It can even be fun and painful at the same time.

Monday, October 3, 2016

This Is Now, Have Fun With It

This was a fun restaurant to visit, especially on a slow evening.
Service and food were great and the dinning room was peaceful.
The previous evening? Wow, hit the ground running, lively, and loud, but gratifying.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Nothing quite as much fun as happy travel memories.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Welcome Back

It has been awhile.
How have you been and are we feeling good about it?
Just more than curious.
Make it a pleasant memory.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Wealth Management= Investment Consulting+Wealth Enhance+Wealth Transfer+Wealth Protection
Wouldn't you agree?

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Entrepreneurial Attitude?

It's more than a cool car? Life Style, Activity, it is a mindset.
It is adding value, now in the future and always.
Learning by doing rather than by research.
We love doing if we are entrepreneurial activity, marketing, talking, improvisation, on the fly.
We learn to structure have process and follow a plan.

Monday, August 15, 2016

What Is Our Pace?

Personally, I am blessed with energy.
Yes, I do work at it as well.
Have a Vision of what I am and what I do.
Healthy Habits, including Rest and Free Time.
Love in our lives is essential and helpful.
Love and love deeply, do it right now. and Often.

Sunday, August 14, 2016


This picture this morning, lovely, Texas morning, just the right temperature, with sun.
Flowers blooming, water shimmering, clouds in the sky, a smile on my lips
A Samsung S 5 still snapped a shot worth sharing.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Listening and Learning?

Morning at home, watering, practicing on the keyboard, and taking a couple of pictures.
How very lovely efforts can be.
Wouldn't you agree?

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

It Is Okay To Pray At The Beginning, During, and After

We do it all the time in advance? 
Yes, we do and are grateful, God is kind enough to have told us to Pray.
To not be anxious, to have peace of mind, and consider it all Joy.
How's that working for us?
Swimmingly well, thank you for asking.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Bless You

Yes, I see the holes around the edges, but let's concentrate on the beauty of the flower
The miracle that it grows in our backyard right by the pool.
Lovely, Just Lovely.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Getting It Done, Begins With Preparation

Great to have plans, nothing happens sans action,
Action works swimmingly well 
With Proper, Preparation, which Prevents Poor Performance.
Hardly ever is done well on the fly
Can happen during emergencies, yet a little thought, a few well written notes, a plan of action
Then working that plan all the way through.
That can bring satisfaction and a learning experience worth sharing.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

How Very Sad

How very sad, men and women with speaking skill and charisma conning the audience,
Stealing, cheating, lying, how very sad.
Wonder when we will stop tolerating this and get right with God, mind soul and action.
Looking forward to getting started today.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Doing Our Best

Lovely feeling, doing our best,
Yes, we work to improve how we do it, and ask lots of questions, make no mistake about it.
Press On.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Grind

Learning which lever goes where so the water flow bubbles in the proper directions?
Me too.
The grind day in and out we are so lucky to have so much to do and learn.
Back to the piano practice, two hands, no eyes, press on and on.

Monday, July 25, 2016


Whether it is Zachariah going from scared of the pool to roaming all over it,
Us following up with the blessed details,
We are all grinding and making progress whether it is forward or backward.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Happy Sunday, a day of Rest and Recovery

Take a deep refreshing breath of fresh air, and smile, love on our families and worship The Lord.
It is a day of rest, Enjoy.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Wow, How Proud To See This

Not the lovely flower although it is quite grand.
I was driving out of our alley and saw my neighbor Z mowing a lawn, not his but another neighbor
who has contracted a crippling decease which sent a competitive athlete to sit and ride in an electric scooter and even lose the ability to speak clearly.
Wonderful to see a sermon in action.
Luckily we know his son, and got to call him and tell him how lucky he is,
He agreed and shared some more amazing Z stories.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


We all leave one, might as well leave the Legacy we would like to reflect our essence.
The Lessons in Wisdom and Truth, and Light we would like to reflect now and in the future.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Oh Well, Let's Enjoy The Journey, By Doing The Right Thing In The Right Way For The Right Reason

It is worth a shot every thing time, no doubt about it.
Do The Right Thing In The Right Way for The Right Reason.

Sunday, July 17, 2016


What we have right now is Madness.
It isn't new, or unexpected it has been planted and encouraged for some years in a row, 
Throughout the sad history of man.
Not to worry or get discouraged, there is Hope and Hope never fails.

Saturday, July 16, 2016


What causes Chaos?
Gee, we long for what we do not have and we do not have because what we want may not be
What is in God's best perfect plan for our lives.
It is that simple to me.
A pretty face, fame, talent, money, love, solves nothing, God continues to be the only answer.