Monday, September 28, 2015

Live Each Day, and Be Present

Really? Honestly it is a gift, each day.
Enjoy, do our work well and with JOY.
Love, and love deeply.
It all comes to an end on this earth.
Not to worry.

Friday, September 25, 2015

What Works For You?

Breaking Through?
Proper Positioning, Providing Value Added Information in the right location.
Let's go to the next level together.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Finding A Way

or making a way,
Isn't if fun?
Hope so.
Look up and out and smile, we have the tools it is time to take action.
Enjoy the Journey
Lovely, nice talking to you, make your experiences unique and memorable.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Following UP

Dead Battery?
No Problem, new adventures to follow some more amazing one life changing.
Not kidding.
Back in 1967 I had a dead battery on a Hemi-Powered Push-button Automatic Transmission
Desoto Sationwagon, took the battery to a local gas station, ran into Paul
He and I had worked at Shop-rite Supermarket.
Now he worked at Sun Chemical and they needed help.
Lucky me, they hired me and the rest is a delightful history.
Hope you and that much luck as well.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

That Was Then

There is more to it than that.
If it were not so, we would not have taken the time to listen and learn,
Study, ask so many questions, seek other sources and be excited about the path.
No kidding. Hope you and I can share the story together.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Take Action

When in doubt or confident, Take Action.
Thoughtful, planned, perhaps even calculated, but move along.
Waiting can be great, action can teach as much as anything else,
Or not, yet, he and she who do, do enjoy the experience.
Have fun with it.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

New Day? New Hope?

Of course, we learned something new yesterday, and now we can apply it
Munch on it, consider it, or test it with action and planning 
Is it Planning and Action?

Friday, September 18, 2015

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Batter Up

We spend our lives planning and preparing, then it is
Batter Up
Time to take action and enjoy the experience.
Winning is lovely, losing is full of lessons
As is life.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

God Given Purpose In Life

Once we discover it, developed it, deployed it,
Wow, what a satisfying adventure is ours.
Wouldn't you agree?

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Folly or Wisdom?

Which do we prefer? Proof is in the pudding? or in the Action or Track Record
Which was launched by the hopes, dreams, preparation and action.
Seek and follow wise counsel, take action and enjoy the journey.
Consider it all Joy.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Words and Action

As much fun as talking or writing is, no substitute for taking action.
Consistent, planned, rehearsed, practiced and perfected ACTION.
Lovely, just Lovely.
Try It and Enjoy

Sunday, September 13, 2015

How Will That Work?

Next Year is our 50th Hasbrouck Heights High School Class of 1966 Reunion.
Only been to two of these, 35th in 2001 and 40th in 2006.
Go Aviators, this one has a bit more buzz.
Well, we are older and not as many of us alive and kicking, many pictures and experiences
are being shared.
Lovely, no doubt, nice to hear from people who want to share memories and history.
Hope and Pray more classmates will be moved to participate.
Including me.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

In Honor to 9 11

We were struck with horrible surprise, the enemy identified the gauntlet dropped, innocents attacked
Chaos, fires, smoke and dust beyond measure, two towers crashing down to rubble. 
How could this happen? Some knew, others planned, we slept at the wheel.
But not for long.
They have heard us and we have found them and killed as many as we could find.
Now another attack has been launched, a godless attack on beliefs and way of life.
Beware we are under attack, it had begun before the dawn of time and history,
Only will end in God's Perfect timing.
In the meantime, we can be humble gentle and determined to
Live with passion and pursue, loving God with all our heart as well as our neighbor.
Lovely, just Lovely, consider it all Joy.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Be Aware

Try not to bump into the furniture?
Great advice for a speaker, if you can be interesting and helpful, great if not brief and to the point.
Beware and awake and present.
Have fun with it if you like, too.
Smile, it suits you well.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Showing UP

Nothing as important as Showing UP
No kidding, no substitute.
Show up, prepared and properly positions.
New and wonderful experiences might well follow.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Batter Up

and why not?
Let's enjoy the day, make our plan of action, then work that plan day in and day out.
Why? Seems to work better than just hoping and praying.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Labor Day 2015

It was a day worth living and remembering.
Well, slept a little later than usual, mowed the yard, watered the gardens, drank a healthy shake.
Took Suzi out on a date.
My son J.J. and his entire family visited my 93 year old mom, Nana.
J.J. and his family along with Stephanie and her family joined Kathy Checki
to celebrate her birthday.
Floated in the pool, relaxed, reflected, drew conclusions,
Oh, consulted with a client first thing in the morning for 69 minutes, nice to do some good work.
Celebrated the sheer JOY of being alive, well, and focused.


Monday morning weight, how lovely.
Thank you Suzi for reading and applying that diet book.
How very lovely, more vegetables, less sweet fruit, smaller portions, more pushups,
Plank Position morning, noon and night, walking about regularly throughout the day.
Almost effortless, now on to mentoring Kevin, mowing the lawn so the woman's club will see it.
Being kind attentive, sweet, and full of JOY.
Enjoy Labor Day.

Sunday, September 6, 2015


Swam in our pool last night, then I floated in our new floating chair, stared at the sky
Lovely clouds and sky, just so very refreshing to see.
Happy sunrise and sunsets.
Enjoy this Sunday and everyday, the Good Lord Blesses us with.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Holiday Weekend?

Take the day Off.
Give it a try just to get some rest.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Is It Spam or Helpful?

Not a person who writes does not ask ourselves this question.
Does this matter or is it just moisture in the wind?
Who knows?
Some will find it helpful, others will not.
Lesson, do it well and please the drive within us.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Isn't That Something?

It happens, we all make mistakes, and proof comes in what we do right after that.
Doctors lose patients, so do moms and dads they just spell patience differently.
Love one another, forgive, remember, enjoy, be filled with JOY.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Good Days & Bad Daze

Writing that off to experience and new learning via preparing more thoroughly.
That works most of the time.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Refreshed? Excellent, Now Let's Do It Well

Isn't that a fun way to look at life?
Sounds like it to me.
Sprinkler system linking? Great, let's call Eddy and see if he can fix and improve it.
Plants needing a little loving care, not to worry the heat of summer is fading.
Grandchildren growing up, well so are we.