Friday, July 31, 2015


Easier said than done, but what the heck, anyway.
Some people me included at times do a fine job of being the South end of a North bound Mule.
Sorry, it happens, just happened to me.
Apology accepted.
Moving on down the road, thank you for the unpleasant experience.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Isn't Getting Older Fun?

Yes, it is.
Everywhere we go people are glad to see us, isn't that true for you, too?
Yes, it is fun to be getting older.
Yet there are aches and pains, no doubt.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

It could have been one of those daze.

Yet, it was not.
Just fun, checking in with an old friend, listening, learning, a little driving, eating, and visiting.
Lovely, just Lovely.

Let's Clean Up Our Own Mess

Yes, we all have our messes, inside and out,
Let's clean it up and do it with Joy.
Lovely, just Lovely.
Isn't it?

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Take The Day Off

Take a break, get some rest and perspective.
If we don't we lose, big time.
Change the scenery, unplug, appreciate nature, say I love you and mean it.
Have fun with it.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Open House

Can't remember the last time we went to a House for Sale Open House.
Went to two yesterday.
Nice to see one staged well and the other not so much, yet prices are up, up about 20%.
Golly, had not idea.
Since these homes are in our neighborhood, the increase in price per square foot was refreshing.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

What Brings You Joy?

Give it some thought, and have Joy in your day as I will do my best to have Joy as well.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Speak The Truth

Gently, but always, the Truth.
It saves time, makes sense, and can be done in Love and Kindness.

Friday, July 24, 2015

If This Will Be Funny Later, Let It Be Funny Now

Heard that a while back and it stands in good stead.
Yes, it is Texas summer hot, that's not the problem.
Took my car in to get some repairs, and it reads like a stand up comedy routine.
Took a week to come up with the estimate, part misordered, part held in inventory
For a week, heck they were busy and I had the car sans the part anyway.
Had treated the service advisor with courtesy and kindly, result?
Slow slovenly service.
Now I understand why so many people are pushing and impatient.
Golly how very disappointing.
It gets worse, when they said they were done, they could not find my key to return my car.
No kidding.
Offered to order a new key.
Really, yes, order a new key so some one some where could have a key to my car.
Look forward to hearing advice on the next course of action.
Love, anyway.

Press On

and On
One step or two, getting started always the hardest part,
but once we do what joy in the journey.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Moble Network Down

That is hilarious.
We live in Dallas, TX.
This is not the back country.
Mobile network down?
Isn't there a back up to your system, ATT mobile?

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Whoops, One More Big Change

Set up an Internet America email many years ago.
It has worked, kind a sort a over the years.
This morning we were informed they have migrated to become Rise Broadband.
Sounds lovely except the email doesn't not work.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Procastination? Not To Worry

Not much we can do with yesterday, sorry.
Today we can get going or continue.
Have fun with it.

Monday, July 20, 2015

The Twentith Day

Something about the 20th of the month,
My lucky day if I were to have a lucky day.
Thank You Lord, for Your blessings which we foolishly call luck.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Whoops That Did Not Feel Good

and still doesn't, yet a couple of RX's one taking one back up
In time it will improve, nice to have capable medical help on call
Walgreen's open on Sunday and the cost of the two RX's?
Unbelievable, one $1.39 and the other $3.49.
That is amazing to me.
Yes, I pay Medicare and Blue Cross Blue Shield premiums monthly
I am still surprised how inexpensive older drugs that have been around forever cost.
Also how silly it has been to suffer with a sore mouth for a couple of weeks.
Just silly on me.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Who Makes Us Smile?

It could be a memory, movie, experience, or right now.
A mom who lost her memory, a dad, long gone, a daughter or mom who left us too soon,
A grandchild or two or three or five, classmates from years ago,
The Marx Brothers, especially Groucho, comics we have enjoyed, a tune or place remembered.
How luck for all of us to have a smile to share.
Give it away and it will come back to us.
No kidding.


Friday, July 17, 2015

It is Friday

Closing up a successful week?
Hope so.
Positioned to take full advantage of not just the weekend but next week as well.
See you then.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Vision, Written Goals, Plan of Action

Including numbers, dates, resources, methods, back up, restart and adjustments.
Vision, Written Goals, Plan of Action
Most importantly, Action, Action, Action.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Peak Performance?

Feel safe, get a model, master stress, association techniques, learn step by step.
Learn new habits, gathering what helps, drop things that hurt, Emotional Cues.
Peak Performance? Prioritize, Intuition, Know the Body Language,
Get It Done.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Forgive and Remember

Fool me once, it happens, fool me twice could be a coincidence, fool me three times.
Shame on stupid, silly, foolish, me?
No thank You.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Laugh Hard and Enjoy Life

Saying good bye to a friend? Isn't it a mixed blessing?
We treasure the experiences and Wish there were more to come.
Oddly, there are. Oh?
Certainly the influences, thoughts, shading, and tone follow.
Enjoy the journey.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Driving Through East Texas

About as green and lush as I have ever seen it. 
Trees in full bloom, green grass below, no brown in sight.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Your Peace Could Be Like A River

Yet we have chosen to be discontented?
How very silly.
Seek the peace of the righteous
Avoid the evil ones.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Oh Well

Then, realizing there are adventures which we enjoy,
Learning experiences which at the time, we would just as soon read about rather than endure.
Endure, persevere, enjoy the journey, help others with the solution, and consider it
All Joy.               Love.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Let All Who Can Swim

Jump in and swim, others can help with the grill, towels and keep the beach and deck clean.
It is a team, a family, cooperating and enjoying simply the joy of living.
Isn't that wonderful?

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Moving Right Along

One thought and step at a time.
Make sense?
Hope so, we need to make progress which delivers lessons and stimulates new thought
Actions and plans.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Be Wise

I have heard of a TV show called American Ninja.
My son and his wife, along with his two young daughters and one young son love it.
One of the Puffers (old guys sitting around while smoking cigars and telling stories)
Likes the show and went through the advantages and disadvantages of being tall and short.
Sounds like rock climbers have the advantage since they have been doing this for fun all along.
Me? I stick to my knitting, listening and learning, laughing at comedies and appreciating tunes.
Along the way. Go Frogs (TCU Horned Frogs, that is.)

Monday, July 6, 2015

There It Goes

Our time, energy, life, and if not careful liberty.
Not to worry or get in a hurry.
Have fun with it.


Better to listen, learn, plan, act on plan.
Enjoy the journey.
Plenty of time to evaluate what did or did not happen.
Act, take action.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Happy July 5th

The year is now more than half over,
Time still left to make 2015 a year worth living and remembering.
Nurture, encourage, listen, learn, get healthy, and aware of what is and what is not.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th of July

Independence Day.
Land of the Free Home of the Brave.
God knows we are still here in the fight for Liberty, Justice and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Death and Taxes seem to be catching up in the race as well.
Have fun be well. Enjoy, Laugh Loudly and often.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Oh My

That was an unpleasant surprise.
Yet, a lesson learned, once again, read and follow the direction.
Remove lobster cakes from the container and place them on a baking pan.
So noted.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

One Thing After Another

It was one of those days.
Appointment not made, wrong parts delivered, appointment cancelled, pop up thunder and lightening
At least no one I knew died or was hurt.
So, we are plugging along, enjoying each moment of each day, smiling, laughing,
Spreading Joy, and Nurturing and Encouraging those around us.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Joy of July

In NJ July was summer filled with sun and fun.
In TX, it is bloody hot, we do our best to stay in the shade finish our errands before noon,
Laugh about how this is our severe weather season, and drink plenty of water.
Were it not for air conditioning, don't think there would be as many of us down here as there are.
How is your summer going?