Thursday, December 31, 2015

While We Are Pressing On and ON, Anticipate Some Discouragement, Circumstances and Challenges, If We are lucky enough to notice.

Stuff happens every moment of every day and that is just the way it is.
We can learn, forgive and forget, or waste time being disappointed and bitter.
No thanks, I'll skip an order of that for:
Optimism and Hope, and Hope Never Fails.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Are You Okay?
Just smiled, no response, just a smile, which said volumes:
"I'm tired, I'm ready to go home, Happy to be, Loving, Content right here.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Cold Frosty Morning To All Y'all

That was February, this is late December, I can wait until this coats the roads.
Time to pray The Lord, Meditate on His Word, Pray, Give Thanks, put a smile on our faces,
Shine The Light on the Darkness around us.

Monday, December 28, 2015

The Six

Be Happy
Have Fun
Get Real
Be Happy: A smile on our face, contentment in our hearts.
Have Fun, do it with Joy and Passionate Purpose.
Cook, it makes a house into a home, strangers into friends and feeds and entertains.
Communicate, let people know and listen listen listen.
Get Real, know what you want and make sure it is part of your passionate purpose in life.
Love, makes life worth living.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Heavy Rains are Fallikng

Forecasted for days, now upon us. Great for the plants and grass, no worries.
Tornadoes as well? Not fun.
Stay safe, be well, 

Saturday, December 26, 2015

People I Miss and Who Did GOOD Work in my Life,thank You, Mentors one and All.

My Dad, the O.M., Mr. Conly, Kenny Goodman, Janice, Katy, Ed Keiffer CPA, Don Freeman Esq, Mr.  whose face I can see but whose name escapes me, and the many others my uncle Jimmy Checki, who go me my first joy and promotion, and Uncle Joey, Aunt Rosey, who saved me from being a perfectionist,
Thank You and My you RIP
Love Y'all and Miss y'all terribly 

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Thank You Lord

For the wonder of the moment and the chance to serve.
Lovely just lovely.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Pressing On Regardless

It is what people do, we press on, regardless of the circumstances, mood, feeling........
or not
The or not is hardly ever as much fun unless the or not, just has to be.
Happy Christmas, Family, Faith, work at celebrating the JOY of Life and miracle of Birth.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Getting to Christmas?

One of the favorite times of the year.
Little kids bring Joy, the light in their eyes, the running about, the memories true,
The parents here or in heaven, but of all the events,
The Birth of Our Savior out shines them all.
Thank You, Lord.

Monday, December 21, 2015

It Is The Christmas Season

Atleast for our family.
Hope you can join us in the celebration of Our Lord's Birth.

Holiday Season? No for me it is Christmas.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

A Child Is Born

and the JOY and Blessings continue to this very day.
Merrrry Christmas, Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Man.
Isn't it lovely? Indeed it is.

Saturday, December 19, 2015


We live in the oddest of times.
Government run by people interested in their objectives while ignoring the will of the electorate,
Families disintegrating, work ethic falling away, Faith on the wane, 
Oh, now I see the trend, absence of Faith, Work, and Family.
Of course as this happens everything in life becomes
Cheap and foul substitutes for the satisfaction and contentment brought by:
Faith, Family, and Work.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Message Disguarded?

It happens, perhaps the text, email, phone or tap on the shoulder, just did not get delivered?
Okay, let's follow up and follow up and ................
We get the drift.
Merry Christmas.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Stick To Our Mission

Make a donation, have our picture taken, more kids get to smile thanks to modern dentistry.
Lovely, glad to get to help, and remember the Joy of giving.
One we do when the Spirit moves us and it happens regularly, thanks for Your blessings Lord.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Not Just Yet

Fortunately, lots going on all around us.
It is The Season of Joy to the World thanks to our Savior's Birth,
Plus the craziness of others shopping until they drop.
Church, Family, Work, finishing up, lights action cameras?

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


For each and every moment of this and every day.
Yes, some of us have had adventures and seen the sights of the world,
Others have worked miracles of science and medicine, some raised children,
Others lead warriors into battles and lived to enjoy the rest of their lives or not,
Yet, I suggest, be grateful, for the time we have had to do what we do with those we love.

Monday, December 14, 2015

This Could Be Helpful

or Not.
Yet, every experience is a potential learning experience,
Wouldn't you agree?
So, let's transcend complaining and go on with the listening and learning.

Sunday, December 13, 2015


We all have those daze, just full of doodle.
Whether it is an all day class, and by the way Peter of Bullet Trap
Did a spectacular job preparing us for the CHL test,
Out of 45 students taking a 25 question test, 8 questions were missed.
That is impressive, now on to the shooting practice and shooting for a passing score.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

That Would Be The Record

and that's okay as long as we realize their are peaks, or is it peeks, and then.....
Need to learn to learn from both those experiences.
Off to Texas Concealed Carry Permit Class.
Who would have thunk it?

Friday, December 11, 2015

Find Your Purpose, No Kidding, we all have ONE

Enjoy being alive and well?
Me too.
Yet, the true purpose of Life, Glorifying God, no Kidding, no way out, we live in His World.
We were put here to fulfill a destiny, honestly, completely and passionately.
Not something I made up.
Lovely, enjoy The Journey of Our Live? Perhaps, depends if we listen, learn and Implement.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Get It Done

Sure, the computer may blow, the battery not work, the a/c go done just in time for a warm December drive, the VA take forever and a day to make up their minds, yet,
Get IT Done, well, completely with JOY in our hearts.
Let's remember to be what we can be rather than sink down to the muck and mud of life.
Be Happy, have fun, cook, communicate, get real and LOVE.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Show Up and Git It Done

Whether it is eating a piece of candy or changing light bulbs, cleaning up or......
We get the drift, showing up is great, doing the work, yes, that brings satisfaction 
With luck, experience, and knowledge, and know how.

Monday, December 7, 2015


Bye-Bye, not just yet, but we can all see it coming and going.

and so it goes

Okay, my mom is in Hospice Care, she is getting improving coverage, and yet....
She is fading, no doubt about it.
Lord Willing she will be made comfortable and a JOY to still know and experience.
Lovely, yet, I am sad, make no mistake about it.

Your Holiday Shopping Made, Just LOVE

Made easier, just LOVE, yes that is right just love, show it in all ways and thoughts.

Friday, December 4, 2015

So It Goes

We look about and with blessings recognize what is and what is not.

So It Goes

It is all about......
You? Probably not unless your mom is in the room are in diapers.
So, now that we are grown ups, let's move on down the path of life for once.
Thank You 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Hole in the Heat

A funny comedy from 1959, with Frank Sinatra and Edward G. Robinson.
So, entertaining and light and lovely.
Early morning movie.
While boiling eggs, skipping rope, Nordic Tracing and enjoying the Joy of Gratitude.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Just Hate That

Three masked people invade and shoot up a gathering in San Bernardo, CA
Kill 14 and injure innocent people who are at a Christmas celebration. 
Look forward to Justice playing out.
Not at all happy about this state of affairs,
The President's response, solution is responsible gun control laws.
Just hate that. The thought of disarming law-abiding citizens so the shooters have no worries,
Just does not work well.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

World's Shortest Punt

A few years ago, I saw Football Hall of Fame QB Joe Theisman give a speech.
He mentioned his world's shortest punt in the NFL,
He told he story proudly, and humorously,
The team's punter was hurt they asked Joe to punt, and it did not go far,
Yet, he has a story to tell along with many other stories.
Lesson Learned, take our experiences and consider them all JOY.

It's not about global warming, it is a clash of cultures, one wanting to destroy the other.

Monday, November 30, 2015

How Very Proud

I am of my grand daughter Kory Alexander,
Why? Well, she graduated high school, got a job, saved her money, moved out of home,
Bought a car on her own, and goes to work rain or shine, even the day after Thanksgiving.
Yes, she has had some tough love, and it has made her into a walking talking functioning
Productive Member of Society.
Well Done, Lil Kory, thanks for making a life and your family Proud of you.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

What is it like?

To be around an out of control alcoholic? Not pleasant, disappointing, never ending and one of two
Choices: Hit bottom and sober up, or Hit bottom and die.
That's it. Seen it regretted it, have grown tired of it. Thank You.
Consider it all Joy, a lesson to be learned and not repeated.  Okay?

Thank You Lord

For Another Day to Glorify and Worship You.
Saw a pitiful heavy weight championship fight, the long time champion did not do well.
The challenger fainted, jabbed, moved his head and did enough to win, a boring fight.
The big surprise? The new champion Tyson Fury, praised The Lord, and gave all the glory to Him.
It was amazing, can't remember the last time I heard an Englishman praising The Lord,
Then he sang a song to his wife, very nice, praise and acceptable song.
Why do I mention it?
Well we are reminded of The Lord in the strangest places.
Happy Sunday.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

We Will Find A Way or We Will Make a Way

Read that expression in a magazine advertisement and just fell in love with the quote.
My WFi on this computer just does not seem to work, but plugging it into the router, does.
So, a walk back in the hallway to one of the great rooms and we have contact.
Now if I could only get my Groupon link to work....

Friday, November 27, 2015

Happy Healthy Blessed Fun Filled Thanksgiving to All Y'all

Some daze go smoothly others offer intense learning opportunities
Rain is pouring one of our cable boxes is over heating
Saw my 93 year old mom and got a Nothing Buntcake
For Stephanie's 40th, birthday

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

May I Finish?

Sure, why not enjoy the journey until it is over on this end.
Okay? Let's.
Have a Happy Healthy Fun filled and treats a plenty Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

and Then

Time passes, people and governments get going, and the bad guys
Get caught.
Would be even nicer if government did it's job and made the effort to equip and protect us.
Wouldn't you agree?

Monday, November 23, 2015

What A Joy

When things work?
Yes, as much fun as coping with fixing things, it is nice to pull up a screen and information appears.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Ups and Downs

Whether it is the weather, the computer the internet, or God Bless America, Terrorism,
We have ups and downs in life, the trick is what we do with either.
Most winners, get up after a down, most consistent performers continue to train
Regardless of the ups, downs or sideways, wouldn't you agree?

Friday, November 20, 2015


Poker? I don't think it is important enough to interrupt Thanksgiving Week.
Do You? 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

There Is A Beginning, Middle, and END.

We had just moved into our new home, Nana came to visit.
Not exactly, yet, I am glad she got to see this big lovely home,
Just like her husband and my father Jack Checki got to see our first massive home in Dallas.
Then cancer got him way back when.
Now, Nana is in Hospice, has lost interest in life, and can hardly process basic information.
Yes, it is heart breaking yet, she always wanted to move up, and now lives in a nice place,
With loving people, thank You Lord.
Yet, I am sad, and than is okay, too.
I treasure my life and the experiences of life, yet, now I am sad, sorry.
I am grateful, for the wonderful people who are there for her, and for the chance to see her daily.
Thank You one and all.
Right now, well, no humor or jokes, just a sadness for a loss in the making and grateful,
For a life well live.

Then It Died

Nothing like a lack of trust and trust violated, and agreements broken to simply Kill
A relationship, then it died

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

After All Is Said and Done

We hear from people blaming us (civilized) nations trying to defend our way of life.
How often history repeats itself for those who ignore history, the history of tyranny.
Let us equip ourselves with Bible Doctrine and resolve to apply it daily.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Thank God For Things That Work

Whether it is the treadmill on a rainy day, the TV in the Paris room (yes, we have a Paris room.)
Or the computer and the internet, yes, rain seems to effect it down in Dallas,TX.
The web site to pull client information in preparation for a Legacy Next Generation planning meeting
Gives one comfort to do good work and be prepared no matter what does or doesn't work.
Look forward to all units being trained and motivated to support.
In time that will happen or it won't, who can believe the Texans beat  the undefeated Bengals?
It happens, have fun with it.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Progress of Regress? or Both?

Depends on which way we are going and which way we would like to be going doesn't it?
Funny, we have calls to make and calls to take,
Yet, some.......and others......then there was that one or two or three?
Just keep plugging along whether it is sweeping the sidewalk, or doing the dogs,
Loving those around us who are hurting.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

We Get Knocked Down and We Get Back Up?

Last time I looked whether it is a country, culture, civilization fighting an about to end Holy War.
A champion, a dad, a little baby boy learning how to fall while he tries to walk,
Anyone who has ever been knocked on a hospital bed, on the canvas, suffered a loss of
a child, wife, career, home, car,opportunity dream, mom or dad.
We get back up, a little wiser and more sensitive to our fellow man, 
Even though we would have preferred to read about it rather than live through it,
Here we are a little older, bruised, smiling after a while, and living a Joyous Purposeful Life.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

How Do We Respond?

Took that picture with my phone.
We we cruising on the Seine the last night in Paris, memorable evening for Suzi and I.
Nice trip, Paris was our first stop we were there in the City of Lights for 6 days.
It was lovely, the people were friendly and gracious.
Our hearts, prayers, and emotions are with those families in Paris who have suffered loss
We once again have been reminded of what is and what is not.
Sorry it had to come to this again.
We will find you, and collect the debt of grief from you, you can depend on it.

Friday, November 13, 2015

How Very Exciting

Dancing to upbeat music and watching people who know how to move about and back again?
Lovely, just lovely.
Happy Friday.