Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Checki's Check Points August 6, 2014

Was with some gentlemen talking about this and that and the subject of wealth came up. What made someone wealthy and what were the numbers? Meaning How much net worth would one need to have to be in the top 1% or 5% of the U.S.A. or as we call ourselves Americans? Talked to my Samsung S-5, did not get the answer. Researched it on my lap top the other day. Seems like a couple of years ago the "Wall Street Journal" had an article on the subject. In terms of net worth (what we own less what we owe) the top 1% had $6.7 Millions of net worth and the top 1% $1.7 Million. for those of us who like and own things that are priced daily, this is an easy number to calculate, for those of you who own farm land, oil royalties, rental property, office building, medical practices or buildings there might be some room for interpellation and fudging up the numbers. Still it was not as much as some guys thought and more than others might have guessed. Have Fun and be Well.

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