Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Getting Started, that first critical step of the Journey.

Getting Started, that first critical step of the Journey.

Just like this goose, that first step, in getting started is so very critical. Yes, we have heard about putting our ladder up against the wrong building, and seeing a view we did not want to see at the top and that is okay, we call that experience, with that experience might have enough knowledge to jump from one roof to another or discover the miracle of wisdom and apply that to the new heights we have reached. Read this morning that growing up in Hasbrouck Heights, NJ back in the 1950's and graduating high school in 1966, sheltered me from life. Guess delivering newspapers to Franky's Market, learning to scuba dive in J.R. high school, working at Shop-Rite supermarket, playing basketball, dating girls from Lodi and going to NYC regularly in my MGA was a bit of a protected trip, yet, I am happy to have had the education, experiences and lift off at Newark Airport in 1967. It was a big first step, and I have looked back, visited and enjoyed the journey. Hope you are as well.

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