Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Yes, We do remember 9/11/2001

Sitting at my computer in Dallas, can't remember why I tuned into CNN, but there it was one of the twin towers on fire with a jet liner imbedded in it.  I called my wife, the way husbands call wives when something terribly wrong has happened.  We were stunned.  Moments later a second set liner careened into tower two, what the .................  Then the Pentagon was hit, then another jet liner crashed in Pennsylvania.  Why? Because there is an angelic conflict and good and evil are at odds. There were people in NYC dancing in the streets, while others prayed, and fire fighters and policemen and policewomen ran up the downstair case. Never was so very proud of firemen and policemen and New Yorkers as I was on that sad sad tragic wake up call day.  The phone rang, it was Sam's Club letting me know my eye glasses were in and would I like to come pick them up?  I was still stunned.  Yet, I did go to Sam's get my glasses, bought cookies and a couple of other sweet treats. Went to North Park shopping mall in Dallas, and walked around in a daze. Life will never be the same, and we cannot forget there are those who hate us, and our way of life and our God. Make no mistake, that has not nor will it change, until Jesus returns. That's what The Bible tells us and Personally, I take God's Word for it.

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