Monday, September 30, 2013

Press On and On

Some of us are just starting out and wondering what is beyond the back yard of our parents and our imagination. Press on and have fun with it along the way.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Not To Worry.

Start to relax, breath, listen, learning , be aware, and full of Joy.

There you go.

What could be more fun than clowning with one of my grandchildren? Perhaps you playing with your children, or grandchildren, or putting a smile on a loved ones face? Great day for it.

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Whether we are building, learning, marketing, listening to experts and regular people, we are expanding our knowledge, experience, and with a little application wisdom.  Isn't that fun? Wonder why we don't do it more often? Are we too busy, too entertained, too distracted or is it time to change one of the children's .......

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Golly, Miss Molly

Life continues, we listen and learn, and on a good day pass it along.

God Bless America

Funny, took three tries to get one picture to post. Life can be just like that.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Oh No, I am Invisible.

Look far and wide, what do we see, something else, other than us. Enjoy the wonder.

There we go again.

Wondering why rather than taking a nice deep breath and listening, learning, doing, getting a little coaching along the way.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Is it time to change up?

Is it time to change up? Yes, that is my shadow in the picture wanted to capture that effect and image just for fun and contrast. Off to old and new adventures this week, it will be routine and a challenge at the same time, with a method, procedure, process, effort, execution and experience and results, can't wait.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Is that the same old sad song?

Pretty sight, the Eifel Tower, especially at night from the River. Just gorgeous. Yet, there are happy and sad songs inspired by this sight depending on our life experience and expectations, not to mention attitude, health, etc.

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Do we need it or do we want it?

Friday, September 20, 2013


Comes every year whether we notice or not, the weather changes, the rain comes, the lawn grows, the pool cools off, roofs get tested, and footballs are kicked off all over the world. Have fun with it.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Press On

Wow, that is one scary looking full as it can be moon, yet, how very majestic it looked just to see it. Wish he picture from my Samsung Galaxy II Note was even better than it is.  Perhaps next full moon it will.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Then Again?

Wow, what a moon, tonight.


Ouch, that hurts, life happens and has bumps along the way, and that is okay, it teaches us persistence and in time develops character.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

This Was a Good Day

Full of life.


May sound funny, continue, may not be the results we desired, continue, may not be fun, continue, ties our stomach in a knot, continue, is frustrating, not to worry, we are listening, learning and most importantly, doing.  We are in action and helping along the way. Let's have fun with it. Will be seeing and listening to one of my favorite authors/speaker, Nick Murray today, such a treat.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Taking a Break?

Sit relax, take a deep breath of fresh air, and smile.  Yes, smile, and enjoy the moment.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Take a break

Sometimes we just flat need to take a break.  Wouldn't you agree?

Saturday, September 14, 2013

What was that again?

Pretty flowers in the waiting area of Park Place Lexus in Plano.  Wow, what a gorgeous car dealership. Looks more like a luxury hotel lobby.  Lovely just lovely.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Is that what you want?

Of course a gorgeous picture recalling a happy day on a trip of a lifetime in Alaska.

Let us pray, hope and love.

Let us be filled with Hope, while we pray and express Love.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Folly or Fairly?

How very lovely is the coral reef?  Oh golly, you will love it.  So many colors and such a peaceful place.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Yes, We do remember 9/11/2001

Sitting at my computer in Dallas, can't remember why I tuned into CNN, but there it was one of the twin towers on fire with a jet liner imbedded in it.  I called my wife, the way husbands call wives when something terribly wrong has happened.  We were stunned.  Moments later a second set liner careened into tower two, what the .................  Then the Pentagon was hit, then another jet liner crashed in Pennsylvania.  Why? Because there is an angelic conflict and good and evil are at odds. There were people in NYC dancing in the streets, while others prayed, and fire fighters and policemen and policewomen ran up the downstair case. Never was so very proud of firemen and policemen and New Yorkers as I was on that sad sad tragic wake up call day.  The phone rang, it was Sam's Club letting me know my eye glasses were in and would I like to come pick them up?  I was still stunned.  Yet, I did go to Sam's get my glasses, bought cookies and a couple of other sweet treats. Went to North Park shopping mall in Dallas, and walked around in a daze. Life will never be the same, and we cannot forget there are those who hate us, and our way of life and our God. Make no mistake, that has not nor will it change, until Jesus returns. That's what The Bible tells us and Personally, I take God's Word for it.

The Wicked we have with us.

No it isn't the builders, or the train conductors, it is simply those who hate.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Not a day goes by

Without learning something new.  Isn't that wonderful?

Surviving or Flourishing?

Building goes on and up in downtown Plano, Texas.  That is wonderful, soon more people will live right next to the DART rail track station and be able to commute to downtown Dallas by rail.  What a throwback to NYC and CN.  Why we want to go there, I just don't know.  Yet, are we just surviving? Looking forward to the end of each day so we can be entertained or amused or drugged? or Are we flourishing?  Listening Learning, Mastering, Mentoring?  Choice is ours, God be the Glory.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Just a step at a time should do just fine

Why is that? Well, kids, just point in the right direction and begin or continue the journey.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

So it goes

Pretty water. lovely building and church

New and Improving. NFL Red Zone

Such fun, love the purple, Go Frogs, highlights in the picture, not sure how that happened.  Loving the NFL Red Zone Chanel, wow it is all highlights, just lovely, lovely. 

Bet we did not see that coming

Walking into Prestonwood and how very lovely a large bird thinking of  taking a swim or getting a drink, or wondering who that bird was staring back at him.

Friday, September 6, 2013


Not a day goes by without some new lesson learned.  Isn't that fun?  Should be.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Mecum Auction

This is a pretty picture, the Mecum Auction is rolling art.

Content? We Should Be.

Just too much service to offer and enjoy.  Let us be productive, passionate, and content.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

And, so it goes, another day, well spent or otherwise?

Yes, it is gorgeous, hope you enjoyed it as well as we did.

Golly, some things work, some just make me laugh out loud.

How very lucky, if we have a sense of humor. Golly, whether it is the computer, the lights, the a/c or the gurgling plumbing, never an end to the straight lines give us in life. Relax, enjoy, smile, laugh, thank God we have the time energy and awareness to move along.  Have fun with it.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Run That By me Again?

Not one not two but three, no four people came by to consult with us today, not counting on our multiple field trips.  Nothing like listening and learning.

Sorry to say

After a while, just got tired of the run around and opted out.  Simply turned the door and walked on down the road, to a peaceful place, with a smile on our faces.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Back to it.

Nice second story shot from North Park movie theater.  Enjoyed seeing "The Butler".