Thursday, June 29, 2017

In The End

In The End,
We make our choices, preparation, and participation.
Let's enjoy the Journey and do it with Passionate Purpose.

Friday, June 23, 2017

The Joy Of Significance is Paradise?

I'll admit it, I like flowers, and taking pictures of flowers along with coral when I'm scuba diving
It is the texture, color, contrast and sheer beauty of flowers and coral that capture my eye.
Paradise? I am told is found in the Joy of Significance.
Let's do our leading and following well today and bring and feel the Joy of Significance all day long.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Procrastination Is Our Friend?

I am learning about this.
What should we procrastinate about today?
Will wait to see how that turns out.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Live Honestly

With Joy and Passionate Purpose, if we are lucky enough to recognize it.
Smile and spread the Joy of the Good News and the wonders of life.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Be Encouraged

Take a deep refreshing breath of air, savor the joy associated with it.
Smile, consider it all Joy.
Then let's get busily productive.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Happy Saturday, To All Y'all.

Nothing quite as delightful as spring with its flowers.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Great to have goals, whether it is to be the most positive person anyone will see today,
To fail the grumpy old man test today
Help guide folks to make decisions that should help them not just have goals
To have attained the goals while living the life of their dreams.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Excuse Me?

What's happening? In the office, at home, with our view, and family and cars, and health?
Just curious.

One Step At A Time

Born in 1948? Notice how many of our friends and neighbors talk about:
Sickness, decease, scams, problems?
Golly, what negative self talk and conversation.
Who wants to be part of that discussion?
Not me, sorry, now I am happy to help identify and address a situation and plan a defense.
Hard to just sit and listen again and again with no end in sight.
Forgive and move on to a more pleasant life and thought process.
Enjoy and treasure each breath, call or visit your mom or dad if still alive,
Clean up our rooms, one step at a time.
Be gentle, kind, and loving.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Believe Well

I take pictures of flowers, coral, turtles, stingrays, the clouds in the sky, and of course grandchildren.
We plant, water ,weed, and hope for the best in our gardens and in life as well.

Friday, June 9, 2017


Sure there are little frustrations in life, listen, learn, make the appropriate learned response
Go on down the road a little wiser.
Consider it all Joy while we are doing it together.

Monday, June 5, 2017

A New Day, The Adventure Continues

Thank You for sticking with it and making it happen.
It is our pleasure to be there for you and with you make no mistake about it.
Back from a one week cruise and related getting there and back adventure.
News from our home office unfolds their plans and how we can best serve our clients.
Looking forward to visiting with clients and reviewing what is and what is not prudent.
Have Fun and Be Well.