Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Plugging Along? 2017

There used to be two people in that shot, my mother and me.
Well, Nana is at Avalon Quarterway Memory Care, and I'm the one taking the picture.
What happened? Her memory went and it was time to get her some help.
Me? I am so very Favored, still plugging along, researching, writing, consulting, helping
Enjoying the heck along the way
Nice to be loved, respected, and learning just like a little child full of wonder and joy.
Thanks for sharing the journey.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Watch and Use Our Tone of Voice Properly

Who would have thought, Tone of Voice along with Enunciation, Inflection, Volume, Clarity
Has even more influence than the choice of words?
Not that I enjoy this observation, yet, it has been said and experienced.
Enjoy and Deploy.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Here's What We Do Know?

We are a nation of laws.
Without laws, we have chaos, disorder, and disintegration of civilization.
Land of the Free, Home of the Brave?
That's us, and I can't remember when there was not some struggle or other bursting about.