Friday, March 31, 2017

Reading, Practicing, Stretching, Sharing

Not last night but Wednesday, scary sky, yet nothing happened here and it passed.
Reminds us of so many fears which......
Smile, breathe deeply, be grateful for each moment and use it wisely.
Love, Learn, Laugh, Stretch, Practice, Take Action, with Passionate Purpose.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

On A More Pleasant Note

These Ominous Clouds gave us four or five great pictures and no storm.
Much like life in general there is always an appearance of danger, yet......
How often is it dangerous?
Only when we least expect it or have not prepared or both.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Fade Away?

My mother's face, one I have watched for almost seventy years.
Last couple have been that long good bye we associate with Dementia.
There is a helpless lost look in her eyes, all we can do is say "I love You," kiss her and pat her.
Just like she did when I was lost and learning to be a human being.
Yes, it is painful, yet, I am so very blessed to have the opportunity to be there for her just like she  
My father were there for me.
May God Bless All Y'all on this lovely thunder-storming night in Dallas, Texas.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

If We Hear The Same Lie, Over and Over? Does That Make It True?

No, it does not.
Touring a flight museum which housed some lovely airplanes,
Reminded me the extent to which the U.S.A. and Great Britain have gone to protect our freedom.
Sadly there does not seem to be much appreciation for the effort or for the veterans.
Heck, there seems to be a minimal interest in Freedom, Liberty, Justice, or Law,
Not to mention Love, Honor, and Family.
What a world.
Will start improving right at home.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Smoke Screens

Diversions to Delusions to leaving out critical details, to old fashioned lying and brainwashing?
It has been an amazing and at times amusing 69 years.
Can hardly wait for the next big surprise.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

That Was Disappointing

We start out all enthusiastic, and ready to go, plan in place, helpful heart, and true.
Wham, no thanks, and that is okay.
When we do our best to do our best, and we have invested the time and energy to get good
At what we do, and someone says "no", hey that is a learning experience, just not......profitable
At least not yet. Better times coming.
Lovely MG TC.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Well, Are You Sparkling Today?

Sneaking up on 95 sitting in a chair silently watching Highway Patrol, is Nana.
She smiles, and keeps the attendants busy, and once in a while says something.
There was a time when she played baseball with us in the parks in Newark, baked bread at home,
Told funny stories, did everything but dance a jig.
Are we sparkling today? Might as well, Piano Lesson is coming up in less than an hour.
Cords to Follow, melody to play, smiles to share.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Passionate About What We Are Doing? or Not?

What a cute little MGTC.
How much fun would it be to restore such a car, simple elegant and fuel efficient.
Yet, most of us just don't get around to it.
Thus, we have the life purpose opportunity to have passion for our purpose,
Make it a Joy to do and Behold, and Share.
Have fun with it.

Friday, March 17, 2017

The Work We Do

Some of you enjoy planting seeds, and walk them grow.
Others of us buy a plant, prepare the dirt, water, fertilize, water, weed, and enjoy
The fruit of our labor as well.
How very lucky to have a passion for our purpose.
Hope All Y'all Do as Well.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Snap On Parts or Tools?

Graduated from High School 50.5 years ago.
Posts usually center around grandchildren and replacement parts or heart procedures
The Joy of simply still being here.
That is lettuce in the picture thanks to Home Depot and one of Suzi's pots.
I have eaten some of that lettuce and it is quite tasty and crisp.
Hope you and your family can do the same soon.
Happy gardening.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

There is both bitter and sweet, and Joy and Sadness, in Life, sorry.

It just is what is it is.
Some of us have been alive and well and adding Value for decades.
Have and make a nice day for those you love and respect.
Hope that makes sense, to all Y'all, if not,......................whatever. 

Monday, March 6, 2017

Spring Break, In Plano?

Sarah, announced, I am tall, just a couple of Yoga blocks and a bunch of 8 almost 9
Imagination, and she was tall.
Spring Break, a time off for teachers, trips for families and less traffic for the rest of us.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

How Is That Working For Us?

Lovely building from which I am looking out the 15th floor window.
Lovely view of Canyon Creek neighborhood and a construction project.
Respect our Veterans and their families, please.
Thank You.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Truth About.....

Will Rogers, "I believe everything I read in the newspaper, 
I have first hand knowledge of the facts."
Will Rogers, Oklahoma native and famous humorist, was killed in a plane crash before I was born.
Next year I will be at the magical age when I must take $$ out of my IRA's.
Nothing new about distrusting the media, 
especially if they are misquoting us or a member of our Family.