Tuesday, January 31, 2017

What Is Our Passionate Purpose?

It could be a cartoon character for now
Helping clients make work optional
Spreading The Good News.
It depends on why The Good Lord put us and keeps us here on earth.
Have fun with it in Faith, Hope and with Love.

Monday, January 30, 2017

What Are Our Concerns?

If we are older, getting and staying healthy is a great start sans worry.
Habit, genetics, mood, smiling, breathing deeply, considering it all Joy and Filled with Gratitude.
Lovely, thanks for reminding me.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Play It Safe?

No, No, No.
Why would anyone want to do that boring close to the vest just to discover it wasn't safe at all.
Continue our adventures?
Definitely, enjoying the journey and always celebrate yours as well.

Thursday, January 26, 2017


A Book, Our Mind, Perspective, Wallet, Eyes, Mouth, Hands?
It just depends.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Always Curious?

Malls being abandoned due to low traffic and sales?
Okay, kids who grew up hanging out in the mall, might come up with a new use for them?
Sure, why not?
How about repurpsing the space?
Office to create new technology, restaurant rows with lots of parking, offices with great indoor
Open spaces to walk about and create.
Just saying, the buggy whip makers went out of business and their employees found
Something else to do other than whine.
Have fun with it.

Sunday, January 22, 2017


Salt and Pepper elegantly presented in Houston, Texas.
Wouldn't it be grand if life, thoughts and actions could be this well done?
It can, if we keep grace and elegance in mind.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Forgive n Move On Up The Road

A spot here, a jump in our arms, a word scribbled, all camped behind love and a smile.
Forgive and move on up the road,
This is a new day and a new era is born, just about every ding dong day.
Have fun with it and spread The Good News.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Thinking, and Planning are Great, Action Trumps all.

I was thinking of you, and planning on calling.
Whoops, I did not follow up with the action.
Are you till okay?
Probably did not even notice if I were one of those "We'll have lunch" people
Who do not as a matter of course take action
In the end we are the actions we took along the way.
Wouldn't you agree?

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Moon Shot Thinking?

Something that just knocks us for a loop.
It was from here to the moon and back again safely.
That was the challenge in 1960 and achieved in 1969.
Oddly U.S.A. only country to have a manned landing and return to the moon.
Our technology has improved, wonder when the thought and imagination will catch up?
Lovely, might as well get cracking on those mind expanding thoughts, adventures, and actions.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Strategic Coach 4 C's

First we decide to Commit?
Then have the Courage to continue with the Commitment with Action.
Then as we train and take action we develop Capability 
Finally we have Confidence?
Make sense? Hope So, thanks Coach.

Monday, January 9, 2017

The Adventures Continue?

2015 in pictures in Facebook, reviewed by 94 year old Clara Ann Gentile Checki
My mom.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Oh Boy, It's 14 degrees in Dallas, Texas

It happens every Winter or is it every other winter?
It will be about 62 Monday and 72 Tuesday, no worries here.
Enjoy and bloom where we are planted.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Plodding Along?

Happy Day with family during our Christmas Season.
Now on to the new year, Influencer Interviews, Client Meetings, Deepening Personal Relationships
Prayer, Bible Study, Piano Lessons and Daily Practice, Working Out and loving it.
Smiling, Laughing, Spreading The Good News. 

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Winning? Learning, Too?

Lovely view in Houston from the Omni Hotel close to the Galleria, Houston.
Wow, what a great restaurant is in this hotel. No waiting to get in on a Friday night either.
Just a lovely experience. Luckily I brought "Just Getting Started" by Tony Bennett.
What perspective 90 years gives Tony Bennett, he is an encyclopedia of who is who.
Winning, is fun, yet who will give us the correct information?
Usually a mentor, a coach, someone more successful than us?
How about our family and staff? Good luck with that unless we have given them the path.
Have Fun and Be Well. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Technology Great When It Works

Today it is working, lovely, how very refreshing, we have power for lights, gas for heat,
Most importantly, Love to help the world go around.
Work to do, Bible Study to attend, Love to show.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

What Contribution Can We Make Today?

Well, the picture link is not in sink and that is okay, we can make due with blank paper
A functioning Keyboard.
Let's see what we can learn, apply, and improve today.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

There Is A Sadness

Lost a good friend today. Susan Grigsby.
Susan was bigger than life, a true blessing to me and my entire family.
Yes, she, me, you, and everyone we know and knew have and had our problems, but.
What a Joy to Know, thanks for the memories of Life, Liberty, and Joy.