Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Referrals From Other Professionals?

The Key to All Growth for your and our practices.
Exciting stuff and broadens our understanding of what our clients want and need.

Sunday, November 27, 2016


Yes, cannolis are fun.
We are grateful for the Love and Grace of God, Family, Clients, Energy, Good Health,
The Joy of Service, learning how to play the piano, cars that sparkle with fun,
Grandchildren who help us rediscover tree climbing, tag, and Pop Chases The Kids,
Laughter, work, duty, communication systems beyond convenient,
For the next adventures coming today and in the near future.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Wow, and Not a Happy Wow

Seeing lots of emotion, not much fact checking, and/or logic.
Not surprise, or even disappointed.
Sure we have all had our daze and days.
Yet, for just a brief moment,
Take in a hit of fresh healthy deep breath and experience the Joy of Simply being Alive.
We in America, have been blessed, and like so many before us forgotten the Source of our Blessings.
Go read the Bible, and reflect, meditate, pray, and take heart, in the End, Good Wins.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Our Story

Lost in a mess to vision, purpose, plan, study, mentors, experience
Mechanical, Magic, and Mastery?
Mastery? you mean continuous study and application.
Yes, that is a never ending, and occasionally inspiring results and legacy.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Name Of The Guy

Fazioli, must look  him up and his company.
Great sound and feel, not to mention the appearance.

Vision, Plan, Take Action, Enjoy the Journey

Okay, it is Wednesday, another mid week opportunity to get on it and enjoy the journey.
We are making calls, work papers, planning a holiday magazine, working on an article,
Taking piano lessons, encouraging those around me, and celebrating life, a moment at a time.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Make The Decision, Reduce The Agony of Indecision

A wise man once said, it is not the decision it is the indecision that causes angst.
So, why suffer with drifting, wishing and hoping,
When we can make the decision based on?
Okay, If I don't make the decision will I regret that I didn't
If I make the decision will I be glad I did?
You chose. I'll go practice on the piano.

Monday, November 7, 2016

We Are Not Where We Want To Be? But Thank God We Are Not Where We Used To Be.

Been frustrated? Yes, me too, trying to learn a new piano piece and it has my attention.
That is okay, because he reminded me of what I used to know and go relearn it.
Yes, we are not where we want to be, but thank God we are not where we used to be,
So said Dr. Kevin Elko this morning, Thanks, Head Coach, I appreciate your work.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

That Was Yesterday!

How much fun was this?
Can't begin to describe it, a $165K Fazioli Piano, I am happy to wood came from....
Yet, we are in the are we kidding stage of life, sorry about that .
I enjoy playing on our keyboard, and haltingly reading the notes and cords, yet, lovely.
The experience is just flat lovely, if we enjoy adventure and being made uncomfortable.
Put me in coach, let's jump in and Go.
Wouldn't you agree? 

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Listening To Gifted and Talented Pianists, Wow

Lovely to sit next to a Fazioli Piano, list price? Not much less than my home.
It was played by some gifted and talented pianists, what a treat.
Thanks for the opportunity and treat.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Be Kind and Respectful

Emotions can run high, no need to tweet, or Instagram them, just chill and be still.
Take a nice deep refreshing breath, smile, chuckle, and look up.
Don't we all feel better already?
Hope and Pray we do.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Average Age Of Top Financial Advisors?

Much to my surprise right at 60.
We need to be recruiting and properly training a new class at a new age asap.
We are doing it in our office and have benefited from it.
Lovely to train and relearn.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Dark Chocolate

Tastey Treat, which I am told is supposed to be good for us.
I'll have to do a little research and get back with you, yet it does taste sooooo good,