Thursday, July 28, 2016

How Very Sad

How very sad, men and women with speaking skill and charisma conning the audience,
Stealing, cheating, lying, how very sad.
Wonder when we will stop tolerating this and get right with God, mind soul and action.
Looking forward to getting started today.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Doing Our Best

Lovely feeling, doing our best,
Yes, we work to improve how we do it, and ask lots of questions, make no mistake about it.
Press On.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Grind

Learning which lever goes where so the water flow bubbles in the proper directions?
Me too.
The grind day in and out we are so lucky to have so much to do and learn.
Back to the piano practice, two hands, no eyes, press on and on.

Monday, July 25, 2016


Whether it is Zachariah going from scared of the pool to roaming all over it,
Us following up with the blessed details,
We are all grinding and making progress whether it is forward or backward.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Happy Sunday, a day of Rest and Recovery

Take a deep refreshing breath of fresh air, and smile, love on our families and worship The Lord.
It is a day of rest, Enjoy.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Wow, How Proud To See This

Not the lovely flower although it is quite grand.
I was driving out of our alley and saw my neighbor Z mowing a lawn, not his but another neighbor
who has contracted a crippling decease which sent a competitive athlete to sit and ride in an electric scooter and even lose the ability to speak clearly.
Wonderful to see a sermon in action.
Luckily we know his son, and got to call him and tell him how lucky he is,
He agreed and shared some more amazing Z stories.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


We all leave one, might as well leave the Legacy we would like to reflect our essence.
The Lessons in Wisdom and Truth, and Light we would like to reflect now and in the future.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Oh Well, Let's Enjoy The Journey, By Doing The Right Thing In The Right Way For The Right Reason

It is worth a shot every thing time, no doubt about it.
Do The Right Thing In The Right Way for The Right Reason.

Sunday, July 17, 2016


What we have right now is Madness.
It isn't new, or unexpected it has been planted and encouraged for some years in a row, 
Throughout the sad history of man.
Not to worry or get discouraged, there is Hope and Hope never fails.

Saturday, July 16, 2016


What causes Chaos?
Gee, we long for what we do not have and we do not have because what we want may not be
What is in God's best perfect plan for our lives.
It is that simple to me.
A pretty face, fame, talent, money, love, solves nothing, God continues to be the only answer.

Thursday, July 14, 2016


I am watching my mom fall apart one piece at a time.
Yet, the sadness of Nice, France, is just as bad, so a group of people think it is okay to slaughter,
Innocent firework watchers, No, No, No, No,
Civilization cannot and will not tolerate this, make no mistake about it.
Regardless of believe, circumstances, or whatever excuse can be forwarded,
This will not be accepted or go unnoticed.
As has been said for centuries, we will come and put an end to this.
All Y'all can count on it. The Wrath of  God will descend upon you.
Lord, would you please give comfort to the families in France who have lost and injured loved ones.
Let us all, gather and be determined.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Here is a loving picture, a young lady giving and sharing love, another lady drawing toward heaven.
We can see in there eyes, the kindness and love.
Humanity at our best.
I look forward to seeing more of this and less Hate.
Don't you?  It starts with us, our thoughts, actions, body language, and what we say and do.
Let's do the right thing in the right way for the right reason.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Calls For Unity

What a lovely picture and idea, let's start with kindness, patience, and a smile.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Lost It? No, Found It.

I love flowers and plants and coral. No Kidding?
So, when I scuba dive I return to the surface with plenty of pictures of coral.
Yes, I have seen sharks, and barracuda, turtles, rays, and eels,
Yet to me, nothing quite as lovely as a flower or coral.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Friday, July 8, 2016

All Lives Matter, So Does The Truth

While shootings happened in Dallas, we were swimming with and visiting with our grandchildren.
Did not know until this morning of the senseless tragedy, 
We can only imagine the state of our USA being improved by speeches and good wishes?
Not exactly, like the inspired Preacher at Prestonwood Baptist Church told us this morning,
The farther we get away from God, the worse life and society become.
We are reaping what we have sowed, do not be confused by what I just wrote,
Preachers, students need to preach, pray and live The Truth,
Not a watered down version of entertainment, but The Truth of The Gospel.
Praying with out ceasing, and walking the talk after confessing our sins.
Love and love well, be safe out there.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

When Is Enough Enough?

Smile when we say that?
Of course, knowing when to say when applies to most circumstances,
It makes life smoother and sets the tone for the rest of the life.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Niche Research

Holy Cow, what a surprise?
Not really, cashflow being confused with Wealth?
Exactly, we have a need in my opinion to be a good steward of our cashflow
Meaning, saving and investing beyond our own business, in ways that work 24/7.
Seems to be a bit of a shrinking trend, not sure why but it sure it.
So, please consider saving/investing 10% of what you make and investing well.