Tuesday, May 31, 2016

New Time For Adventures

The First Five Months of the year are all but over.
The world is still rotating and spinning, babies are being born and others are dying.
New time for adventures is at hand.
Calls to make surveys to perform, information to gather action to be taken.
Listening and learning along the way. Also enjoying my new Bose computer speakers.
Wow, what a difference, despite the fact that my HP Envy is equipped with a row of speakers.
Taking a deep life giving breath, listening to solo piano music to remind me how beautiful life is.

Monday, May 30, 2016

New Habits, and Places

I like to write and have been doing it since I was a kid, still enjoy the process and grind.
Every once in a while I try something new.
LA Fitness, was today's something new, usually go to the Liberty Recreation Center.
LAF, is big modern friendly spacious and fully equipped, weights, machines, pool, racquetball courts,
Sauna, basketball court, aerobic machines, and again lots of room.
Oddly it came thanks to Blue Cross adding Silver Sneakers to my P.P.O.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Listen Closely, Then We Might Want To Ash Again?

Well, we need to know what the other party thought we said, 
Understood or did not, or Just ignored and went on to do whatever.
That is the point of deception or negotiation, depending on the point of view,
I hear what you are saying, is Jimmy Carter for I have just disagreed with you and I'm polite.
Enjoy the moment, the day and 
God Bless those family members who remember Memorial Day on a personal loss basis.
Let us know what we can do to support y'all.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Press On, Young and Well Seasoned

That's what old age looked like the other day.
Today, a bit more pleasant, and the fade out continues along its way.
That is okay.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Wow, That Was A Relief

Yes, that is my mother, Clara Ann Gentile Checki.
She is suffering and wearing out from Dementia, it is an all encompassing shutting down process
Sad to see, yet gives us a chance to give service, be generous, and appreciate what is and is not.
Sad to see, yet it is what it is.
Making arrangements, and securing the announcements, along the way.
Reaching out to family.
Giving Thanks for the experience, the love, and the energy to grind along the path.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Park City Club

Wow, that was fun, just like coming home to your own private club where everyone remembers
Our name, tastes, choices and favorites.
Thank You, Joe Jackson for thinking of it and to Suzi who enjoyed it as well.
Lovely, Just lovely, be sure to try the Banana's Foster.
Great Time of Relaxing and Celebrating simply being alive.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Ages and Stages

Seeing a rapid decline, weakening of muscles, mind and a simple winding it all down.
Not a surprise, and happy to have had the experience.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

It Could Have Been The Full Moon

Just grandchildren entertaining us, next day the crash after the mountain peak.
How very silly and typical.
Luckily witnessing it is so much more pleasant than being it, I reckon.
Golly Miss Molly, which would we rather do, laugh or cry?
I'll go with laugh.
Live with Joy.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Pressing On Down The Happy Trail

Lovely baby blue, 1960 MGA Model 1600.
My first car way back when.
No, I don't miss it, prefer my current ride, but this is pretty and the first is special.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Dear Lord, Let us Pray.
Thank You for Your Righteousness, Grace, Love, and Salvation.
God Bless us one and all.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Do We Like Song and Dance? I do.

Let us be Clear.
Lovely children are to be protected by......................all of us,
if not,
The Wrath of God, and the rest of us, will come down on you, Period.
We love and protect our children.
All God's Children.
Count on it, bud.

Saturday, May 14, 2016


Is within Man, all men, from the first man created to the newest just born babe.
We see it in our own mirror and on the front page of The Wall Street Journal.
Only escape? Trust in The Lord with all our hearts
Walk the talk which we have studied, meditated upon, and applied.

Friday, May 13, 2016

The Sender

Reading an inspiration book
"The Sender"
Check it out.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Change The Battery?

If you have ever had a battery (car battery especially)
Go bad as in, suddenly stop cranking, if it is one unpleasant inconvenience, 
A Blessing beyond measure.
Had one of those blessing a couple of months ago and the ripples in my world continue to
Be positive and full of adventure.
Hope your day goes well, too.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Now? Go Fail Again, and Continue To Learn? Yes, Continue the learning process. Just Do it.

Do you think, I am having a good time?
I cannot hear, my vision is cloudy, and my mind, is as simple as.... you just can't imagine.
Yet, I have Knowledge, Experience, Wisdom, and Luckily Love of God and Family 
Thank You for Reading.
Now, go love. Love Love.

Happy Mother's Day

Flowers, hugs kisses, laughter?
Perhaps, flowers and memories of fuller more engaged times.

Friday, May 6, 2016

continue to learn

Looking to play let's make a deal?
What fun it is to continue to learn on a daily basis.
Love, it, and so many outlets available in modern times.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Take Action, Today?

What a great idea, we have vision, preparation, a plan, take action now.
Even just a step in the right direction gives us experience and knowledge.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


What the heck, let's use the day for fun and profit and service to one and all.
Have fun with it.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Okay, When we Lose, we Win (by learning, and modifying, and intensifying) Wouldn't You Agree?

Lovely bit of time at the "All British and European Car Day" Whiterock Lake, Dallas, TX
Looks just like my first car in NJ, 1960 MGA Model 1600.
Loved driving it, got it up to 97 MPH, I held on to the driverside side curtain, and Ron held.....
Now I drive a 500 SL, more powerful and comfortable, and so am I.
Hope you are having fun today.
Yet, at times, we get popped, rethink, re-learn, redesign.
Whoops and Lovely.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Return To Glory

We win some and lose some, learning all along the way I hope and pray.
Put in the work, make the plan, take action on that plan, and enjoy the journey.