Monday, February 29, 2016

Nothing Like

Like a gorgeous rose to inspire us,
A cold to sit us down and remind us just how wonderful health is and sickness isn't.
Yet, sickness teaches us to rest, be served by others and enjoy love at its finest.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Givers and Takers?

What's that old observation?
Takers eat better, givers sleep better.
We eat well and the last time I looked one of us sleeps well and the other doesn't,
Nuff said on that subject?
I think that covers it.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Listening and Learning

MIC 3 Days of Secretes Revealed
The adventures continue 
How's yours going?

Monday, February 22, 2016

Cool Story

Always a treat to see the kids, because they are listening, learning, and going off on adventures.
How great, we get to see and enjoy the journey.
Golly, we can continue that adventure regardless of age.
No doubt.

Sunday, February 21, 2016


TCU frog fountain, golly, I remember when they were building it,
Before it was finished, used to go in the middle of it and give speeches.
No kidding, that was in 1968 or 1969.
Happy to see it is still there.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

It's working Again

Updated Window 8.1 to Windows 10
While I was doing that and waiting for it,
I started playing with my Samsung S 5 to see if I would live long enough to get my pictures
Uploaded to Google, oh boy, some how some way it working.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Hope and Pray

You have fun today and spread Joy.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Be Aware, Be Where We Are

Whether we are enjoying a delectable rich dark chocolate treat,
Pulling dead plants from the garden,
Be aware, be where we are, and what the heck why not enjoy it reverberates out of it as well.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

I Suppose

You are planning to go to the church and teach your Yoga class?
Of course, then come right home.
So, we can take care of you until it is the next time for you to venture out to teach another class
Run an errand or...........................
Lovely, for whom?

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Taking a Verse Out of Context

How very often we can fall into this trap,
Yet, a happy bit of research back and forth with meditation and application
What a wonderful way to live.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Happy Monday and Presidents' Day

Just for the sheer fun of it, say, please, and thank you.
Happy Monday.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Day

Whether it is the silliness of a hologram jaguar, or Irresistible white chocolate macadam nut cookies, 
There is always some occasion or day for coping, this is one of those Daze.
As we get older some of us are lucky like the so late Justice Scalia who died while on a visit.
The rest of us listen and learn, laugh loudly and often, and endure to serve.
That is one of the joys of life if we have that gift, if not, enjoy the ones we have.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Jaguar Experience

Jaguar email come to the Jaguar Audition.
Okay, it is a Friday afternoon, the second one in February, the sun is shinning
What the heck.
Nicely done in a place called The Bomb Factory in Deep Eluum.
Showroom full of Jaguars, I sit in the convertible, comfortable car.
On over to the studio sets. Wait, confused, wonder off, get oriented.
You will do a four scene video auditioning to be a spy.
Hilarious, just came here to drive.
Get oriented, directed to the makeup chair.
This in and of itself would be a new experience.
Nice makeup girl told me I had great skin, 
Not sure how that happened other than olive oil, healthy diet and exercise.
Hoped on a block, given direction, made the faces, then off to a car.
More faces and a brief video.
Finally after all that got to drive a couple of new Jaguars.
First on the streets of Dallas then on a race course.
Wonderfully done experience. No, I am not in the market for another car.
Yet, it was fun. On to the Defensive Driving Course.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Do We Lead With Love and Kindness?

Gentle and relaxed leadership.
Listening Learning, Guiding.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Routine? Habits? Commitment? Courage? Capability? Confidence?

Whether it is hopping on a motorcycle and exploring what's around the bend,
Picking up new skills, the routine of listening and learning is a great start to all adventures.
Then what? The Habit of Action, putting the steps in, step by step each day.
Commitment keeps us going, Courage reminds us press through the fear and feelings,
Capability comes from the doing, not just dreaming wishing and hoping.
Confidence? Hey we did it and we now know how to do it again,
Because we took notes in long hand cursive, and recorded it as well as videoed it.
That was and is fun, on to the next tune on the keyboard?

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Retool? Reflect, Envision, Implement

My phone crashed in October 2015 and the photos no longer back up to Google.
Sadly I am stuck with what I have and have learned to work with it.
Sounds just like life we bloom where we are planted and bring Joy or whoops to the mix.
Retool, or simply sharpen the old ones,
Listening and Learning, still have a vision, and what a Joy to take action.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

It Is a Matter of Our Choices

No, kidding, Bible Doctrine or gossip column? Fudge brownie or green shake, walk around the block so early in the morning we see stars above, and bobcats on the lawn or Rollover and say, I am not a morning person, I will do it later, we don't have a later on our clocks, sir. Spacing and Spelling properly or running on empty and pressing on and on with no wit? No, focus, vision, purpose, passion, satisfaction of doing what we do well while we strike out to new adventures. That is the ticket. Have fun with each moment of each day, you just never can tell what is and what will be in the longest of runs.

Monday, February 8, 2016


We watched The Super Bowl yesterday.
Happy for the winning team, 
Sad for the losing team, especially the young defeated and crushed quarterback.
Why? Well, have we been very up then crushed?
I am guessing we have been.
What to do next?
Regroup, learn from our mistakes, come up with a new plan and design and parts, 
Enjoy the Journey of Life, each and every moment,
Great advice with important meetings coming up for me as well.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Happy Healthy Sunday

It is the day of rest and recovery,
A great day to worship, God, with family, friends and fellow believers.
Take a deep refreshing breath and enjoy the Peace and Solace it brings.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Listening and Learning

Asking what would you do, based on your point of view and expertise?
Let the meetings and wisdom flow.

Thursday, February 4, 2016


I have been reading Proverbs every day for years.
Love doing it, and mush to my embarrassment I learn something new each day.
Highly recommend doing it and applying it daily.
First person I will remind about this is me.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

A Wise Man Once Said

Muck about, Mechanically proceed, Magic begins, Mastery,
Finally, my addition to the puzzle:

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Pressing On

Dr. Kerry Johnson, great sales psychologist and guy.
He almost died a while back, 
I'm a big fan of his nice of him to stoop over a foot so we could be in the same picture.
We are pressing on to the next step, seeing clients, fielding Unique Ability Questionnaires,
Planning a date night with Suzi.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Happy Groundhog Day

Not sure of the Origin of "Groundhog Day"
What a great idea to find out where that originated and why it continues to this very day.
Look forward to hearing from y'all to tell me.