Sunday, January 31, 2016

Okay, Then

Weekend, ends January 2016, a memorable and productive month with new adventures.
Tomorrow, February looking forward to continuing to deepen relationships,
Discovering new territory, broadening thought patterns, putting more plans into action.
Smiles, laughter, and excellent service and alliances.

Friday, January 29, 2016


Whether it is letting a car stuck in traffic a space, or taking the time to just be there for our
Wife or husband, the kindness the very act of kindness can be payment enough.
Yet, does it not improve our lives and set the tone for those around us?
I has and it has not, just depends on what is and what is not at that time.
Consider it all Joy? Why not when we consider the grumpy alternative.
Be a Bold Blessing to all we meet?
Oh Yes, that brings Joy

Thursday, January 28, 2016


Simple word, not enough of it in the world?
Oh we have commitment, it is the action and follow through that will rise when we are.....,
Full of courage to pursue.
Stay tuned.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Try something new, just for the thrill of the adventure, once in a while or whenever we like?
Isn't that fun, yet, we don't have confidence in the journey?
Of course not, we don't have know how, knowledge and successful experience,
So, how could we have confidence?
Perhaps as Coach says, write down your wins, each day and feel better about ourselves,
Drift through life wondering and wandering,
Me, I will use Winstreak (tm) and enjoy the confidence of knowing 
we are making progress one step at a time along with regress (learning).

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

New Ideas? or More Implementation of What We Already Know?

Yes, that was fun motorcycle ride in Alaska, short but a once in a life time event.
New Ideas? Lucky, we have them each day and others happy to share theirs as well.
Research? Plenty of it tells us what does and does not work, okay.
What next?
 To Listen, learn and implement and grow, or smile and repeat the haphazard journey toward bliss?
Either way produces life and experience,
We chose what makes sense to us at that moment.
Have fun with it?

Monday, January 25, 2016

Lucky For Me

I was curious and teachers and mentors, along with guides and coaches came along
Helped, taught, guided, gave out helpful hints, and then there was application,
Mucking about, mechanically made progress, magic followed, then mastery, and mentoring.
Isn't that lucky?
You bet it is. How very lucky for all of us.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

and Then There Was

more to do and fewer willing to do.
So it died.
It happens. One can gather another then another and a buzz forms
or Not and that is okay.
In time we find a fertile ground or pond and enjoy the fruits of our labor and the gifts from God
We hope and pray someone or some thing will come and save us from our......
Consider it all Joy.

Friday, January 22, 2016

We Have Been Through This Before

and it will happen again if we live long enough.
Markets trade five days a week and thanks to globalization, it seems like every day of the week.
Not to worry or get in a hurry.
Take a deep happy healthy breath and relax, we have been through this before,
Despite the economists assuring us this time it is different.
People from all over the world would like to improve our lives, with stuff, adventure, treatment,
You name it and it is either here or under development.
Have fun with it.

Thursday, January 21, 2016


WFII not connecting, pivot, lock not opening, pull the key and put it back in and try.
If nothing works, "I need your help" might.
If not keep tinkering if we have the time and energy.
Have fun with it.
Get Coached, and guided, do some research, enjoy the journey.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

How Did That Happen?

God only knows.
So, why would we ask anyone else, but God?
Can't even begin to imagine, yet how unpopular God has become.
Sadly we reap what we sow.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Goals 2016

Write out our goals 2016 by day, by hand in cursive?
Why, well we breathe deeply, to slow down our heart and increase our focus, 
We have more nerve endings in our hands so it stimulates our brains to not just write but to do
Wow what a treat, think, act, do, accomplish,
Whether it is play "Ode To Joy" properly, or "Fur Elise" haltingly
What a Joy at any age.

Monday, January 18, 2016


It did not work like it was supposed to work.
Disappointing? Yes, lessons to be learned and new procedures, processes to put in place? Yes.
Okay, so we have listened and decided to learn rather than complain and make ourselves miserable
Excellent choice, learning, not now and then but constantly.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Do Good

Deeds, work, thoughts, plans, smiles, notes, well wishes, with courteous attitude and Joy.
Set the Tone and the Tone is full of Hope, Peace, and Faith.
A pleasant way to live.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Happy Birthday

It has been and continues to be a fun run of life.
Thanks Suzi, J.J., Christa, Sarah, Elizabeth and Zachariah for lunchtime fun.
Thank you all for the happy birthday wishes.
For those of you hurting, sorry, and get well soon.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Faith, Family, and Work

Three cornerstones of Life.
Why? Without Faith, not sure how we would learn to love and/or live.
Sans Family, golly who would help us learn enforced and genuine humility and Love of Children
Work, gives us a chance to serve, invent, proper, provide, reap personal satisfaction.
Have Faith, Family and Work? Congratulations, we are doing well.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Put It Into Action

Roses are lovely.
Planting, weeding feeding, just lovely to see them bloom.
Much like having a vision, then plan, then working the plan to realize our special purpose in life.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Swept Away?

Not hardy, and golly miss molly what a funny series of events.
Doing the Unique Ability(r) Workbook and book,
Noticing what bring Joy and Energy and is done well and stimulates never ending learning,
Along with the mind numbing other activities which drain my energy,
Took delivery of some gas logs, lovely, they looked good, came with instructions,
Took them home, Suzi loses her only pair of eyeglasses, the gas feed pipe in the fireplace is stuck
Poker does not go well, the pipe twists, the tools have been misplaced, a couple of keys lost,
Hilarious! Really? Of course simply reminds me there are fireplace guys and gals who love 
Doing what I should not be doing, eyeglasses, keys, and energy all have their proper place,
A smile and a pleasant attitude make a nice starting combination regardless,
Wouldn't you agree?

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Can be a simple as showing up,
Yet, a big launch starts with:
Commitment (I plan to accomplish this.)
Courage (I have no experience or expertise, better line up resources and learn and apply.)
Confidence (Oh boy I can do this again, because I just did it.)
There is another C and you will have to ask the folks at Strategic Coach (r)
What that is.

Monday, January 11, 2016

College Football

Quite a Show, all ding dong day and night.
The Tide rolls, Clemson struggles.
TCU waits for the new 2016 season, Go Frogs.

Hogs and Demons Over the Cliff

Man's response?
Leave our village, so we may return to the darkness.
Go to the championship game and study the mind set.
We have already won we are just here to protect the championship.
Santorini, Greece, I am told is a wonderfully beautiful place.
Look forward to seeing it one day. 
Lovely, Connect and elevate.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Take This Pill

Lots of videos seem to boil down to this phrase.
Everyone else's pills are junk, just mine has the good alive and make you well and skinny pill.
Isn't that a luck break for the rest of us.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Here Am I

We get a turn? Seems like if we prepare, listen, learn, apply, implement
We have a turn, be ready willing and able.
Have fun with it along the way.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Are We Plugged In?

Did you check? Seriously? Yes, seeing what is and what is not, is of importance.
Get connected in the personal relationship way,
Then, plug into the on off switches of life.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Only when we like, and then when we don't like or feel like it.
Yes, consistent effort, day in and out,
Have fun and be well.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Whether it is an 0 birthday (10, 20, 30, 40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110)
A new year, or fiscal year, does it make sense to have Goals?
I sure hope so, Spiritual, Relationship, Physical, Social, Financial, Career,
You complete the list, then make your goals and I will make mine.
Let's review that list regularly whether in Pocket Coach (r) 
Or on our computers, lets have a vision for the future and live it daily.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Happy Monday Happy New Year 2016

Another new beginning, hope it is as exciting for you as it is for all of us.
Let's have fun with it, not just dreaming but taking action.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Just For Fun

Let's finish our morning routine and go out and talk to some folks we don't often see.
Ask questions, listen, learn, pay attention, be polite, and establish a line of communication,
Which we used to call rapport or relationship.
It is a new year and day, have fun with it.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Life Takes a Bounce Now and Then

Honestly, even this early in the years, just take a look at the bowl games, bouncing all over the field.
So, we regroup, and keep moving forward.

One Step At A Time, Creation of a Great Life

No kidding, great to have a goal, vision and the like,
Yet, we need to plan and work the plan,
Know What We Want,
Make sure it (whatever it is) is what we really want and are supposed to want.
That sounds funny yet it is not.
We need to be and get real, 
We have a God given purpose and have been given the tools to play the game and win.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy Healthy Blessed New Year 2016

Oh Boy it is a brand new year 2016,
New day, new Bible in one year plan, new weight 158.5 pounds, 14 less thank 2015.
Time to take down the Christmas tree and nativity scene,
Start a fresh slate of days, goals, adventures, learning and listening experiences.
Let's get started.