Friday, October 30, 2015

When Phone Contacts Go Haywire

Some of us want to climb up a wall, or simply call for help.
Help comes and is polite, stores to the SD card,
Now to access the SD card.
The adventures continue.
Happy Friday.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Focus On Service

Having one of those strongly challenging daze?
Sure, it happens, no matter, reduce it to a step by step process,
Line up the skilled, resources, and focus on the process, results will follow.
Focus on service along the way.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Trash or Treasure?

Looks like a treasure to me, yet, if and when maintenance is needed? depends, on funding, passion, purpose, will and ability.
Have fun with it and enjoy the view.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Pressing On To The Next Hello

Some of us press on to the next hello,
Others wallow in grief, both have their place in life,
Takes time, love, silence, service, a smile now and then,

Sunday, October 25, 2015

There is a sadness

That can go through the day, regardless of who is playing or not,
What happened or didn't,
Then again,
Flowers are blooming, babies are being born, some are laughing, being born, crying,
Doing deals, watching those deals go away, breaking glasses, enjoying the view, creating the view,
Missing what was, creating what is, just enjoying the ballet of life.
Now and again. Loving being alive, wondering why that is not more popular.

This Could Be The Last Time

A Kirkland Family gathers for dinner.
Laughter, treats, some ice tea or drinks, chips, dips, conversation,
Photos memories of those here and gone.
Nice to see so many young people putting up with the well seasoned relatives.
What Joy it brought to Suzi and I to see laughing faces after what they have been through.
Too many of their family gone to cancer and circumstance,
Yet, each one taking another shot at life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
May God bless this family.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Take Action

They were at a hockey game, thanks for the tickets Keith,
Got up dressed, strapped into the car, smiles all around
Oh boy, hockey, treats, daddy, mommy brother and sisters time.
What Joy there can be in family time.
Another family another set of circumstances.
Sadness death a life on earth ended suddenly
Everyone else left to wonder why and what could we have done to ease the pain and suffering?
Pray, love, be there for each other,
Be quiet when appropriate, and helpful, loving, kind, gentle and simply present.
I am so sorry a dad had to walk into his bedroom and discover he had one less son.
A grandmother had to lose a third grandchild, a mom had to lose a son,
An aunt had to come over while in shock and clean up the mess while suffering the loss.
Take Action? you say, John.
Well, if we get up off our chairs and move, and serve, it gets our blood circulating,
Our mind moving, and refreshes our souls.
Yes, we can pray and sup in The Word,
Yet, getting up off the chair and out the door, and on to what we were sent on earth to do
Could be and should be a Joy to all we see.
Look forward to serving soon.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

How Does This Happen?

It is not about....the baseball bat, knife, and/or gun,
It is a matter of the heart, mind, body, chemical, emotional, spiritual imbalance.
Yet, we sit cry, clean it up, drink, listen, wish they would listen, and we pray,
With proper orientation, consider it all Joy,
May take a while to get there, but we consider it all Joy.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Up and Learning

Nice shot in front of Japan House, Plano, TX.
If you like Sushi or Sashimi, plus red bean ice cream, lovely.
Up early learning to read and write music and plunk on the keyboard, great.
Now on to the rest of the ding dong day.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Strike Up The Band

With Luck they're playing your favorite tune,
That toe tapping, smile making memory of a time not so long ago,
When we were younger livelier and making happy sounds.
Loved it then and still do.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Not That Again?

Yes, it is a lovely sunrise, refreshing and illuminating.
Much like new information and adventure.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Took My First Piano Lesson

Sure it was an adventure to just find Nadine's Music Manor on W. 15th Street, Plano, TX
Scott the instructor was doing such a fine job with the student just before me he was a little late,
Yet, what fun it was and continues to be to learn proper finger and hand placement,
Begin to go through the scales properly for the first time ever,
To begin to learn not just where Middle C is located but F as well.
Yes, my forearms are a little sore from the drills I insisted on doing after class,
Yet, how lovely at 67 sneaking up on 68 to finally listen, learn, practice and realize a life time dream
Learning how to play the Piano.
Happy I lived long enough to begin this new adventure.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Make A Difference Today

Might as well, make a difference today, cost is the same, 24 hours, one day at a time.
Press On, Enjoy the Journey, and do it with Love, Joy, and Kindness.

Saturday, October 10, 2015


Love adventure and new thoughts,
Yet, now and then run into foolishness,
Not such a treat, wouldn't you agree?
Lovely? No.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Not To Worry

Why Not?
Not worth the time or effort.
Let the drama bomb go off  unnoticed, it will pass and reignite anyway,

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

and That Was Lovely

Whether it is a young girl coming of age, Lil Kory Alexander,
Another young lady dancing a tribute to her dad who we all miss,
Another little old man frustrated poet/philosopher/CPA failing to make cents 
Know how to spell rhyme
We do what we do, on a good day we do it well, on other daze we could use prayers and assistance.
Come to think of it, prayers are always our need, not to mention taking thoughtful action.

Saturday, October 3, 2015


Always a Joy to have a change in the weather,
The World Series, and Football, crackling fires, and the love of our family.