Sunday, May 31, 2015

May 2016?

Will be the Fiftieth Anniversary of the class of 1966 (Hasbrouck Heights High School)
Among many others I am sure.
It rained, diplomas were presented the speeches written but not delivered.
 Parties followed, along with 49 of those 50 years. Most of us made it, (are still alive.)
Some fought in the Viet Nam War
continued to serve in the military,
others did business or designed buildings some even give financial advice.
Most of us scattered in all directions some stayed in town and taught school.
I look forward to see what is what next year.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Nine Hundred Posts and Still Writing?

Why Not?
If we enjoy the Journey, it is not work, it is the chance to dance if we enjoy dancing.
Might as well kick it one more time until the next time.
Wouldn't you agree?


Congratulations, Lil Kory Alexander.
High School is over now the launch to the rest of your education, and life.
Both exciting and frightening? Of course but you will have fun with your adventure.
Lessons to be learned and new experiences will abound.
We will keep you in our prayers and thoughts.
Be well and Enjoy the Journey.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Are You Kidding Me?

We are having floods in Texas
No kidding, creeks growing to over flowing rivers, bridges swept away
Logs being swept up and moved out.
People going around barricades just so some one can risk his life to save them.
Good day to give thanks and celebrate simply being alive.
If not well, Joyous, and full of life, but not craving local or remote aqua adventures.
Peace, Love, Beauty, and Love.
Yes, I did say Love twice.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Time To Reflect? or Action Step?

Wonderful to think then act,
as opposed to act and wish we had thought first.
just sitting and spitting is not such a great idea unless that is all we can think to do.
Love each moment.
It is a gift.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Press On?

It works,
just a step at a time which can inspire another step along the way.
The trick? The first step?
Is it the right choice?
We could sit an wonder or take the step and wander, either works,
but nothing like that first step that leads to another.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Do What We Love To Do?

I know this is possible,
I have been doing it for years
Mentoring, advising, guiding, monitoring, seeing the progress and rewards along the way.)
So, can you, if you chose to do it.
Start today.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Faith and Fear

If we have one it eliminates the other, wouldn't you agree? Hope and Pray it is so.
In fear many of us resist Faith and Hope yet we suffer and drift.
Silly, yet we have all been there and back again.
Happy Blessed Lord's Day.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Making Progress? One Step after another.

Once again, showing up, making the call,
putting in the time to listen and understand, t
hen time to act according to plan and follow up and follow through,
and revise and learn some more.
Thank You note to follow.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

That Was an Adventure

I have lived in Texas since 1967.
Swam in lakes, walked trails, camped, slept in our
VW bus, had a back pasture and five acres of land.
Never did see a snake in Texas. Will not be able to say that tomorrow.


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Greatly Honored to be called.

Great to see y'all in person. Hear from you on the phone or see your email.
Isn't wonderful to be called and to serve?
I hope and pray you love what you do and get the chance to do it often and well.
If not perhaps you could inject Joy in your Journey and make it so.

Monday, May 18, 2015

This is what the Father plans

How very refreshing it can be.
Yet, there are times of development when we are tested, learning, growing persisting,
in time become the man or woman The Good Lord planned us to be.
Now that graduation is upon us, how very thrilling to see those faces full of hope
about to launch to their next stage of life.
May God Bless, Lead and Inspire You.

Sunday, May 17, 2015


Head for deeper water like a shark?
Enjoy the flowers the next day, crank up the lawnmower,
Make an appointment with the Allergist, take the other car out of the garage,
Thank God for His many blessings.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Let's Get This Done Today

One thing after another: big car repair then after a week it is returned and there is an odd (cat liquid evidence smell) along with the reduced but large bill, young child finds his dad's pistol, and shoots himself in the head through the eye and lives, but a couple of families gather around to comfort and pray. We chime in by watching three grandbabies: 3, 5, not quite 7. One not housebroken, sweet five year old,  throw up upset stomach with urinary track inflamed, the oldest wild adventurous and full of attitude. Okay, not so bad until the indoor sleeping bag got soaked, and the hot water heater in the west hallway burst and flooded two closets and two hallways. It gets better. The 1st Response plumber, nice young man and new hire, did not know what he was doing, but did get the hot water heater installed. (Not correctly, but in place.) Dry Force came out, set up fans, tore apart baseboards, cut out part of the dry wall, and provided deafening noise for three damn daze.  Could not get hot water, or sleep, or a straight answer. Enough already. Fans removed after only three industrial strength noise. Car stink dissipated thanks to the YouTube cure, not olive oil but vinegar. Finally the plumbing issue, no we did not want to wait for a part to be delivered to repair the brand new hot water heater, and it is okay you popped the front door handle on your exit, we want hot water today. Took four phone calls and a visit from a competent technician, thank you, Cody, who took the parts from another unit and installed them, corrected the missteps of the initial installation, and in a couple of hours: Hot Water. Fantastic. The little boy with the gun shot wound? He is recovering, nothing like a premature birth to toughen up a kid. Thank You Jesus. The rest of the messes? In time the boards will be back in place and repainted, and the families will drift on down the road like we always do. Golly I even got a call from Ronald, my brother who I hear from every couple of years. Love.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Are We Handy around The Home?

It happens, yet, we know in the end, there are those who do a much better job, if and when we take the time to schedule, get out of their way, and write the check. Wouldn't you agree?

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Follow The Directions, they might work?

No kidding,
I read the directions and am happy when they work.
Not surprised when they do or don't.
and You?
We press on.
 If all else fails we call for help.
Perhaps the unit is not working like it is supposed to,that's okay as long as no one's life depends on it.
Wouldn't you agree?

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

We learned a lot from you, mom.
Thank You.
Now we get to care for you like you did for us lo' those many years ago.
Happily you are surrounded by loving skilled caring people.
Thank you all for your service, love, efforts, and skill.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Wish Choices

Listen, Learn,
Consider, Think, Plan ahead,
Take Action, with Passionate Purpose.
Follow up,
Prepare, continue to learn  along the way,
Be Polite, and On Time,
Complete what we start,
Laugh and be full of Gratitude and Joy.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Let Us

Do the work well and with Joy. Okay?

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

If Operators are busy Please Call Again

Social Proof. Power of the Herd.
Why? Golly,
I have no idea why so many people want to follow the crowd into the ditch.
Do you Agree?
Let us hear from y'all.

Smile and Continue

Of course, do the work, prepare in advance, plan, listen, learn, act,
follow through, show up on time, do what you say your will do and complete the work,
say please and thank you. Be gracious regardless.
Love and be Grateful.
If not, simply smile and continue.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Service With A Smile and Purpose

Works well when it does, and that is okay, one way or the other, we will always have Spring.
With flowers, birds, bees, and new growth in all directions.

Focus On

What is important. Our gifts have been with us all along. Let's develop them and use them.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Surprises Keep On Coming, Isn't That Wonderful?

Yes, it is we continue to experience, live, learn, make decisions, take, action, go on down the road.

Keep Practicing and Learning

Planting and growing, listening and learning, reading and noting, writing and editing, cooking and cleaning, laughing often and loudly, live well, be in balance, nurture, encourage, be loving.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

More Listening and Learning

Every day in some way or another,
more listening and learning, a fine way to live life,
wouldn't you agree?

Sitting or Serving?

Depends upon our point of view doesn't it?
Oh? Sure, there sits Clara Ann Gentile Checki, born June 6, 1922.
Sitting or Serving? Well, thanks to the miracle of Dementia, she can't do much,
But help others do our service.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Is This Noise Necessary?

I don't think so.
Yet, the volume we experience is ever deafening.
Only occasional worth the pain.
Love, anyway.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Be A Difference Making, No Excuses Necessary

Survive and choose to Thrive, no matter what or who thinks less of us.
Wouldn't you agree?
Good, Be Happy and Well
Love, forgive, and move on down the road.