Thursday, April 30, 2015

Step at A Time

For April 2015 North Central Texas was blessed with angry wet skies, rain, hail and natural moisture for our gardens. Just lovely, lovely life sustaining wet/fertilizer from God. Thank You. Looking forward to the harvest, weeding, feeding, mowing, blowing, and joy flowers, herbs, and fruit bring.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Nothing quite as fun as dancing or is it visiting with one we love, or simply being alive and appreciating each breath and each moment of each day? Just Piddling with those questions.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

How Does That Work?

Tried Logging into www.Starbucks.Com
Did not recognize the email/password combination.
Okay, remind me, we don't recognize your email, establish a new account,
You can't use that email it is already registered.
Nice to run a loop in my chair prior to walking.
Y'all have fun and be well.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Needing? or Wanting?

Just finished, Dan Sullivan's
"Wanting What You Want"
Fun and mind expanding.
Talks about needing and wanting.
The limiting of one and the expanding of the other.
Enjoyed the brief to the point read.

The Light From The Sun Was Gone

The darkness came, then the thunder, lightening and rain.
A tornado or two touched down and would not move quickly.
 Lives were changed in an instant.
Some went to heaven, some to a ditch.
The rest of us watched on TV.
Love each moment and use them well.
for we do not know when we are going.

Friday, April 24, 2015

What A Surprise

Rose tree full of roses, what a surprise.
How very lovely and refreshing.
Another one on the West side as well.
Thank you, Ashley for listening and your design.
Thank You Lord for this beautiful blessing.

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Our Why is important,
It lets us and the world know what makes us do what we do if our Why
Is why we do what we do. Hope that makes sense.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


That's all folks, familiar to a particular generation, perhaps known to others, and that's okay.

How Does That Work, Again?

We plant, water, weed, feed, nurture, and in time admire the beauty of this rose and so many others.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

How Did That Happen?

Just lucky I guess. Bluebonnet are so very pretty and with a little help grow wild.
Nice time of year to remind us of new sprouts and new life.
Isn't that fun?
Hope so.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Happy Monday

Let's have fun with it, making it a day worth living and remembering. Make Sense? Great Let's.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Miss Sails Linconln School 1959 K Class

Only Class Picture I could locate, David.

Happy Rainy April

Lovely rain with thunder lightening and inches of life giving fertilizer containing rain. How wonderful. In time the lawns will be green, flowers happy, trees bursting with new life and mud dried back down to dirt again. Telling stories of the rain will follow, now to dry out the seat cushions.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

From Our Phones

Lovely Red as it can be rose growing, blooming, pleasing, bursting with life, grace, color, romance.
This bush has been there for many years.
We cut it back to allow new and improving sprouts to grow.
Trim around the ground, water, feed, encourage, admire and take its wonder in to our lives daily.
What a joy to catch on my phone.
Wonder what treasures and wonders you have on yours?

Friday, April 17, 2015


Can be as refreshing as a waterfall, or as dull as shining shoes, all depends on how we feel about it.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Moving Right Along?

Redoing the front sidewalk
Looking forward to the next step
Then write a check
Retire from repainting this stretch of walk.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Get Up and Show Up

Take a step in the right direction, be there and be aware.
Smile when you say that, and enjoy the journey.
Be Happy and Well

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Just Piddling'

It happens, this or that or the other thing, and golly, the day has dissipated
we are left at the starting gate wondering and wandering why?
Yet, we are still here and there, loading up to take another shot at it realizing moving along
Works and so do we.
Keep on keeping on why don't ya?

Monday, April 13, 2015

All Come To Look For America

We are looking for America and life, listening, learning, and with luck and commitment, acting.
Be Be well, be Active
Get it Done.

Be Happy

It is a choice, one we make moment to moment.
Personally, I chose to be happy.
It works, day in and day out.
Thank You Notes? Write them every day just about.
Why? I like writing them and receiving them.
Momentum? Be thankful for each and every moment.

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Yes, Stretch, and work out the kinks of the body, soul, and mind.
In time flow will replace those bottlenecks.
Really? At the very least we can learn to be content, regardless of who, what, or where we are.
Be Well, Enjoy the Journey.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Looking Back

With luck in a year, we will be attending a 50th Hasbrouck Heights High School Reunion.
Emails are being traded, old pictures dug up and memories shared.
How very refreshing and enlightening.
Brings a Joy and Smiles to the morning, as we also mourn family, friends and associates
Who have already completed their journey on earth.
Have fun and be well.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

We Too Will Pass?

Received one of those emails?
Someone I knew and respected and whom I have done business passed.
Not yet 50 years old a wife, mom, accomplished professional, suddenly promoted to Heaven.
We too will pass, and that is okay, as my 92 year old mom has said many times.
Saddened but still here on a mission from God to do what we were born to do until our work
is done?
Wouldn't you agree?
Worth finding and nurturing.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Please Tell Me?

What I want to hear.
Lot of that going around and has always been the case.
Wouldn't you agree?


Visiting with my sweet wife, Suzi, we are next to our modest backyard pool, refreshed by the breeze,
Look down on my jeans and what do I see? Not sure what to call it other than a bug.
It had decided to test out the jeans to see if there might be some food or fun there.
Thankfully no sting followed. The point, the insect was pioneering.
Seeking adventure, a new source, knowledge, an experience worth living and perhaps sharing.
Pioneering? We get there first to see what we see then share the experience.
Isn't that fun? Turns out not so many pioneers out here, what a surprise.
If you would like to add a little twist and turn to your life, consider pioneering, now and then.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Ultimate Affluence?

Control of our time, mind, actions and tongue.
Mostly our schedule, if we love what we do, we are not working we are flourishing and growing.
Listening and learning, full of Joy Passion and Purpose.

Sunday, April 5, 2015



Why Pioneers?

Really? Who would get us moving right along to around the corner, or bend, or pat answer?
Think about it and as my mom used to say,
"We need to thank God for the lazy people,
 for without them we would still be swinging from the trees."
Just saying.
Have fun with it and be well.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Biggest Ray Gathering Filmed?

Watch thousands of rays gather, swim and jump for joy.


We love them after the wells are dug, the hotels and marinas are in place
Flights are direct and cheap.
Yet, someone whether it is in the garage, den, closet, or office or lab, or beyond where man has been
Needs to go out after what we don't know and make it useful, helpful and Fun.
Wouldn't you agree? Hope so. Look forward to our adventures, discoveries and breakthroughs.
Be Well and Have Fun while you doing it.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Good Friday

Happy Good Friday, a day to remember and cherish,
Bible Study, shopping for loving wife, sprinkle the gardens, visit with neighbors,
Enjoying simply being alive and well.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Moving Right Along?

Pressing on and enjoying regardless,
Because know what I am doing and why I am doing it.
Gives me energy to go with passion and purpose.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

It is another day, let's use it well.

It Is Another Day, Let's Use It Well
Why? Tomorrow we will wish we had.
Wouldn't you agree?