Monday, March 30, 2015

New and Improved?

New and Improved?
Come on now.
Are we supposed to believe that again?
Why not? Hope is Good.
Hope is Good.
It never Fails.

Thought I was doing something.

Then I discovered I was not. Oh well, nothing like taking another chance to dance and sing.

Don't Look Back, Move Forward

Don't Look Back, Move Forward
Make life, starting with this day, worth, living and remembering.
More fun than wishing and hoping, longing and regretting.
Who should I send to represent me, Here I am Lord, send me.
Why? We all have our gifts and talents, let's discover them, develop them, and deploy them.
Love, Joy, Act, and do it well.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Cleaning and Moving

Cleaning and Moving
From one side of the house to the other, what a project, had no idea how much was in the closets.
Just goes to show you even when we are just two years in the space some boxes did not get unpacked
Some components were shelved rather than reconfigured, some clothes, fit, others don't.
So, what do we do?
Reorganize,  give away, throw away, rediscover, restack, make the shelves accessible front and back.
In time it will seem natural, if not will do it all again.
Now on to the cable people, that will be another adventure in coping.
With luck the box will move from one end to the other end of the house and it will be okay.
If not, we will work at it until it does work out.


Can't remember the last time

Can't remember the last time
We even watched that, never mind did it.
What? Olympic Weight Lifting, used to be the Clean and Press, Snatch, and Clean and Jerk.
Golly, years ago, the Clean and Press went away, too much controversy about the proper form.
Sports Coverage? Mostly the big three: Football, Basketball and Baseball, plus Golf.
There are at least a half dozen Sports Channels, which blows my mind,
Who has time to watch that many hours of sports and talking about sports?
Must be someone, cause sans audience to buy what they are selling there is no broadcast.
Oh well, how many movie channels? Whoops, guess it depends on how we enjoy being entertained.
Goes back to what a coach once said: It is the E to E ratio.
I'll let you fill in the E's.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

This Is The Life

This Is The Life
Yes, there is a fancy bed with a remote control, it goes up and down, and can vibrate.
Lovely rooms well appointed, electronics to inform and amuse.
But the life is good?
Love of Family, Grace of God, Clients who desire our service, Health, Joy,
Puffers, Poker, Mercedes Benz Club, FINZ, and more to come and go.
This is the life worth living and sharing.
Thank You, Lord, Family and Clients.


Friday, March 27, 2015

My Favorite Season

My Favorite Season
Spring, but really Easter, the winds change, the weather rolls to warm sunny days,
Trees bud, roses return to life, preachers and teachers prepare the message.
Moms make or buy clothes for he children, dads remember Easters Past.
Grandparents thank God for another day.
Merchants advertise the new styles.
Treats are prepared, Eggs are hunted.
With luck the Message is delivered well
More will get hear the Good News and Believe.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Who Do We Serve?

Who Do We Serve?
The Lord, that is the answer.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


How about new and improved?
Just the plain old it still works
we are looking for something a little better
different or that we don't have yet?

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Golly, how very mind boggling and disoriented,
 until it is back in a new and improving place.
Wow, that actually worked.
Lovely, just Lovely.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Wow, that was exciting.

Wow, that was exciting.
Can't wait to see what happens next.
On Second Thought, prepare, visualize, and execute.
That works just a bit better than wishing and hoping.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Things To Do, That Must Be Done

Things To Do, That Must Be Done
Do we get to do these things?
Do we feel obligated to do the tasks?
Same function, improved attitude and passionate purpose.
Rejoice if we can think and do.
Wouldn't you agree?

Thursday, March 19, 2015

That Was Fun?

That Was Fun?
Could be, should be, was and will be.
Doesn't matter who won or lost it is the effort we made, the lessons we learned and
what we do with them.
Wouldn't you agree?

Listen, Learn, Put into Play or Suffer

Listen, Learn, Put into Play or Suffer
Are you kidding? No, there are ways that work and people who do not.
Sorry, that seems to be the way it functions rather than flourishes.
What has been your experience?

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Keep Moving Along

Keep Moving Along
Why? Simple, we listen learn plan and act.
The experience is all along the way.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Good News and Bad News, Experience.....Learning

Good News and Bad News, Experience.....Learning
We do what we can, and learn along the way.
That's okay, we call that Life, Listening and Learning.
Fun, Happy, Smiling Along the Way.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Do We Know Why Some People do so very well, and other s do not?

Do We Know Why Some People do so very well, and other s do not?
What a great question.
Have spent a great deal of my life asking that question and hearing the answers.
Have you? If so, hasn't it been a wonderful adventure?
If not, why not? Just asking.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Enjoyed It, La Boheme

Enjoyed It, La Boheme
Why? Great Book Design, Orchestra, Conductor from Italy, Singers from all over the Globe,
Wonderful, sad, full of Joy and Love and Life and Art.
Thank you Puccini.

Opera? Let's

Opera? Let's
With luck we will make it to church then eat then attend La Boheme.
Only time will tell for sure.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Out and About

Out and About
Now back and spinning along .

Thursday, March 12, 2015


Comes in many shapes and sizes.
We live in treacherous times?
It has been said since too men could have a conversation.
There is good and good deeds.
Let's be that part of the program, shall we?

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Generous Will Proper

The Generous Will Proper
Wouldn't you agree?
Works for us.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Improving What We Do, Takes, Study, Practice and Action

Improving What We Do, Takes, Study, Practice and Action
Whether it is a friendly local poker game,
Writing, conducting meetings, making phone calls,
Loving our wives and children,
Simply smiling and laughing.


Surprises? They are a plenty, and that is okay, we call that learning.

Surprises? They are a plenty, and that is okay, we call that learning.
Supposed to be fun. Definition of fun?
You have more money and pay less taxes.
That's one of my favorite definitions.
Works, when it does, and it often does work well.
Wouldn't you agree?

Questions? How about some answers?

Questions? How about some answers?
Yes, we have questions and are looking for answers.
Can we help us out?
Hope so.
More to follow.
First a study, then reflection, with note taking, then application.
Ah, action, that is where the results happen

Monday, March 9, 2015

That is a surprise.

That is a surprise
Why? Because, at one time long ago, I thought there would be an understandable reason,
Too often there is not.
Such a surprise, some times delightful and other times, just a disappointing lesson
Long ago taught and still not learned.
Oh Well.

Adding Value

Adding Value
Wonder calling isn't it?
Yes, makes our days rich with purpose and passion
Our clients, family and friends' lives are enriched and we make our living
Then share, spread Joy and Love.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Videos Generate Interest, Wouldn't You Agree?

Why is that?
we enjoy seeing movement,
especially cute little children who remind us of the promise of life.
Much more refreshing than hearing someone open another bottle of wine?
It depends.

Wasn't That Fun?

Wasn't That Fun?
Yes, it was, a lovely fun filled, joyous birthday party.
Elizabeth enjoyed her gifts and party.
J.J. and Christa rearranged their home to add flow and treats.
Pop and Suzi shopped and hopped and laughed all the way there and back home again.
Now on to worship and praise and visiting Nana
Thanking God for His Grace Gifts and Love.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

This Will Be Fun

This Will Be Fun
Sweet 5 Year Old Elizabeth's Birthday Party.
Unlimited Princesses on board, with Suzi adding glitter
Pop taking pictures and laughing and laughing.
Wish you could see the Joy and Wonder in the eyes of these loving and loved children.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Onward and Upward

That was fun now melted and with luck still thawed,
let's have fun with Friday
 make it a day worth living and remembering.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

and snows somemore, and that's okay.

and snows somemore, and that's okay.
So it snowed last night.
Wonderful, fourth deepest snow storm in D/FW (Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas) for March.
Happy to be here to live through it, even more delighted our power is still flowing.
Happy Birthday to sweet little Elizabeth, hope you are enjoying your Frozen Birthday.
We are having fun working, building a fire, treadmill walking and simply being
Grateful for love, family, friends, and the Grace of God.


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Then There Were Some

Then There Were Some
Who Knew, Cared, and Acted.
Knowing is good it gives us perspective,
Caring is lovely and appreciated by all.
Action: it is what makes a difference.
Wouldn't we agree?

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Looking for Money? Look to give Service

Looking for Money?  Look to give Service
Works for the rest of us.
Give it a try.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Be Exceptional

Be Exceptional
It is a choice, we can recognize and develop our gifts and talents,
Isn't that fun? You bet it can be, day in and day out.
Get up early, hit the ground running, after prayer and study.
Love, be well, and a Bold Blessing.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Italian American?

Italian American?
Much joy is associated with this,
Yet, growing up not so amazing,
Due to prejudice against Italian Americans,
Still run into it once-in-awhile,
Not to worry, I am happy to be who and what I am.
Hope you are as well.