Saturday, February 28, 2015

So it snows.

So, it snows
But not too often or deep.
Just ask my wife, Suzi, home alone with a fire going.
Just two geezers home alone.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Listening and Learning

Listening and Learning
Always a great idea.
Whether we are listening and Learning from KW Bold
MIC, or our moms and dads, or children and grandchildren
Our beloved wife or husband.
Have fun with it.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Wow, the ice keeps on coming

and that is okay,
Nice time to take a deep breath,
Enjoy eachother and our home,
Keep the home fire burning, the coffee coming
Yes we can get some work done as well.
Give thanks, say a prayer,
Best of good fortune to those of you who feel compelled to get out in the ice and accidents.
We'll wait till it melts and gets safer than it is now, sorry to miss the show.
Be Well and Content with who and where we are.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Icey equals stay home if you can, if not, good luck with the ramp.

Supposed to attend a bonus day of a three to four day workshop. Sorry to miss it today, but golly having just watched what traffic is doing not sure if I will be able to get from Plano to Irving tomorrow. Only time will tell. If not, happy to venture to my office for a work break.

Forget About It.

Forget About it.
It is icy here in DFW, roads are treacherous. Ice is completely different than snow.
We just slip and slide into eachother.
Better to simply stay home.
Safe, warm, dry.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Finally, Winter arrives in North Texas (Dallas/Ft. Worth/Denton)

That was January 4th of 2015. Not sure most can remember that far back in Plano, Texas, but it did happen. Now we are bracing for a day or two of freezing temperatures and some more rain and perhaps even a Wintery Mix. If it is ice, we will light a fire and hang out at home, no point going outside on ice just to see what we can break on the way in and out. Look forward to   MIC Three Days of Secrets Revealed and hope to live long enough to get there on Thursday morning to see what is said between 7-7:45 AM CST. Hope to see y'all there. John

Saturday, February 21, 2015

That Was Wonderful

That Was Wonderful.
Went to see a little girl's soccer game.
Sarah Checki age 6 is playing.
She sees us approaching the field,
runs off he field and hugs us.
Wow, that was wonderful.
How very Sweet.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Is This Doing Anyone Any Good?

Is This Doing Anyone Any Good?
Great Question, we like to think, offering an encouraging message,
Could be helpful. Some of us have enjoyed our journey,
Others still trying to figure it out.
Be Encouraged and full of Joy.
Smile when you say that.
Be Happy n Helpful.
Be Well.

Thursday, February 19, 2015


To dream, write in down, enjoy the journey, press on,
Add value, take action, review and revise.
Seek and follow wise counsel,
Ignore, when appropriate, but pay attention always, be kind and gentle.
Have fun with it along the way.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Man Up

Man Up
Our family, God, and everyone we encounter
Would like us to Man Up
Get productive
Be Helpful and Encouraging
Great Wednesday for it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Would you like somemore followers? So, do I.

Yes, like is art and with one purpose in mind, glorifying, God our Creator. Have fun, serve our purpose, and spread JOY, it is worth living and sharing. Wouldn't you agree?

Monday, February 16, 2015

How Very Lucky

How Very Lucky, had lunch with a guy I've known for years. Asked what we could pray about for him. His response? Well since I've won the genetic lottery, and been blessed beyond what I could hope for, all we can pray for is thanks. How very refreshing, more of us should have this countenance whether we have any idea of what winning the genetic lottery is or isn't. Have fun be well and Grateful. Thanks, Craig, for the wisdom and lunch.

Happy Monday

Happy Monday, yes, it is President's Day, meaning some will and some won't be in today. The in's will be moving right along, the outs might have a good rest and come back ready to roll on Tuesday. Either way, have a happy Monday.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Truth

The Truth
Often followed by the lies.
Oh Well,
We all have our faults
Beliefs look forward to The Truth being known and experienced.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day, Y'all

Whether it is a card, a dinner,
flowers, sweets or watering the gardens,
Happy Valentine's Day, Y'all, all Y'all.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Abraham Lincoln

How very blessed a man was he.
Determined and full of whit and wisdom.
Look forward to seeing his ilk again soon.
Lord, we know You are listening, Let us pray and obey.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Oh Well, how very disappointing.

We what we can do, and then, someone or some thing comes up with a request or two and I can't do it. Not to worry, or get involved, just smile and wait, it will all work out of the way.

Wasn't that funny? Listening Learing and Acting?

Busy days for all of us. Aren't we lucky? Hope we feel blessed as well.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Beautiful Sights

Wonderful memory and picture.
Smiles remembered, with a night well lived.
Lovely, just Lovely.
Hope you can say the same.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Activity? or ProActive?

What are we doing
Is that what we should be doing to serve our highest purpose?
Just asking an important question.

Saturday, February 7, 2015


Lovely day to enjoy,
laugh, rest, play, and
visit the people and things we love.
Tend our gardens as well.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Of Baskets and Eggs

That is too often the question. Looking forward to hearing your answers.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

That just tears it all the way apart. Thank You.

There it goes, when life, just let's us know what is and what is not worth the effort, thank you.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Then There was none.

Oh Well, then again,
 if we keep right on trying,
in time we will now and again,
get it right, wouldn't you agree?

Never Ending Challenges

Never Ending Challenges
Seem to keep right on coming don't they?
Not to worry or get in a hurry, as a wise man often said.
Let us be where are feet are, and focus on what is and what is not, and how we can properly respond.
Wouldn't you agree?

Monday, February 2, 2015

One More Then, We Will Order

With a smile?

Here We Go Again

and why wouldn't we?
 It is fun, part of our vision, plan, and actions taken and enjoyed. 
Have fun with it.