Monday, June 30, 2014

Consider it all Joy

Consider it all Joy

The beauty? The Wonder? The Adventure? or Simply the Joy of being alive.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Advenutes in living.

Yes, I like fountains, gardens, oceans, lakes, the sea, and good food, but even more attractive than that is good people with fine conversations, service, fellowship and good cheer. Let's continue that thought and practice. Even if it is no more complicated that smiling at a cranky little boy who is bored out of his gourd while wondering why his parents dragged him off to church.

Friday, June 27, 2014

New Adventures in Napa Valley

Imagine, pulling off Route 29, parking being waved into Brix restaurant , and this is the view from your table. Just lovely and the food was a delight as well.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Listening and Learning? Great idea.

Listening and Learning? Great idea.

Why? Nothing like being reminded of what is and what is not and acting accordingly. Let's have fun with it.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Make a decision and take Action, now?

Make a decision and take Action, now?

Why? Without Action not much of anything happens.  Wouldn't you agree? Seems to me most of the time that is all there is to say.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Big Bang? Marketing that is.

Big Bang? Marketing that is.

Just listening, learning and applying, and you?

Planning for the future? Great Idea.

Planning for the future? Great Idea.

Learning where we are today, coming up with where we would like to be in the future, making a plan of action, and with the Good Lord's blessing taking action? Yep.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Have A Plan?

Have A Plan? Wonderful.

Let's implement so we can get you moving.  Okay?

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Another Day of Listening and Learning at #Book Bound

Yes, listening and learning to Michelle Prince and her amazing tribe of authors today, just as I did yesterday. Amazing group of loving and sharing people. We are blessed, and productively active.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Some Daze

Some Daze

Just come and go, others resonate. Not sure why both serve their purpose. Wouldn't you agree?

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Plugging Along the way.

Plugging along the way.

Yep, there are curves in the path, and surprises around the bend, some fun some instructive. Have fun with both of them. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Condemn, Criticize and Complain

Condemn,Criticize, Complain, what a great trio to kill relationships and a life.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Scribbling, because I can.

What a pleasant break in temperatures in Texas. Balmy, breezy, and delightful after a day or two of blessedly refreshing rain, on the grass, flowers, oregano, arugula, roses, and foundation. Have fun with it and be grateful.

Regrets of Living

Regrets of living

What is not to love about grand children? It depends. Just kidding, Regrets of Living? Not doing the right thing in the right way for the right reason, perhaps. Drifting sans Purpose and Passion? Definitely. Not being true to our God given purpose in life, a tragedy.  Giving up rather than pressing on? Talking rather than listening and learning, assuming rather than asking and truly hearing what the other person said, meant needed? Life is full of adventure enjoy each and every moment. This too did pass.

Monday, June 9, 2014

What Do You Want?

What Do You Want?

When we were younger, sugar, was all the rage. Now, golly those shiny objectives just keep on coming. What do you want? Really. Give it some thought and have fun with it. Birthday cake, sugar as the first ingredient? That might work, or not it just depends.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Checking in and up.

That's Happy 6th Birthday, Sarah J. with her first Ukulele, in our open car, strumming a tune and enjoying her special day. Thanks for letting us share that moment.

Friday, June 6, 2014

New Tunes

Not sure why my latest pictures are posting to the net, but not to worry.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

How Very Lucky

Sarah, is now six years old and the proud owner of her very own first musical instrument: a Soprano Ukulele. We tried out guitars, too big and bulky and three Ukuleles until we had one that worked just perfectly for her. Plus a ride with the top town in Pop's cars. What a treat for Pop, Suzi, Daddy, Mommy, and the entire family. A great time was had by all, not sure why my phone's uploads are not reaching this space in Google. Oh Well.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

That Same Old Song Keeps Playing? For You Too?

Yep, you won't change, he she it...... Then again, with a little, help and application, just about anything is possible. Wouldn't You agree?

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Focus Daze

Yes, I like flowers above the water and coral underwater, and take pictures. Yes, I have seen sharks, barracuda, turtles, rays of several varieties. Like taking those pictures, but keeping the equipment in shape, not a focus. Thank God for my Samsung Galaxy Note, it takes great above water. Also have a miniature underwater camera by Olympus. Such fun.

Monday, June 2, 2014

It's Complicated, Dr. Kevin Elko, told me so.

Just like this cactus, or the decision to climb out of debt, or lose unwanted weight, or learn a new and improving our lives habits, it is complicated, but worth simplifying to one step at a time and learning to be happy making progress and let Jesus be perfect.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Good Luck With That

Good Luck With That

Yes, I like flowers even cactus flowers. Just becareful of those spiny guardian needles.  Just like life, there are so many wonderful gratitude inspiring moments that bad manners and the never ending dripping of discontented people won't wipe that smile off our faces unless we let it, and why would we?