Saturday, May 31, 2014

Setting The Record Straight, along the curve

Setting The Record Straight, along the curve

Life has it's path, wish it was simply straight, yet, it is bumpy, has curves, surprises, Joy, Grace, Peace, Happiness, and troubles, births, lives, and deaths. Might as well enjoy each and every day and use the time wisely.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Let's Make This A

day worth living and remembering, filled with good cheer and productive long term activity. Enjoy the Journey.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Yet, another breakdown? Not to worry, or get in a hurry.

Imagine how many times this tower has been repaired since the world's fair? Not to worry.

Taking A Break? Good for You and Me.

It is needed once in a while if not often.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Usually Saturday is a big day, or not.

Some times it is in focus other times, it is a Monet painting and so it goes on to Sunday.

Friday, May 23, 2014

One More then we will order?

Just a little foggy outside but not inside. Why not, get up, have a quiet time, then Bible class, after the workout, then drop off the 500 SL pick up a loaner, drive to Grand Prairie to see if Nana received her voucher for her new telephone, Nope. Okay, go to Kroger's buy some food and candy and pies for Nana, then loop back to the office, to see what did or did not get delivered, and enjoy the simple Joy of being alive or not. Personally, no matter what or who, let's.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Vocal Variety

He certainly has it and enjoyed his sister's birthday cake as much as anyone else in the room, despite being only two years old with a wind pipe and vocal cords which are not all developed, he understands, but when he uses his charming little voice the words don't sound like fully developed words, yet we do our best to understand the tone, mood, and meaning, just like we do with each other.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Something is always breaking

Yet, that give us an opportunity to repair or replace, either or both, a learning experience and if we love to learn, golly what an adventure awaits us. Whether it is a car for a young family or a first car for a college student, or pop's computer or smarter than me phone or the fountain or the.... You know the rest, enjoy the journey, the learning, the listening, the mentoring.

Monday, May 19, 2014

What I meant to say, was.....

We like cars, and each other, how about you?

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Then there were four

Then there were four

Have Self-Confidence, you and I and everyone we know has a God given purpose, have fun with it.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Happy Birthday, Sweet Suzi

Happy Birthday, Sweet Suzi, we have had fun today and will later as well. Hope your classes go well and lunch is the best.

Thursday, May 15, 2014



What a Joyous word, let's get behind it and push our part and lead along the way.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Following Up

Following Up

Nothing like it, and wow, is it necessary. Not only plan and take action, but follow up, listen in, and respond and lead along the way. Have fun with it.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Limping Along

Much too memorable a fountain to do anything but smile, Just remember, a pleasant picture on a trip or our baby's first smile, that is more than enough of a reminder of what, why, and how. Have fun with it.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Birth Week, Suzi Checki

Yes, it is birth week for Suzi Checki, two years ago, Rome, Italy, this year, Plano, TX. Brought a bit of Italy home with us, and enjoying the beauty and the wonder if it.

Happy Birth week, sweet Suzi, Love Daddy.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Buzzards, or Vultures?

Yep, there is a large Vulture who buzzes our building along with a good sized Hawk. Today on our walk we saw a vulture finishing up his breakfast, never ending entertainment in Texas.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Convergence 2014

How very lovely, Convergence 2014, Dallas CPA Society 10th annual, gathering of CPA's, non-profit executives, bankers, students from U.T. Dallas, SMU and Texas A & M Commerce.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

New Technology

New Technology

A Never ending story with occasional happy ending, wouldn't you agree?

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Skip a day?

Of walking or working out to let the body rest, once in a while is part of training, not my favorite part but just as important as warming up and stretching, wouldn't you agree?

Friday, May 2, 2014

IRS call? on skype? I don't think so.

No kidding, on my office line on Friday May 2, 2014 received two calls claiming to be IRS Department.....of Collections re: recalculation of 2006 tax return $1260 due. Ummmmmm I am under the impression 1. taxes have a three year window to be review and recalculated, other than for fraud. 2. If the IRS had sent me a notice I would have responded. Be wary we live in el Bizzaro times.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

With Luck, some more ..... will come in.

With Luck, some more ..... will come in.

Golly, only two short/long years ago we were in Paris this very day, with luck......