Monday, March 31, 2014


Sometimes it works, some times we press on through, every time we learn something new.

Down In A Hole?

The way out? Down in a hole? Find someone else who has been in that hole and knows the way out. Sometimes all we do is sit and be there, other times we have to get up and help out. Which will it be today? Happy to help out and be there?

Saturday, March 29, 2014

High School

High School

Four Years many years ago, and that is okay. Now and then an email string pops up. Someone remembers a teacher or hair catching fire in Mr. Bishop's Chemistry lab, or a tall dark history teacher/basketball coach passes away and good for those of us who did not enjoy high school all that well to be reminded, there was much more going on than I would ever know. Thanks for the emails and for keeping me in the loop. Each age and stage is wonderful, thank you for the reminders and may God bless y'all.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Plug along anyway

It is how we listen learn and put into action and discover what is and what is not.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Parenting? You bet, it just never ends and that is okay.

Free Time equals thoughtful peace growth?

That is a happy chocolate face of a not yet two year old boy who knows he is loved, by his sisters, mom, dad, grandparents and just about everyone he meets. How very lucky.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Not Funny but Character Building?

Not Funny but Character Building?

Oddly not nearly enough of this going around?

Driving back from Houston or was it on the way down? On the way down, Woody's BBQ went to the trouble to not just have a parking lot, but to have thoughtfully placed an eagle perched on their wall to remind us of what is, what ain't and what could be.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

stuck on none

suck on none?

How very silly, too many wonderful adventures are here and there.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Just the FAX

or was it the Facts? Just so very confusing in this age of technological opportunities to cope.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Onward and Upward?

Yes, that is a chocolate smile and happy face. We have seen it, heck we may well have been it, why not right now, with or without chocolate.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

10,000 page Views. Now that is exciting.

10,000 page Views. Now that is exciting.

But Elizabeth's Fourth Birthday Party and chasing her around the house as she rode her 12inch bike was the highlight of the week.  Y'all have fun and treasure the moment. Each moment.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Press ON? Ofcourse we will.

Of Course we will

What are the choices? Have fun with it kids. Laugh, Listen, Learn, Enjoy the Journey and spread the Good News.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Sometimes it works, and sometimes, it presents a coping opportunity, oh well, and that's more than okay?

Sometimes it works, and sometimes, it presents a coping opportunity, oh well, and that's more than okay?

Seriously? Yes and No, it just depends. Are we grateful? Happy to be listening and Learning and Growing? Open to new and improving adventures or not?

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Growth is confusing, but worth it.

Growth is confusing, but worth it.

Regardless of ages or stages, isn't that right? You bet it is. Growing, listening, learning, having a good laugh now and again.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Is that happening again?

Elizabeth is 4 years old today and we are celebrating with chocolate chip pancakes, pink and purple decoratings and cake later on in the day along with a pink and purple bike. Lots of laughs for all.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I am grateful

I am grateful

Why? Because it is a delight to see listening, learning and loving in action. Try it today. Love, Listen, and Learn, but most of all I repeat, Love.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Oh My God

How the heck did this happen

One day we are just a little kid fresh out of high school, next thing you know.......... There are grandchildren as old as you were back then. Lovely journey, be in the moment, be in the Now.