Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thats A Record, now what are we going to do?

Nice day after Thanksgivng gathering at our home with family, and good memories. A record turn out, no? Yet, we had other records approached and surpassed, Now what?

Friday, November 29, 2013

Celebrate and Give Thanks

Yes, we did and continue to do just that daily.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thank You

Thank You

This is a view, with luck it will be occupied in January 2014, looking forward to helping people get what they want for themselves.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Happy Thanksgiving, y'all.

Too much to be thankful for to mention, Love, Grace, Life, God's Blessings, Family, Friends, Clients, Health, and good work to do to help serve others.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Working at it regardless, and you?

Just too silly for words, but in time they will come, and you will go.

So it goes.

Fighting the good fight?

Need a little encouragement?

It's available and always will be, good friends and counsel coming your way.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Listen up, and Learn, now, plenty of time for talk and tel.

Listen up, please.

What a beautiful sight, just to see it speaks volumes.  Wonder of the majesty, clear sky, light shining to reveal the beauty, thank you Lord.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Press on to the goal, that's how it works.

That's how it works.

Yes, this is quite the sight to see, hope you get the chance, too. Yet it took an effort and then some insistence with the taxi driver. It all worked out.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

That was a rush, yet.................

Holy Cow.

Not today, thanks to the cold, wet, and wind, yet, Holy Cow, there once was such a day, and I appreciate it and have the greatest gratitude for it, just like I do for today, regardless of my sore...., and all the rest of that, may God Bless.

Pull Back

Pull Back

For a little perspective break. Why are we doing what we are doing? Is this a wise choice, path? What is our vision and is this getting us closer to the vision or distracting us from it? Just curious.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Alright, would you please help us get started?

Will you please help us get started?
Of course.

Wow, what does that word mean to you? To me, it is having control of my schedule, love of God, wife and family, a little comfort and luxury if that is appropriate to mention, and good work to do. Again, what is your Wow?

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Spending Less Thank We Make

Spending Less Than We Make.

This is the beginning of all financial independence, spending less money than we make. It builds up reserves, can add to investments, defers gratification, can improve the quality of our lives, accounts and provide the training for our minds, bodies and spirits that separates the happy, well funded, financially independence folks. Love telling you this and being one of them.  Happy to help you work in that direction as well.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Definite Purpose

Definite Purpose

Is this something we know, and repeat to ourselves on a regular basis, or do we drift from moment to moment helping others with their purpose and objectives while we entertain and escape our daily lives?  Let's roll forward to our ending days.  If today was the last day, would we be happy with what we did with yesterday or would we wish we had a definite purpose in mind, in spirit in action and contemplated it daily, took the steps to put it in place and let the world know we had Passion, Purpose, Faith, and Love which gives us Hope and Confidence in what we are doing and the ability to inspire others to help us help themselves and us with our daily Passionate Purpose? Just a compelling thought to move us "From Here and Now to Wow"(r)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Peaks and other views, valleys and other spots

Now that is just flat silly, unless we like ham and egg beaters, toast and fresh brewed and ground coffee. Just another view of what is and what is not. Gives us a chance to dance, take a deep refreshing breath and offer thanks.

So it went

So it went

Golly, today the computer is struggling, we will make a way or find a way,

Monday, November 18, 2013

That is just too funny

Define your terms

Is it ice or simply frost? Is there a difference, between, seeing a prospect in person, calling on the phone, texting, emailing, contacting via Facebook or LinkedIn or InstaGram? Golly I thought so.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Not To Worry

Not to worry.

Ham and eggs, toast and juice, pleasant company and conversation, followed by watering the gardens, discovering hoses with pin prick holes and off to worship. Go Frogs.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Oh Well

Oh Well

The ice seen is now gone thanks to the sun and heat. It's Friday, let's get it done and enjoy a little RnR. Why is that, well be grateful and caring, but do by all means rest once in a while.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

I Need Your Help, Because

We all do at one time or another, need your help, because................

Gathering, arranging, laughing, encouraging and most importantly Loving.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Draft or stand Pat?

Yes, that is ice in the fountain? Yep, it is, froze here may well do it again tomorrow.

No Thank You

No Thank You

Sometimes we just have to fess up, and say, no thank you, and move on down the road. It is like a weight is removed from our shoulders and we have cleared a space in our minds for much better thoughts, life and time. Give it a try.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

How did that happen and what in the heck can we do, now?

No heads, all blue jeans and sneakers on a swing, father and son having a memorable time which transcends language. In deed.

Wonder how that happened?

Seasons do change, occasionally people do as well, some times and improvement, other times just an extension of the pattern. Are we givers or taker, contributors or consumers, at times one of each I think. Have Fun with It.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Not to worry

No kidding, whether it is a broken, but better stated busted garage door spring that has finally rusted through and is not covered by the not so amazing home warranty or delightful guests in one pair of eyes, it is all good and considered all Joy.


Hope that rose enjoyed being here as much as I thrilled in seeing it. Wonder if the same can be said of us?

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Say When, enough is a already too much.


Frost on the ground the other morning, not refreshing while walking about, yet, as a picture it is mighty fine.  Yet, there are other frosts that hit and in time, it is time to simply say, that is already too much and no need to hear another word of it.  Wouldn't you agree?

That was funny

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Playing Dress Up

Just silly stuff.

It is a new day, have fun with it.

Maybe you're not lucky enough to have grandchildren, or they are out of town.  Okay, do we have Google Hangouts or Skype or God only knows what new and I have not yet heard of it system(s) are out there to be used. Have fun with the day, whether you are helpful and loving or the old grump in the house.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Lost in the shuffle

I am thinking it's not happening to this little guy.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

So very much to do

Isn't that exciting?

You bet it is. In business, identify ideal right fit clients, ask them why they like you and learn everything there is to know about them, then go where they are and be of value to them.

Continue on the Path

Continue on the Path

More to roses than just taking a picture, more to life than waiting on the corner for opportunity to arrive. Take a step in the right direction daily.  Having a Vision helps us focus, having Passionate Purpose presses on and on and on.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

In The Mean Time, Let us be Fast to Listen, Slower to Speak and Even Slower to Anger

Listen up and listen in.

Nothing like a chandelier even more amazing, one that comes and goes.

Deliver Yourself from Evil

Deliver Yourself from evil, seek the light of good and true.

Nothing like the light to expose what is good and evil. Seek the light.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Life's Rollercoaster

Life's rollercoaster continues daily, might as well enjoy every moment of the ride, wouldn't you agree? Hope so.

Monday, November 4, 2013

More Precisous than silver or gold, even fine gold, Whisdom


Not a day goes by when we are not reminded of just how wonderful Wisdom is. Guides us, protects us, and equips us with a deep breath punctuated with thought and insight.  Thank You Lord.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Take a break to rest reflect and plan ahead .

Nothing like taking a deep quieting breath of fresh perspective .

Son, Remember my teachings.

Yes, that does sound a bit presumptuous, yet, do you recall seeking wise, schooled experience, and still working at it counsel? Great, was it worth hearing, noting and putting into action? Usually.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

This seems to be getting old

Flowers you are so very lovely, look forward to seeing y'all again tomorrow, clocks falling back.

Whoops, I am Late.

Always a stack of stuff to do regardless of the season or day of the week, and that is perfectly okay with me.  Hope it works for y'all too.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Plugging Along

Take a step in he right direction, followed by another step. Wow, we have momentum.