Thursday, October 31, 2013

Work to be done, let's do it now

The righteous and the wise do our work, we do what we can and will, yes in the end we all move on in life. That is okay enjoy each step along he way.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Yes, I understand

It is Halloween week, wonder how long it will be before I learn to spell Halloween. At least Suzi enjoys playing Marilyn Monroe with a happy face at a costume party.  Smiles all around.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Some Daze

It is grand other days we press on and continue our work regardless of results, mood, location, or you name it to claim it. Have a vision (make it a good and successful one that works for you and your family), seek wise counsel, plan and execute the plan. Be accountable and worth tracking.  Listen, Learn, Serve, be Joyful.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Human Kindness

It's alive and well, sometimes working better than other times, and so it goes.

Doing The Work, every day.

Yes, every day, whether it is writing (one of my favorites), painting, composing, teaching, coaching, calling, loving, praying and considering it all JOY. Every day is a good day to pray and give thanks, get up off our seats and do the work, with Joy, Passion and Purpose.  May God Bless our efforts.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Tagged feet

It happens.

Is This worth writing and reading?

Depends what we seek.  Some times it is the joy of a new discovery or simply amusement. Then there is education, how I love education, new and exciting, often enlightening and occasionally when applied, empowering. The writing?  Rediscovery at the very least has its place and cementing in the knowledge and replacing it with know how.  Let's have fun with listening, learning, applying and empowering today.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Four Hundred!

400 Hundred, Posts. So how many have y'all posted, rest my case don't get busy be productive.

Friday, October 25, 2013

What does your Helicopter look like?

It depends. Some of us like children, so do not.  Some prefer stuff to people. To each his own until it really counts.

Hang in there.

Happy to buy these, and give them to my mom.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Sure we help each other out as we can. Who takes Nana to the Beltone and back, orders batteries, hugs and kisses, no worries.  Who was kind enough to be the mom? Yes, we owe each other a great deal of love and respect. Good to have her here to remind me of our journey and pass that on to my wife, children, and grandchildren.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Something for everyone

Hey, I like fountains and statues in Rome, just not in my backyard. Backyard, yard art, no thanks.

Working Through It

Large rose bush, a single bloom grows to a magnificent red rose. Wonderful. Buds sprouting, Roots looking for food and water. Me? Enjoying the view, providing advice, running errands, dating my wife, taking Nana to Beltone, joint call with a CFP, happy birthday to a CPA, and loving the Lord and my wife, and my children and their children and wife/husband. It is all good, despite the pains that come and go.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Keep Looking

Isn't that pretty? Just love deep dark red roses, growing in the yard.  Lovely, healthy old deep rooted rose bush.  Thank You.


What could be more fun than a church or neighborhood potluck? Are you kidding?  Visiting with grandchildren and feeding them good food and an occasional donut hole.  Then a walk to the park, climbing all over the jungle gym, and laughing all the way there and back.

Monday, October 21, 2013


Hang with three other guys, smoking cigars and discussing how life works, history, civilization, culture and the future.  Stimulating yes, and be advised, I consider it all Joy and advise we do the same full of Hope and Love.


Me? I like nuts, raw nuts. Elizabeth, donuts, especially chocolate donuts that leave chocolate donut cat whiskers. Just so very cute and contented, a delight to watch. Yes, I sneak in a Pumpernickel bun just to see if the kids can tell the difference. Zachariah is okay with it, Sarah and Elizabeth, not so much. Fast learners both are they.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Some times we get hung up on silly stuff, and better times we are silly and stuffed.

Is That Normal?

Sure it is, happy young smiling family with proud Pop taking the picture. Some day those kids might wonder who was that old guy anyway?

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Ouch, that hurt

It  does happen we go full speed ahead and slam right into a learning experience. With luck we apply the lesson, and coach others through it as well.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

This is good work

Why? Enough people pay us for it and compliment us and become not just fans but mavens as well. Thank you mavens, I appreciate you and the joy you bring to our lives.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Holy Cow

What a day of adventure and learning, can hardly wait until tomorrow to see what happens next.

Not a day goes by.

Without some joy and adventure. Which do we prefer? Joy or Adventure.  Plan accordingly.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Not even sure what that means

Lucky for me I have been blessed with lots of work to do and lessons to learn and wise counselors doing the mentoring and teaching. Off to the race of life today.  Hope you are having fun with it as well.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Face Our Past

and future.  The tree, past, acorn perhaps a little nut which holds its ground and grows into a might oak tree.  Time will tell the tale. Let us begin building our trees of life and enjoy the journey.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Love Discipline?

Yes, we practice with it daily, whether it is useful calls which walk us through setting up a YouTube TV channel, make a video, (hope the sound works next time), or go down a new road to new partnerships, adventures, outings, workshops, and meetings in the joint planner setting, in someone else's place of business.  Sure one day I will run out of new adventures but not today. Off to the Italian Club of Dallas this evening at the Biblical Arts Center of Dallas.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Listening, Learning, and Applying

Took this picture while we were on a cruise to Alaska. Lovely shot and place. Simply pointed my compact digital (it is waterproof to a depth of 33 feet (one atmosphere) and clicked away. This was one of my favorites.  Hit the menu button and discovered the camera had special programing for just about any situation, night day, fireworks, underwater, close and far far away. How very lucky to have the time to simply explore what is available. Today discovered movie maker on my 3 year old HP lap top. Let the video's begin. Will be conferencing with Kenn Renner, video practitioner, coach, real estate guy and coach/mentor.  How very fortunate to know Kenn, and work with him. Thanks for taking the time and making the effort to lead us to new ground, You Tube here I go again.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Seek Wise Counsel

It is harvest time, wonderful food, drink and celebration of ground tilled, seeds planted, watered, nurtured and harvested. Thank You.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Relax, and take the first step.

Excuse me? Yes, that is three counter tops on my front lawn, one sad as it seemed Friday afternoon, months ago. Hilarious. Why? Well, someone cut a deal and got a great price for  part of the job but not most of the job. Chance to dance and get the deal completed.  Memorable and inspirational, and instructive. Details, details, details, and overview of what is expected and what will be delivered. Make sense? Seek wise counsel and follow it.  Plan ahead, use your head, and get ahead. Have fun with it.  Okay? Laugh often and innocently.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

That is hilarious.

Really? Yes, listening and learning beats gaming it every time. Just wait to see.

Get Started

Giant acorns, lovely to photograph, food for the squirrels and perhaps one day a great oat tree which started by a nut holding its ground. A little nut holding its ground, sounds like a great step in any and all directions. Have fun with it and spread the JOY of fine work, fueled by passionate purpose.

Monday, October 7, 2013

This is funny

Why, just off the phone with a long long time client, Jerry, laughed and told me a recent American Airlines retiree who had given him grief about hiring me would like some help with his money.  Why is that funny? Well he had been telling Jerry for years, "You must not be very smart if you have to hire someone to help you with your money." Life is so very entertaining. "How can I help you?"

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Listening Learning and Enjoying

How did this happen? Lucky for me I was at an event interest in a topic inspired a new event heck it happened again yesterday and will probably happen again later today. It is a continuous experience in growth and application. Have fun with it.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

That wasn't good, how did that happen and what did we learn?

Hopefully we make it a point to learn from all our experiences and apply the good stuff and build a loop around the not so amazing parts unless it is part of the preparation and learning experience.  It will take us all a while to figure that one out.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Are We Following or Leading?

Just curious.  Me? I like pretty, flowers, coral, skies, the sea, thoughts, poems, and gestures.  And You?

Guard your course of action

Sure they are young, adorable, and full of adventure even though they are still in their own backyard. Yet, knowing they are loved, gives them wings to fly. Let's show love today.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

This Could Be Fun, if you like.

Yes, Sarah, is having fun, mugging for her Pop's Samsung Galaxy II Note. She loves making faces and laughing, riding her pink training wheels bike along with Elizabeth on their little paved patio, and occasionally to the park in the neighborhood. Life is simply a listening learning, and exploring the Joy of the Lord's Path for them. This could be fun for all who try.