Friday, August 30, 2013

I need your help, again?

It happens, and it is okay, we need each other, now and then again.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Do The Right Thing

Do Your Best, Get Better at it.

Listen, Learn, Apply

Listen Learn Apply.  Nothing like planned action to get us from here and now to wow.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

So, How is that working for us? Now

Always clouds, and doubt working for us?

Oh Boy

If we are lucky enough to be easily amused, isn't it wonderful?  We see Joy in every direction, and if it is not Joy, have the Joy to give. Yet, if all is lost, and all we see is trouble......................

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Are we visible or invisible?

That was a full moon yet it looks like a spot on my camera.  Some days we are full of life and purpose others, just another spot on the lens. Let's shine today.

Monday, August 26, 2013

For Better or Worse?

There is always a new wind blowing something new, in, how on earth will we.............Cope, enjoy? Will we listen and learn or try to play remember when? Let's have fun with it shall we?

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Will we get some rest today?

Should if we try and do just that rest, relax, reflect, rejuvenate.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

That could be trouble

Might as well keep it simple and straight. Let the trouble go.

Friday, August 23, 2013

I need your help

Lot of that going around, are we there for God, our wife, family, friends, and associates? Or are  we the ones in need of help?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

What is happening here?

New trends on the way, oddly repeat of history once again.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

It is not about race?

We can walk into a room and laugh right out loud, we often look, dress, act and think alike, regardless of race, color, or creed, it is about communication, planning, implementation and follow through and follow up.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I don't mind and we don't matter?

Why is that?  Starts with a love of God, works right back to us, then our wife, children, grandchildren, family, friends, associates, and .......................................the rest of the world.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Isn't learning fun?

Sure it is, whether we are traveling, listening, learning, reading, or God help us watching TV.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

I'm Busy?

Whether it is walking, talking, listening learning, or wishing upon a star. Let's graduate from busy to Productive, shall we?

Saturday, August 17, 2013

How did that happen?

Such a pretty picture taken our last night in Paris, thanks Suzi

It's Working are We?

Yes, it is Saturday, lots to do, and just enough energy and glee to get it all done.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Are You Still In The Game Of Life?

Just a little more than curious. Are we still in the game or just drifting through space?

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Feeling Discouraged? Not to worry we are in good company.

Occasionally we take a little break from positive, and go negative, but with luck we bounce right back to the sunny side of the street.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How Exciting

Ready Aim Influence

Book Launch

Monday, August 12, 2013

New WeeK? or Weak?

Okay, no picture today, not to worry. Meetings scheduled and ready to enjoy adding value while performing life changing services.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Boomer Planning?

How does that go again? Well, life is more complicated than it used to be isn't it? Not to worry or be in a hurry. Lots of help is available. are two available web sites you can use to your delight.  Happy to hear how we could be doing a better job.

How Are We Doing Today?

Seriously? How lovely, best of all possible worlds: Pickup Truck, convertible, classic hot rod updated for modern times, why didn't I think of that? Lovely hint to a thought process. Have fun using it.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Be Sure to update that address

Why update? Well, the world is changing as it gets more technical, complicated, full of instructions, and a chance to learn a new dance.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Who is up and at the computer this early, anyway?

Another wonderful day in paradise. We can enjoy listen and learn, add value, or sit and spit.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I need your help.

Don't we all need some help with something?  Whether it is our daily journey, or with the computer, or relationships, or a leaky........

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Are we making good use of this time, energy, and life?

We could be listening learning, playing bocce ball, who could fill in the blanks with something else worth while?

The zeos don't have it but they do drive us on and on, don't they?

Oh, yes, ZEROs drive us. Three hundred blog posts over 5000 views. Started blogging, after a month or two wondered if anyone noticed, in time it was and pressed on to track what was and what was not. Still doing it, and encouraging you to track what is important to you and add color and spice along the way. Content, intent, the power should be found if we hope and pray to have meaning in what we think, say and do. Love.

Monday, August 5, 2013

The News Keeps right on Coming

Whether it's running all the time soaker hoses, and an evaporating pool running through 114,500 gallons of water in a month and two days, or a family member having a forgettable experience, the news keeps right on coming. No worries, or need to get in a hurry.

Amazing or Amusing?

Not sure why a 1957 Thunderbird in baby-blue is such a hoot, but it has always caught my eye.  Perhaps it reminds me of my first car, 1960 MGA with wire wheels and baby-blue as well, or was it my 1966 Lincoln four door convertible? Probably neither.  So, what will it be today, amazing or amusing? Only the end of the day knows.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Gee, How was our weekend?

Some cars old, weather hot, pool clean, lights in need of rebalancing, relationships tested. Church inspiring, food good. It will continue to improve.

Shooting for the number?

The point: find what drive us and put it into action so our vision is our life experience.
Okay banging on the screen to get a keyboard so I can communicate and hit a number. No not the lottery. Looking to have had enough posts and views to hit 5,000 views. Why? Have no idea but it is the next "0" number and zeros excite us and spur us on to get after it no matter how silly it might seem to someone else.

Will we be amazing or amusing?

Tesla, a cool quick luxurious electric car that is pioneering a variety of concepts and from what I saw on Central Expressway one morning, one really quick car.  How about us, what are our plans today?  Will we be amazing or amusing or God help us for trying to be both.  Stay tuned.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Are we going to grow today?

No kidding, are we going to grow today?  How, well, we can read, plan, do, listen and learn, write it out, have a goal and make it a must get it done, rather than a wouldn't it be nice. Or we can walk TV.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Can we get the jump on this, or not?

Whether it is sun rise or sun set, can we get the jump on this?  If not why not?

Are We Turned Upside Down today?

Hey it happens. People in Paris did not Eiffel to build the Eiffel Tower, and after the World's Fair was finished they wanted it torn down, now, it's the symbol of Paris.  We might be working on our tower and we have to get upside down once in a while don't we?

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Does this work matter to you?

Not really. Luckily years ago I was loaned a 308GTBS Ferrari, It was quick elegant, and everyone wanted to race me.  Driving up and down the PCH was a hoot, until I had to parallel park it, no power steering but in time I was parked.  Was it worth it?  Well, I have not wanted to buy one but they are pretty to see.